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April 3, 2011

Ulmo Summons

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AelKennyr Rhiano

Morning dawned in Alqualonde.  The rays of Arien's day vessel filtered through the windows of the bedchamber of Olwe, Lord of Alqualonde and Tol Eressea. A gentle breeze caressed his cheek, bring the perfume of blossoms, and carried the song of someone down on the docks, singing a song well beloved of the Teleri sailors.  Slowly, he roused, the sleep bestowed upon him by the Lord of Dreams doing much to restore the Teleri Lord's mind and refresh his body.  He hesitated before opening his eyes, reliving again the night, and the dream reunion between him and the Maia of Isil, Tilion. He extended a hand across the bed and found an indentation beside him.  Opening sea blue eyes, he looked to see a body length indent in the bedcovers.  Lightly, lovingly he touched that place and found it warm.  He took in a deep breath, and a smile played across his mouth. 

Olwe rose from his bed with the grace and fluidity of movement he had before the ordeal he lately suffered.  As he went about his morning ablations, he beheld his reflection in the basin of water.   He seemed but little changed,  the radiance that shone from his body, face, hair, slowly fading, but the blue of his eyes seemed, to him, different, deeper. And there was a knowledge in those eyes that were not present before. 

He could be taken so by evil that the very presence of the Valar can be denied him. 

He drew in a shaky breath, and leaned against the washstand, both hands clutching it for support.  A chill swept his body.  He can remember the feel of the Voice's presence, the oily evil malignance, and though it was only the day before that he had been freed of it, the memory of it  seemed more distant...but yet painful. Painful to know to what depths it had sunk within him, painful to know how helpless he was.  Painful to know it was a strength beyond his to fight alone.  If not for the Valar....

He cut off the thought and reached for the towel to dry his face and hands.  The day was newborn, Arien climbing ever higher.  He chose his clothes with care, to show those stalwart Teleri who had found their way back that he was, indeed, their Lord once more.  Somewhere were his people, and he must again bring them home. Somewhere, too, were the last of the elves, and though they may fade from the view of Men, they were, still a part of Illuvatar's creation, and in this new battle, the younger Children of illuvatar would not survive without them. 

Somewhere, too, were allies, and friends still to meet. He wanted to consult with Comet and journey to the last outposts where they last had contact and trade before...before his people vanished.

He was pulling up his boots, still contemplating what he must do next, when his awareness was filled with the sound of the sea.  He could taste the salt of the water and smell it in his nostrils.  Like the rumbling of the waves, rushing to shore, came a voice well known and deeply revered by the Lord of the teleri.  "Olwe, " rumbled the Lord of the Seas. There was an accompanying wave of affection that Olwe has never felt from the Valar. "Come to thy docks, Child of Illuvatar.  Come, I await to see thee."

Olwe bowed his head and hurriedly finished dressing. "Yes, my Lord, " he answered humbly. And Lord Olwe, King of the Teleri elves descended from the palace and quickly made his way to where Ulmo waited.

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