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April 28, 2011

Manwë's Herald Missive

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AelKennyr Rhiano

An eagle of great wing span flies across the breath of the Undying Lands unto the Halls of Mandos, bearing in a silver scrollcase tied to his right leg the following missive:
"Written this 27th day in the eleventh year in the 4th Age of Ilúvatar's Creation by the hand of Eönwë, herald of Manwë, Most High Lord of the West, unto Lord Aulë Talka Marda,

Harken, My Lord, unto the Will of Manwë Sulímo, Lord of the Breath of Creation and King of the West.

After reading your words and reflecting upon the events which now take place in the World of the Children, seeing as he does further than any into what has yet to be, and remembering unto himself the Song of Creation which gave rise to all that is Created, it is the Will of my Most High Lord that you refrain from any further cleansing of the chambers which once imprisoned He who was once fair, Melkor, and leave at presence those things written by his hand upon the stone itself.

It is further the will of the Most Revered Breath of the World, that none save yourself enter the chambers and that none of the stalwart Maiar who attend unto you in your labors suffer to be in those places once inhabited by the Dark One during his captivity, lest more should be ill affected.  Do not, my Lord, dispell further the enchantments placed there,  Lord Manwë says, nor seek to undo what has been done,  but rather, through your art and skillful talents, seek to create a sequestering of these dread chambers that none may enter save through your guidance or else knowledge passed from you of the artifice you have devised.
 Prepare yourself, further, my Lord, to receive in all haste, chosen by my Lord Manwë, those such as he appoints to make record of such writings of Melkor and who shall return to my Sovereign Lord to give unto him such advice and information as he may desire.
The Lord of the West says unto you, Noble Architect, to trouble not your fulsome heart, nor crease your brow in worry for any of the Children.  Let your heart, he directs, be turned to the source of all Light and Being, which casts aside all Fear, leaving room for all Hope.  He bids this his Herald to write unto you of his deepest wish you should soon walk amongst the Noldor, for whom you have such fond affection, with a heart renewed in the knowledge a greater patronage than any offered by Maiar or Valar is bestowed upon them, as Beloved Children of our Most High Eru.

These, then, are the wishes of Lord Manwë, given from his breath and transferred by my hand unto this vellum. I give you a Herald's greeting, my Lord, with wishes they also be shared with the Most Fair, the Giver of Fruits, Yavannah Kementári, in such manner best befits such humble request as this herald offers.

Banner Bearer of the Lord of the West
Herald for the Most High King of the Valar"

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