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April 14, 2011

Nolë and Elenwë Reflect After the Ritual

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Shawn Daysleeper and Carleen Luckstone

Elenwe walks through the deserted  market, still on edge. Although the ritual (she thought of the ritual as "it") was over, she is still vigilant for any presence in Alqualonde, evil or strange. Her sword hand is twitching, and she has to work to keep it from straying up to where her sword  bumps  against her back as  she walks. Her steps take her towards the center of the market, where the swans paddle in the fountain. Elenwe smiles as she watches the parents and the babies circling the swan statue. She feels herself relaxing as she watches them.

Nole wanders the quiet city. The sun is bright, and the beginning of spring is in the air. The ritual is over, the memories of which still cloud his heart, but he is relieved to have his king back. He sees hs friend in the marketplace below and wanders towards her instinctively. Elenwe. This would be the first time they have conversed since the ritual occurred the previous day.

Standing by the fountain, Elenwe feels protective of this swan family, just as she feels protective over all those who dwelt in Alqualonde. In the short time she had been in this fair land since being discovered by Lord Nole in the foreign port, Elenwe had learned the way of the sword, with much mentoring by the stalwart Teleri King, Olwe. Elenwe's thoughts return reluctantly to the recent events in the beautiful land. What Olwe had endured had been far from beautiful. And "it" was too horrible to think of. She hadn't been able to even attend, choosing instead to stand watch over the harbor while "it" happened. Elenwe stands still in a reverie.

A lot has happened since they had met in the lands abroad. His voyages while a merchant seemed insignificant compared to the current situation of the rising darkness. But now, this day is meant to be enjoyed, a day to celebrate a victory over darkness. Nole reaches Elenwe in the market square and smiles.

Elenwe turns at the sound of an approach, and she sees Nole's smiling face. "Hello, my dear friend," she says in greeting. Passing a hand through her hair, she exhales in a sigh. "This has been quite an ordeal, has it not? How is our King? Have you seen him?" She looks into Nole's face, searching for his reactions,  for concern, anything to give a clue as to the Teleri King's condition.

Nole shakes his head, but his smile does not fade. "I have not talked to him myself. I went to deliver some breakfast to him, but he was not in his chambers. I then looked over the balcony and saw him walking towards the harbour. He walked with a strong fashion, and I think he is recovering."

"Oh,  thanks be to the Valar!"  Elenwe cries in obvious relief. Unwilling to delve too deeply into particulars of "it," Elenwe wishes  to know something of the current state of Olwe's health, and his emotional stability. She knows that all the questions bubbling up cannot all be answered. Her impetuous nature prevails, however, and the words tumble out rapidly. "He was walking? By himself? Oh, he has needed our assistance much of late! Where did he go? Is he still bleeding? Is he feeling less pain? Is... is....." Realizing she is becoming almost incoherent in her excitement, Elenwe finishes with an embarrassed laugh as she looks into Nole's face. Her dearest friend knows her so well; this outburst will come as no surprise to him.

Nole laughs with his friend. It felt so warm to see his friend laughing after the past months of despair. "I helped our king to his bedchamber last night, and his body no longer bled. He stood strongly. By the time we reached his room, he no longer needed my assistance. But all the same I made sure that he made it to his room safely. He said to me as I left that he is grateful for our love and support."

Her heart warms at Nole's last statement. Of course she would give all her love, loyalty and support to the Teleri king.  This is her home, he is her king, and her duty is to protect and defend the fair land and folk of Alqualonde. "I do hope  that  he will return to health quickly. For too long the cloud of this mysterious misfortune has hung over  our  beautiful land."

Looking around, Elenwe takes note of the budding trees, blooming flowers, and other signs of the renewal of life. Even the new swans swimming before her are a sign of the promise kept: renewal and continuation of life. Elenwe herself feels a sense of renewal. She had felt so different from the others when she first arrived in Alqualonde. Having spent much of her  life in foreign lands, her dress, mannerisms, and speech were so different from those who dwelt in the land of the Teleri. Even her hair is a  different  color than the beautiful white of the Teleri elves. But now, after all that had happened, Elenwe realizes that she is an important part of helping Olwe through his time of pain, uncertainty, anguish, and doubt. She felt that, finally, she belongs to Alqualonde. She was no longer an orphan wandering in sometimes hostile lands. Her eyes fills with tears at this thought, and she quickly looks back at the swans.

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