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April 24, 2011

Visiting Eru's Cleric

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Dominique Darkwatch and Lihan Taifun

Dominique Darkwatch sits in the upper floor of the Sylvhara cleric hall.  It is a place of prayer and meditation. There are many altars here, but she sits in front of an empty one.  She breathes slowly and deeply, relaxing her mind and body so that her spirit can be most alert. Nienna materializes behind the silent cleric, calling softly,  "Hinya (my child)."

Dominique Darkwatch blinks and looks up, unsure of what what she is seeing..or hearing.

"My child, it has been too long since last we spoke."

Dominique Darkwatch flusters, looks up and pinches herself. She says, "Am I asleep? is this a dream?"

Nienna smiles gently.  "No, dear, I am quite here.  I told you, after you presided over the Teleri King's healing, that we would speak again."

Dominique Darkwatch blinks again and is momentarily paralyzed with amazement at the dazzling being, and suddenly her eyes widen with recognition "Ahhh...Nienna!...Oh!"

Nienna looks around. "This, "she gestures expansively, "is your homeland?"

Dominique Darkwatch stands on legs that seem a bit unsteady and musters a smiles. "Aye, this is my home of Sylvhara, and the cleric guild here is where I live and serve."

Nienna looks around at the stately building, with a bit of confusion.  "I had not realized Eru was so well represented here."

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly. "Oh no, this building is dedicated to all sorts of deities by all races. Eru is just one of the many here in Sylvhara."

Nienna blinks in even greater confusion.  "Eru is ... what?"  The name 'Eru' means 'The One.'

Dominique Darkwatch looks at the empty altar in front of her with some embarrassment and looks at some of the other ones. "Well, the dragons have their own deity...the drow have theirs....other elves worship nature or mother earth...there seem to be all manner of beliefs here."

Nienna sighs.  "I suppose we knew such things were happening out in the mortal worlds.  You will have enough work, then, enlightening your people."

Dominique Darkwatch nods slowly. "Aye, I am but one of many other clerics here, and the only one that I know of that serves the the old elven ways."

"That is sad for your people.  But do not become discouraged." The Vala of Compassion continues. "Is there anything the Valar can do to aid you?"

Dominique Darkwatch smiles, a feeling of comfort somehow radiating into her as she ponders this question. "Well, I know the Valar are busy and concerned with their own lands. I hate to trouble them too much, but it might be a start to have a proper altar here, to represent Eru."

"Are any of the lands of Elves or Humans outside our concern?    But what would 'represent' Eru?"  It is a question Nienna never considered before.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "That is a good question as the Valar themselves and the children have been His representatives, but to put it in the form of a picture or tokens is another task."

"Indeed.  And would you not know the minds of the Children better than we?"

"I can show you the other altars to give some idea of what other clerics have done. I know the children but I do not know Eru, or those of your kind as well as you do, as I am still young to the world."

"Well, then, show me these other altars."

Dominique Darkwatch moves to the first altar. "This is Elstraee, the Moon goddess of the surface drow, also known as the sword maiden."

Nienna follows her. "That is indeed a maiden with a sword. And the Moon."  She smiles a little.  "I do wonder what Tilion would think."

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly . "Indeed! Tilion might like to know that maidens dance for him, but I'm not sure how he would feel about the swords."

"Tilion prefers arrows.  He has been preparing most diligently for the war we fear is coming."

Dominique Darkwatch arches her brow in surprise. "Oh! I had no idea Tilion was proficient with a bow!"

"Oh, yes, indeed.  When the Moon was newly-made,  the Dark Enemy sent agents to attack that new light.  And it was those spirits of darkness who got the worst of it."  She chuckles at the memory.

Dominique Darkwatch ponders to herself how little she truly knows of the Valar and what they do, aside from the legends that have been passed. "Ahh, well, this next altar might also interest him, since it is dedicated to a dragon god....I think."

"A .. dragon god.... I didn't know dragons had gods.  Would these be dragons who rejected the Dark One?"

Dominique Darkwatch tugs at her ear, trying to remember things she has heard from Malakyte and decides she knows very little. "I believe his name is Thuban, and the belief is quite different from anything in our scrolls. The dragons believe *HE* created the earth, and the dragons were the first ones on the earth!" Dominique Darkwatch giggles at the ridiculousness of the tale.

"Hmmm, I don't expect correcting a dragon is a simple matter."  Although, since dragons are not strictly among the Children, the Vala wonders how much it matters.  But ignorance is ignorance, wherever it is found.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Aye, they do hold much power in these lands and are rather stubborn in their beliefs, but many are my friends. I hope Eru is forgiving of them for what they do not know."

"If they, or their ancestors,  rejected the Dark One, then surely they are worthy allies."  She thinks a moment.  "Eru really didn't tell us much about dragons."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles and walks to the next one. "Well, this last altar may be the closest to what we believe. It is dedicated to Mother Earth, I think."   Dominique Darkwatch gestures. "Sometimes she is just called the Goddess"

Nienna looks over the altar. "Is that supposed to be Yavanna?"

Dominique Darkwatch thinks. "Well, perhaps more like a female Eru...the creator of the earth and everything in it.   She is worshipped, perhaps, the most, and has many similarities with Yavanna in being the caretaker of life and nature."

"If they must draw a picture of Eru, I suppose there is no harm in drawing a female figure.  But what image could do justice to Eru?  Hmmm, if we ever need to catch their attention -- more than you can do yourself -- perhaps we should send Yavanna."  It is an amusing mental image to Nienna.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "I am not sure there is one image that could capture or do justice to the songs that have created Arda".   Dominique Darkwatch thinks of the tales of Yavanna she has heard about and smiles.

"What would attract the attention of the people?  Perhaps something to remind them of the healing of the Teleri King?  That might bring some hope, in troubled times.  For I also do not know how one could represent the Great Song."

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Perhaps, yes! I had not even thought to ask the King for ideas. The purpose of the altar is to be a reminder to those of us who serve Eru but also to help teach others about him through pictures or tokens placed upon it."

"Then anything that help the people to remember would be good."

Dominique Darkwatch nods, thinking about the hints and talks of war. "There might be one other thing, if war does come."

Nienna quietly says,"The shadow of war and darkness hovers over all the lands."

Dominique Darkwatch sighs and then soaks in more comfort against the distress of the threat of war.  "Then I may need a sword in the coming days."

Nienna looks up in surprise.  "A sword?  Might you need to fight, yourself?  Would you know how to handle a sword?"

Dominique Darkwatch looks around. "Well, I don't usually use one, but there many here who would be able to teach me."

"And swords are hard to acquire?  They ... aren't really my specialty."  Nasty things, get people killed,  but Nienna certainly doesn't want the cleric herself killed.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Oh, no, they are quite easy. I do have one in fact...but I was wondering if I could have Eonwë or Oromë look at it and perhaps....bless it?"

"Yes, Eonwë would probably be best."

Dominique Darkwatch hands Nienna her sword in its sheath. "Aye, it will be most helpful since we are at war with our neighbors to the north, the Torgans."

Nienna's eyes grow wider.  "You are at war, now?"

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Aye, the queen declared war on them as they have repeatedly attacked her and our lands."

"Oh dear!  I will certainly return the sword quickly, then.  I was hoping you would not need to use it, but ..."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles. "I rely on my healing most of the time and the swords of our warriors to protect me."

"Keep the warriors in good health!  And the good Queen.  How is the Queen?"

"Oh,the queen is in excellent health. I did have to help heal her and some warriors when her castle was attacked by dragons, but she remains steadfast and determined against the Torgan invaders."

 "Not the same dragons who have an altar here?"  Nienna gestures at the altar behind them.

Dominique Darkwatch smiles. "Oh, no!  But some other dragons who insist on causing problems."

"Alas, a dragon who wants to cause problems can usually succeed.  I will return the sword soon, then."  Nienna shifts the unfamiliar bulk, uncomfortably.  "You do Eru a great service by being here, and attempting to teach the people."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles "And I try to do my best to represent my patron through my healing."

Nienna smiles also.  "What could better represent restoring the harmony of the Song, than restoring health?"

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly. "Aye, and I know the warriors and rangers are most appreciative"

In a puff of soft grey mist, and a wave of gentle peace, Nienna vanishes. Dominique Darkwatch blinks again and smiles, looking forward to seeing the Vala again very soon.

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