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April 27, 2011

The Herald of Manwë

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AelKennyr Rhiano

The echoes of his boots as they strike against the marble floor reverberate throught the open courtyard, and,  with purposeful strides the Banner Bearer of the Lord of the West, the mightiest of all the Maiar, Eönwë walks, alone, beneath the twilight skies of the Undying Lands.  His brow was creased in deep thought as he carried in his hand a scroll of vellum, curled up tight to fit into a silver scroll case carried by the mighty Eagles who serve the Breath of Arda in delivering message according to Manwe's whim.

Bothered by the many things his Lord, the High King of the Valar, made known as he expressed to his Herald his wishes, yet expressive of none of the thoughts which trouble his mind, Eonwe finds one of the Eagles and deftly slides the missive into the scroll case.  He speaks then, an economy of words, directing the mighty bird where to find the intended recipient of the letter, and, stepping back with a warrior's fluidity of motion, watches the bird of prey launch himself into the sky, circle and with powerful flaps of great wings, propell himself high enough to crest a favorable air current in pursuit of his destination. 

One sigh heaves the Herald before he turns about and makes his way, a lone figure, across the expanse of marble flooring, his lonely steps repeating their sure and steady pattern back to him. 

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