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April 30, 2011

Leaving Home – Part 1 (Aztryd)

 Lihan Taifun

It was a brisk and sunny spring morning when Aztryd left. She paid the weather no attention at all. Day or night, sunshine or snow storm – all that mattered was that now was her chance to escape. She, and those of her clan-sisters who were helping her, had been waiting for this opportunity for weeks. And now she was on her way. She had done it, really done it, and there could be no turning back.

It was unheard of, what she was doing. Women didn't go out among strangers. Women – nor any Dwarves – didn't leave their positions. If you were on guard duty, you guarded. If you were a cook, you cooked. If you were married, you stayed with your spouse. How could a society function if people left their duties whenever a whim struck them? And how would the race survive if the few – far too few – women and children were not protected?

And if there was a conflict in your duties, then you took the matter to the clan-lord, who was responsible for solving such problems. Ah, yes, that was the real issue! What happens if the clan-lord is the problem? Then she would appeal to another authority! To her mother, to the matriarch of her mother's clan, and to her mother's clan-lord!

Unfortunately, there were hundreds of leagues between her present home in Ibirgathol, in the mountains that looked down toward the Human city of Guard Tower to the south, and her mother's home in the Blue Mountains of the north. And her husband and his followers could walk those leagues just as fast as she could.

That was why she had endured these past weeks of waiting. But today everything was right. The post rider had come, on errands from the Human King. She had claimed to be going up into the hills to the gardens, carrying as always Nizl, that dear treasure of her people. Instead, she had snuck down seldom-used trails, finding the road, out of sight of the gates of Ibirgathol. Found the pack that her clan-sisters had left for her, with food, and clothes, and all the treasure they could spare for her journey. She had stopped the post rider (more difficult than she expected.) and bribed him (ridiculously easy, since he had no idea at all of the true value of that jewel, a mere garnet). And now she clung precariously behind him on his horse, who was making a most gratifying speed, in a direction her husband would never expect!

> Next   

April 28, 2011

Manwë's Herald Missive

< Previous    
AelKennyr Rhiano

An eagle of great wing span flies across the breath of the Undying Lands unto the Halls of Mandos, bearing in a silver scrollcase tied to his right leg the following missive:
"Written this 27th day in the eleventh year in the 4th Age of Ilúvatar's Creation by the hand of Eönwë, herald of Manwë, Most High Lord of the West, unto Lord Aulë Talka Marda,

Harken, My Lord, unto the Will of Manwë Sulímo, Lord of the Breath of Creation and King of the West.

After reading your words and reflecting upon the events which now take place in the World of the Children, seeing as he does further than any into what has yet to be, and remembering unto himself the Song of Creation which gave rise to all that is Created, it is the Will of my Most High Lord that you refrain from any further cleansing of the chambers which once imprisoned He who was once fair, Melkor, and leave at presence those things written by his hand upon the stone itself.

It is further the will of the Most Revered Breath of the World, that none save yourself enter the chambers and that none of the stalwart Maiar who attend unto you in your labors suffer to be in those places once inhabited by the Dark One during his captivity, lest more should be ill affected.  Do not, my Lord, dispell further the enchantments placed there,  Lord Manwë says, nor seek to undo what has been done,  but rather, through your art and skillful talents, seek to create a sequestering of these dread chambers that none may enter save through your guidance or else knowledge passed from you of the artifice you have devised.
 Prepare yourself, further, my Lord, to receive in all haste, chosen by my Lord Manwë, those such as he appoints to make record of such writings of Melkor and who shall return to my Sovereign Lord to give unto him such advice and information as he may desire.
The Lord of the West says unto you, Noble Architect, to trouble not your fulsome heart, nor crease your brow in worry for any of the Children.  Let your heart, he directs, be turned to the source of all Light and Being, which casts aside all Fear, leaving room for all Hope.  He bids this his Herald to write unto you of his deepest wish you should soon walk amongst the Noldor, for whom you have such fond affection, with a heart renewed in the knowledge a greater patronage than any offered by Maiar or Valar is bestowed upon them, as Beloved Children of our Most High Eru.

These, then, are the wishes of Lord Manwë, given from his breath and transferred by my hand unto this vellum. I give you a Herald's greeting, my Lord, with wishes they also be shared with the Most Fair, the Giver of Fruits, Yavannah Kementári, in such manner best befits such humble request as this herald offers.

Banner Bearer of the Lord of the West
Herald for the Most High King of the Valar"

> Next Eönwë    > the letter arrives    

April 27, 2011

The Herald of Manwë

< Previous     
AelKennyr Rhiano

The echoes of his boots as they strike against the marble floor reverberate throught the open courtyard, and,  with purposeful strides the Banner Bearer of the Lord of the West, the mightiest of all the Maiar, Eönwë walks, alone, beneath the twilight skies of the Undying Lands.  His brow was creased in deep thought as he carried in his hand a scroll of vellum, curled up tight to fit into a silver scroll case carried by the mighty Eagles who serve the Breath of Arda in delivering message according to Manwe's whim.

Bothered by the many things his Lord, the High King of the Valar, made known as he expressed to his Herald his wishes, yet expressive of none of the thoughts which trouble his mind, Eonwe finds one of the Eagles and deftly slides the missive into the scroll case.  He speaks then, an economy of words, directing the mighty bird where to find the intended recipient of the letter, and, stepping back with a warrior's fluidity of motion, watches the bird of prey launch himself into the sky, circle and with powerful flaps of great wings, propell himself high enough to crest a favorable air current in pursuit of his destination. 

One sigh heaves the Herald before he turns about and makes his way, a lone figure, across the expanse of marble flooring, his lonely steps repeating their sure and steady pattern back to him. 

> Next     

April 25, 2011

Fireside Chat -- Text-Based Combat – part 1

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Gwindolyn Spiritor
Shawn Daysleeper
AelKennyr Rhiano         (playing as Din Er, the dragon)
Lihan Taifun                   (playing as Aztryd, the dwarf)
Leo (leonardo.rainfall) (playing as The Balrog)

The idea is responsive emotes. Recognizing what the other has done and then responding to it.”
Your response should acknowledge the other player's action, (if appropriate, explaining why your character was able to notice what they noticed), and tell your response, (if appropriate, explaining why your character has the skill/ability to respond in that way). 
“Plausible reactions to a plausible action with reasonable damage accepted.”

Do one action at a time, and give the other player(s) a chance to react.
You can say what “usually” results from your action (“her aim generally is excellent”), or what you intended (“the spell is meant to deafen”), but only the person on the receiving end is allowed to say what actually did happen to them.

Your reaction should take into account your character's racial characteristics and skill level, compared to what you think the other character's skill level is. Also what your character was (or was not) paying attention to. (Even the most visually-acute character can't be watching everything at once.)

Without an understanding of your race, and a good grounding in rp etiquette and a sense of fairness, a lot of rpers who are lazy or just poorly trained could metagame.” While you could, on the surface, write your character as all-seeing and avoiding all injury, this would not be good roleplaying.

It is acceptable and common to discuss the situation in IM with the other player, working out the most appropriate reactions. Also to clarify the situation if you aren't clear on what the other player just did.

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok, so is this everyone for the RP combat? So to start with, the idea is responsive emotes. Recognizing what the other has done and then responding to it.

Gwindolyn Spiritor bends down to her boots. Seemingly, she bends to flick some dust off the polished leather. As she stands up, her deft hands subtly slip into her boots and slide out three throwing knives. She thinks she is subtle enough that none see her.

AelKennyr Rhiano listens
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  now, as participants, you would emote what you are doing and if you see her. You want to take into account your skill level compared to what you think hers is.
Lihan Taifun:              That seems like a very delicate question
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes. With practice you get an idea of what you can do and what you can't. Likely with drow, knowing they are slick, you have a high chance of missing it. Then you balance in your suspicions of the race and how closely watch her.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I would imagine this is the most challenging part for rpers, especially those who have not mastered emoting.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  It can be. It takes really thinking about what is happening and who you are.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Without an understanding of your race, and a good grounding in rp etiquette and a sense of fairness, a lot of rpers who are lazy or just poorly trained could metagame.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  yes and you will find that a common complaint among those who don't meter often.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Din Er sees a flicker of movement and rolls his eyes, his left one picking up the drow bending over. Ahhh, he thinks to himself. Such a clever little drow. To the sharp eyes of a dragon, even a juvenile one such as he, the movement, and the feint she carries out with such practice does not deceive. With eyes designed to see even small game from great distances while airborne, he catches the tiny glint of steel and can taste the metal of the blade int he air.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Very good. Ael gave back what I did - recognizing my movement. Then he gave grounds for why he saw the move. And why he did so with ease. Now he has set his character as a higher level character than mine, which is only right as he has a dragon.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   If I understand the basic combat concepts right, you should not try to rp several actions at once...for example, it would be bad form if I then announced I walked over and belched fire at you, and then ate the charcoaled remains.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes, that would be godmoding as it would leave me no chance to reply to your actions. Did I dodge? Did I enact a shield spell?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   And it would be extremely annoying if you notice everything everyone did all the time...not to mention impossible unless you had eyes all over your body.

Gwindolyn Spiritor stands upright and flicks her wrist quickly, releasing all three daggers in quick succession. One at Lihan's right shoulder, one at Lihan's mid breast bone and Lihan's left hip. With years of practice with spells and daggers, her aim is normally on target.

AelKennyr Rhiano:   DUCK! :P
Lihan Taifun:              It is very difficult, in real life, to referee for yourself -- and I have been in situations where that was expected
AelKennyr Rhiano nods in agreement
Lihan Taifun:              but in real life, there is some physical event, not just people's collective imagination
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But to be fair, even with huds, I have seen people godmod such actions.
Lihan Taifun:              those are the only two options? godmodding and successfully finding the right balance?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   nope...there is a third...LEARNING to find the balance.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ael, I find those who rely on meters to be among the worst for godmoding as they are not very familiar with the concepts or the etiquette. Often, two people in combat will talk and weigh things in IM as they go. As Ael has found with me, I will talk out options with him and choose the most fitting to our characters and the situation.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   and we constantly ask each other in IM.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  And we are almost always willing to clarify if you aren't sure what we just did.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   not exactly challenge each other to justify, but to understand.
Lihan Taifun:              now I'm not imagining that even a skillful knife thrower could throw three knives at three targets in one motion, not that I have ever seen anyone try, in rl
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But she didn't
AelKennyr Rhiano:   She threw at one target.
Lihan Taifun:              at three different parts of my body
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  In one line.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   right
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  not complicated changes in aim.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Soo...using logic.. would all three necessarily hit? They COULD hit.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  No, it all depends on her reactions. There is the possibility they hit. There is a possibility she dodges and all three miss.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Right...thus the "could" and not "does." Gwin is making my point.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I only threw them and stated my skill level.
Lihan Taifun:              that isn't the part that is confusing me
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  It is now up to Lihan to decide if she saw it and if she moved.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   What is confusing, Lihan?
Lihan Taifun:              yes, and I decide that based on ...?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  How skilled in dance is your character? How quick are your character's reactions?
Lihan Taifun:              dance? *cough* not very
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So then you would think that you would either drop ungracefully and most likely take at least one hit. Or you would stand there stunned and be hit by two or all three of them.

AelKennyr Rhiano:   Wait, please...I think we jumped way ahead, Gwindolyn. I think people need to be explained the basics of combat and combat in a text based situation.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok. Let's back up then.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   There is a whole lot of information Lihan is missing.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok.
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles...and I can understand. thanks :))
Gwindolyn Spiritor smiles "No worries, I get a little excited."
AelKennyr Rhiano:   we...ahem...noticed :P
Shawn Daysleeper:    hehe
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol
Leo:                              excited? why?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   I know I have to understand the reasons and the mechanics before I can apply the principles to situations.
Leo missed something, including dinner
AelKennyr Rhiano:   :PPPP Din Er is right here
Leo:                              xD
Gwindolyn Spiritor nods "ok, so let's back up. I did an action. It is now up to the players around to mirror that action and respond based on their character's abilities and experiences. But how to judge that?"
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Lihan, I threw three daggers in a diagonal line towards you. I have a lot of combat experience, mostly aim based style with a skill in dance. I'm not good with blades such as swords or such. But now you need to think about, how much did you see? That is the first question. Did you see it coming?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Wouldn't the first question be...what is her race?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  How perceptive is your character? How wary would your character be of me?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   because that has a lot to do with physical and physiological limitations and abilities?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Well, race factors into the answers to these questions. Such as elves can see better than humans most often, but dragons would see more than elves.
Lihan Taifun:              Today I am being a dwarf. I don't trust the elf in the slightest, but my visual perception is nothing extraordinary
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  dwarves aren't terribly perceptive or fast, but they can take hits from my daggers like they were mosquitos.
Lihan Taifun:              so, I might be suspicious in general, but no, didn't see that exact move coming
Gwindolyn Spiritor nods "So yeah, my daggers would likely hit - at least two of three of them. I would be willing to have one go a bit high.
Lihan Taifun:              not that fast, either, true; but I'm not wearing any armor -- being stabbed in the midriff would definitely not be good
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Dwarves are hardy with thicker skins than most beings - not including dragons. So yeah, you would be hurt. it would be possible the one in the breast bone hit and stuck in the bone. It would not bleed you dry or slow you terribly as long as you didn't pull it out. It would piss you off, and enrage you.
Lihan Taifun:              I've got a lot of vital organs in there, thank you
AelKennyr Rhiano:   lol
Lihan Taifun:              the arm or the hip, yes, I can see that would be more annoying than damaging
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol.
Leo:                              o.o
Lihan Taifun:              although, if you did hit something vital ... I might be good for another half hour or so of pounding the tar out of you, before I collapsed
AelKennyr Rhiano:   hahahahaha
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  And you might get healing for it and you would be running on adrenaline. But you would want to acknowledge that in the emote.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Your height would be a help, to...perhaps, in explaining why more blades didn't not hit you... and the tough constitution of a dwarf
Lihan Taifun:              {stands next to Gwindolyn} wow, just about half her height
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right. And that I didn't aim anywhere vital would help. I mean, the breast bone is pretty dense on even a human. But dwarves have stronger bones.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But if you are a dwarven warrior, you would have different reactions than if you are the dwarf chef ... yes?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Correct. A Chef might also be carrying a different sort of knife too. And would handle the knife differently. Oh the cuts she could make.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   so a slight twist of your body, already a small target, and the fact of where the blades were aimed...that can all explain why all three blade did not hit their target.

{Ael reports an e-mail message from lawrence that he has a minor family crisis in rl and won't be available for the roleplay sessions scheduled for tonight.}

Lihan Taifun:              aw, just when I had an idea for a response from Aztryd
AelKennyr Rhiano:   no...please continue :)
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Oh do give the response.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   nod nod nod
Leo:                              o.o Leo noms his nomables
Lihan Taifun:              Aztryd, already edgy around this strange elf, jumps backwards reflexively at the sudden movement. She turns, and sees --something -- metalic flash past her shoulder. Something else scrapes past her midriff, tearing into her vest and scraping the skin of her stomach, before clattering to the floor. A third something collides with her hip. She looks down to see the handle of a small knife stuck there.
Shawn Daysleeper:    listens
AelKennyr Rhiano:   YAY! Wooohooo!
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  YAY!!! Good job Lihan!
AelKennyr Rhiano:   That was great!
Lihan Taifun:              With an angry glare, she pulls out that blade, and flips it over in her hand, staring murderously at the elf.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Plausible reactions to a plausible action with reasonable damage accepted.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   yes! And boy, is she mad!
Lihan Taifun:              do we need more about dwarves and tough skin?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  No. You did good.
Shawn Daysleeper:    ya very nice Lihan
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  If you had not turned and it didn't sink in deep, then that would need to be factored in.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   you can add more in each response you give, if you wanted.
Leo:                              o.o The Balrog: barks
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Leo if you will do /99/me, you can indicate action using your titler.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  You did great. Excellent even. As you practice with it, it will be come easier and you can expand more as you desire. And you don't have to give all reasons in one action. As Ael gave reasons for him seeing my slight of hand with dagger, he didn't give any talk about his scaley hide to deflect the daggers as that would not have been relevant at that moment.
Lihan Taifun:              ok
AelKennyr Rhiano:   While Lihan the dwarf is getting skewered, what does Shawn the elf do?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Now, that is a lot to start with. You did great. We can talk more next week, refine some ideas and touch on other questions.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   nod nod nod Ummm...I never got an answer to my question...
Shawn Daysleeper:    sorry I was listening. I am not sure how I wold respond. Do I know this dwarf, or the drow? my reaction would be different based on background maybe
Gwindolyn Spiritor grins and a hand slips up to her hair. She ruffles it a bit, casually as she often does as she speaks. Fingers deftly find a needle and slip it from its hiding place. She looks at him and grins wickedly. "how about you think about the things I could do with this baby." The needle is long and thick enough to go through most joints easily.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   which him?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Sorry, that was to Shawn
AelKennyr Rhiano:   ouch, wicked
Gwindolyn Spiritor winks "You don't want to know the stuff I've done with these babies."

Shawn Daysleeper:    it's late for me, I am going to go sleep
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Ok :) thank you everyone for coming tonight.
Shawn Daysleeper:    thank you Gwin this was very informative, I am not good with this type of rp yet
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Thank you all for taking this time with me.
{And the conversation continues with why calling her “Gwin” is not a good idea.}


April 24, 2011

Visiting Eru's Cleric

 < Previous     

Dominique Darkwatch and Lihan Taifun

Dominique Darkwatch sits in the upper floor of the Sylvhara cleric hall.  It is a place of prayer and meditation. There are many altars here, but she sits in front of an empty one.  She breathes slowly and deeply, relaxing her mind and body so that her spirit can be most alert. Nienna materializes behind the silent cleric, calling softly,  "Hinya (my child)."

Dominique Darkwatch blinks and looks up, unsure of what what she is seeing..or hearing.

"My child, it has been too long since last we spoke."

Dominique Darkwatch flusters, looks up and pinches herself. She says, "Am I asleep? is this a dream?"

Nienna smiles gently.  "No, dear, I am quite here.  I told you, after you presided over the Teleri King's healing, that we would speak again."

Dominique Darkwatch blinks again and is momentarily paralyzed with amazement at the dazzling being, and suddenly her eyes widen with recognition "Ahhh...Nienna!...Oh!"

Nienna looks around. "This, "she gestures expansively, "is your homeland?"

Dominique Darkwatch stands on legs that seem a bit unsteady and musters a smiles. "Aye, this is my home of Sylvhara, and the cleric guild here is where I live and serve."

Nienna looks around at the stately building, with a bit of confusion.  "I had not realized Eru was so well represented here."

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly. "Oh no, this building is dedicated to all sorts of deities by all races. Eru is just one of the many here in Sylvhara."

Nienna blinks in even greater confusion.  "Eru is ... what?"  The name 'Eru' means 'The One.'

Dominique Darkwatch looks at the empty altar in front of her with some embarrassment and looks at some of the other ones. "Well, the dragons have their own deity...the drow have theirs....other elves worship nature or mother earth...there seem to be all manner of beliefs here."

Nienna sighs.  "I suppose we knew such things were happening out in the mortal worlds.  You will have enough work, then, enlightening your people."

Dominique Darkwatch nods slowly. "Aye, I am but one of many other clerics here, and the only one that I know of that serves the the old elven ways."

"That is sad for your people.  But do not become discouraged." The Vala of Compassion continues. "Is there anything the Valar can do to aid you?"

Dominique Darkwatch smiles, a feeling of comfort somehow radiating into her as she ponders this question. "Well, I know the Valar are busy and concerned with their own lands. I hate to trouble them too much, but it might be a start to have a proper altar here, to represent Eru."

"Are any of the lands of Elves or Humans outside our concern?    But what would 'represent' Eru?"  It is a question Nienna never considered before.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "That is a good question as the Valar themselves and the children have been His representatives, but to put it in the form of a picture or tokens is another task."

"Indeed.  And would you not know the minds of the Children better than we?"

"I can show you the other altars to give some idea of what other clerics have done. I know the children but I do not know Eru, or those of your kind as well as you do, as I am still young to the world."

"Well, then, show me these other altars."

Dominique Darkwatch moves to the first altar. "This is Elstraee, the Moon goddess of the surface drow, also known as the sword maiden."

Nienna follows her. "That is indeed a maiden with a sword. And the Moon."  She smiles a little.  "I do wonder what Tilion would think."

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly . "Indeed! Tilion might like to know that maidens dance for him, but I'm not sure how he would feel about the swords."

"Tilion prefers arrows.  He has been preparing most diligently for the war we fear is coming."

Dominique Darkwatch arches her brow in surprise. "Oh! I had no idea Tilion was proficient with a bow!"

"Oh, yes, indeed.  When the Moon was newly-made,  the Dark Enemy sent agents to attack that new light.  And it was those spirits of darkness who got the worst of it."  She chuckles at the memory.

Dominique Darkwatch ponders to herself how little she truly knows of the Valar and what they do, aside from the legends that have been passed. "Ahh, well, this next altar might also interest him, since it is dedicated to a dragon god....I think."

"A .. dragon god.... I didn't know dragons had gods.  Would these be dragons who rejected the Dark One?"

Dominique Darkwatch tugs at her ear, trying to remember things she has heard from Malakyte and decides she knows very little. "I believe his name is Thuban, and the belief is quite different from anything in our scrolls. The dragons believe *HE* created the earth, and the dragons were the first ones on the earth!" Dominique Darkwatch giggles at the ridiculousness of the tale.

"Hmmm, I don't expect correcting a dragon is a simple matter."  Although, since dragons are not strictly among the Children, the Vala wonders how much it matters.  But ignorance is ignorance, wherever it is found.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Aye, they do hold much power in these lands and are rather stubborn in their beliefs, but many are my friends. I hope Eru is forgiving of them for what they do not know."

"If they, or their ancestors,  rejected the Dark One, then surely they are worthy allies."  She thinks a moment.  "Eru really didn't tell us much about dragons."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles and walks to the next one. "Well, this last altar may be the closest to what we believe. It is dedicated to Mother Earth, I think."   Dominique Darkwatch gestures. "Sometimes she is just called the Goddess"

Nienna looks over the altar. "Is that supposed to be Yavanna?"

Dominique Darkwatch thinks. "Well, perhaps more like a female Eru...the creator of the earth and everything in it.   She is worshipped, perhaps, the most, and has many similarities with Yavanna in being the caretaker of life and nature."

"If they must draw a picture of Eru, I suppose there is no harm in drawing a female figure.  But what image could do justice to Eru?  Hmmm, if we ever need to catch their attention -- more than you can do yourself -- perhaps we should send Yavanna."  It is an amusing mental image to Nienna.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "I am not sure there is one image that could capture or do justice to the songs that have created Arda".   Dominique Darkwatch thinks of the tales of Yavanna she has heard about and smiles.

"What would attract the attention of the people?  Perhaps something to remind them of the healing of the Teleri King?  That might bring some hope, in troubled times.  For I also do not know how one could represent the Great Song."

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Perhaps, yes! I had not even thought to ask the King for ideas. The purpose of the altar is to be a reminder to those of us who serve Eru but also to help teach others about him through pictures or tokens placed upon it."

"Then anything that help the people to remember would be good."

Dominique Darkwatch nods, thinking about the hints and talks of war. "There might be one other thing, if war does come."

Nienna quietly says,"The shadow of war and darkness hovers over all the lands."

Dominique Darkwatch sighs and then soaks in more comfort against the distress of the threat of war.  "Then I may need a sword in the coming days."

Nienna looks up in surprise.  "A sword?  Might you need to fight, yourself?  Would you know how to handle a sword?"

Dominique Darkwatch looks around. "Well, I don't usually use one, but there many here who would be able to teach me."

"And swords are hard to acquire?  They ... aren't really my specialty."  Nasty things, get people killed,  but Nienna certainly doesn't want the cleric herself killed.

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Oh, no, they are quite easy. I do have one in fact...but I was wondering if I could have Eonwë or Oromë look at it and perhaps....bless it?"

"Yes, Eonwë would probably be best."

Dominique Darkwatch hands Nienna her sword in its sheath. "Aye, it will be most helpful since we are at war with our neighbors to the north, the Torgans."

Nienna's eyes grow wider.  "You are at war, now?"

Dominique Darkwatch nods. "Aye, the queen declared war on them as they have repeatedly attacked her and our lands."

"Oh dear!  I will certainly return the sword quickly, then.  I was hoping you would not need to use it, but ..."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles. "I rely on my healing most of the time and the swords of our warriors to protect me."

"Keep the warriors in good health!  And the good Queen.  How is the Queen?"

"Oh,the queen is in excellent health. I did have to help heal her and some warriors when her castle was attacked by dragons, but she remains steadfast and determined against the Torgan invaders."

 "Not the same dragons who have an altar here?"  Nienna gestures at the altar behind them.

Dominique Darkwatch smiles. "Oh, no!  But some other dragons who insist on causing problems."

"Alas, a dragon who wants to cause problems can usually succeed.  I will return the sword soon, then."  Nienna shifts the unfamiliar bulk, uncomfortably.  "You do Eru a great service by being here, and attempting to teach the people."

Dominique Darkwatch smiles "And I try to do my best to represent my patron through my healing."

Nienna smiles also.  "What could better represent restoring the harmony of the Song, than restoring health?"

Dominique Darkwatch laughs softly. "Aye, and I know the warriors and rangers are most appreciative"

In a puff of soft grey mist, and a wave of gentle peace, Nienna vanishes. Dominique Darkwatch blinks again and smiles, looking forward to seeing the Vala again very soon.

      > Next Nienna in Aman      > Next Nienna in mortal lands     > Next Dominique   

April 23, 2011

Aulë in Mandos

Arth Karas

This letter is carried by a maia in the form of a badger:

"To the High King of Arda, Manwë Sulímo
A letter from Aulë Talka Marda
Written in the Halls of Mandos, the ancient secret cells of Melko,
On this Spring Equinox of the year eleven of the fourth Age of the Sun and Moon

My dearest Lord High King, Aratar  and Brother in the will of Eru Ilúvatar:

    It is with regret that I find myself detained interminably in the duty of enlarging the Halls of the Dead in anticipation of the armies of the dead that would arrive here at the passing of the Third Age.   Although I am weary of this work, I sending  this letter to explain my prolonged absence and request your further forbearance in the completion of my duties. 

    My duty is ever to oversee, if not construct personally, the major works and domains of the Vala in the World and the immortal souls that dwell there, and this project no less than others has occupied my thought and energies these many long months.  A great deal of the needed space has already been hollowed  and finished, nearly enough to accommodate all anticipated need for the next few centuries.
Aulë Writing
Now the trap of Melko, who dwelt for three long ages here in the Halls of Mandos, has sprung on me.  He, while here, was not idle:  he left what I can only describe as arcane and obscene graffiti  on the dark walls and stones deeps around the perimeter of the caverns of the dead, hidden through four long ages until I and my people discovered the beginnings of them while enlarging the Halls.   Some  of these diagrams and paragraphs, scrawled in Black Speech, in Valarin, in Quenya and Sindarin and Common tongue, and even, frighteningly,  in Khuzdul,  describe horrible procedures and rituals for making natural beasts into fell creatures, for subverting fair plant-life into poisonous abominations,  for devising destructive energies both physical and magical and emotional torments to break the sane mind.  Some appear to be insane and demonic raving.   Some are taunts written to me by name.  Some are potent wards and spells that catch and bend the mind and body and spirit of those who happen on them.
These dark magics Melko left here are most dangerous and strong.  On unexpectedly finding and opening these secret cells and the magics therein,  six Maiar were quite badly damaged by the energies unleashed on the opening of the wards: those I sent with escort to the Lake of Estë to rest and recover.  Three were rendered insane:  those I sent with an escort to the Gardens of Lorien to find peace and calm.   I dismissed almost all of the Maiar who aid me in this excavation and stone work in the Halls.  The remainder I sent to complete the small remaining work of finishing the new Halls extension, then resume their duties in Valinor.  There is some secrecy among us about this discovery, but a secret known to more than three is no secret, therefore I asked no oath of them for silence, only their wisdom in sharing what they know. 

After hiding  the entries to Melko's cell in Mandos, so that none of the wandering ghosts or spirits nearby will happen here, I and only two of the most magically adept Maia in my service are slowly and carefully dispelling the runes and enchantments we find, and wiping away the danger in the walls of  the old cells of Melko in Mandos.   The magics sometimes surprise me in the strength and subtlety, but I take grim satisfaction in seeing them dissected an dismantled, one by one.   We are carefully recording what Melko wrote and devised, for whatever else he is, he is  clever and subtle.   This prolongs the time it will take us to  cleanse them all before we vacate this place for it is too fraught with peril until this work is done. Thus,  I am effectively trapped and cannot anticipate the end of it, since Melko spent many long idle  years creating this ghastly and abominable testament. 

Further, I must confess to you now, my Lord, that your brother Melko anticipated that I would be among those who found these writings, and his writings to me personally do pierce  my heart.  In example, there is one long quarto laying at my feet the troubles of the Noldor:  He writes that my dealings with the Noldor was detrimental to them,  that my attitude of  teaching the most willing while neglecting the unwilling cultivated elitism among them, that my favoritism of some among them harbored alienation among them,  that my teaching metallurgy directly brought about the Banishment of Fëanor and therefore the Kinslaying of the Teleri Elves of Alqulondë, that my renouncing my love for them separated them from the Vala who would aid them in Middle Earth, that they would be better and truer Children of Iluvatar had I  not meddled in their affairs, that I did a fine job of molding them to be haughty and dangerous, nearly as well as he might have himself.   These are clever deceit and false causation, in sooth, but also in sooth, these echo some of the fears in my own heart.  Even now, how can I face the Noldor who have returned to Aman when I forswore my friendship and patronage to them in ages past?  I would not treat them with enmity, but my heart is broken still, and I cannot face those I once called "Aulendil".  I am uneager to walk under the sun or moon or stars of Aman yet for my heart is too heavy for now.

Now, I know that I am missed and loved in Aman, and I miss these dear ones also.  Yavanna or any of the Valar or Maiar would rush to aid me, and even dwarves and elves also, at even a hint of my request and need, but I would not wish this.    You know that this news will dismay many into pointless turmoil and rash actions, thus  I must invoke your circumspection regarding it, if you will.    I fear that even this outcome, of either isolating myself from my loved ones  or placing them in peril, is one that Melko devised as an energy draining and time-consuming, delayed and poignant revenge on me for his own chains.  It is only a matter of some finite time, though, before this, my fated work, is done and well done. 

In the meanwhile, I pray and request that you will advise me as you will.  The maia bearing this letter knows the way to me, and can return safely to me on your order.  I further pray that you will find some way to relay something of my situation without alarming those we love, and to convey my best wishes and hopes for a speedy return to those who care for me.

I remain ever yours, in the building of Arda,
Aulë Talka Marda

> Next     

April 22, 2011

The Baker a King

 < Previous    
AelKennyr Rhiano

The walk back to the palace has been pleasant. Elwing's gentle touch on his arm feels much like his own daughter's, so long ago, when, as a young woman, they would take walks through the Swanhaven under the twillight skies of the Undying Lands.  She speaks pleasantly, keeping the conversation light, and Olwe smiles and replies at the right moments.  But his eyes search for the traces of his Brother, Elwe, in her features; fleeting moments when the tilt of her head or a gleam in her eyes are familar and evocative of the eldest brother, long gone. 

Elwing the White, daughter of Dior and Nimloth, and through Nimloth, granddaughter of Lúthien, daughter of Elwe, then called Elu Thingol, and Melian, the Maia he loved. He could see no traces of her human origins in her clear, bright face, and the laughter which bubbles from her so near to the sweet sound of Earwen's that it pulled at his heart.

Even to Alqualonde came the tales of her, and Olwe remembers well the day he learned of the Destruction of Doriath, where once Thingol ruled, and of the loss of Elwing's parents and her brothers.  He gently places his other hand atop hers and pats the small hand beneath his own.

As they moved into the kitchen, Olwe walked slowly around the room, taking stock of the supplies.  Choosing a bowl, he rummaged through the still well supplied pantry and emerged with the dry ingredients he needed.  "Have you had waybread," he asks, placing each ingredient on the table. He speaks more to himself, than Elwing, and continues to pace the room for the proper utsenils and the remainder of the needed items.  He looks down at the table where all the ingredients were lined up and claps his hands together, rubbing them. "I am fairly certain I remember how lembas is made, " he says, glancing up at Elwing, who has known pain and suffering, loss and fear, and for a moment, the light teasing words die from his lips. 

He looks down quickly and asks her in a false jovial voice if she would see if the stove had any wood or need he to fetch some.  His hands move sure of their actions, as he measured out the ingredients, hearing her light step in the kitchen.  He chatters to her of life in Alqualonde, her cousins, whom she has never met. But his mind slips off to what she told him as they sat looking out over the Sea of Swans. "Echuir is the daughter of Elmo....."  In the mortal world, somewhere was the daughter of his other brother, another line of the Teleri.  Where was she?  Was she safe? 

The ingredients now folded and made into dough, he sprinkles flour upon the table and dumps the dough ball onto the table where he starts kneading it.  Not only was there the daughter of his other brother, but a young Teleri...a fisherelf...somewhere, somehow this Teleri survived whatever befall the rest.  For a while, at least....his mind ran over the faces of the teleri fishers...he could be any number of them, this fisher elf. 

Pounding the dough flat with his knuckles, and keeping his voice level, the Lord of the Teleri, dusted with flour flying up from the table, asks the Protectress of the Silmaril to look in the small cupboard by the washsink.  "There is some miruvor  left, " he says lightly. "Pour us some of it, and tell of thy travels, Elwing, whilst I prove a king can also be a cook."  

And while he hears her rummage for the decanter of the cordial, he crosses to where a flat pan hangs from a rack, takes it back to the table and flattens out the dough.  Someone had kept a fire burning in the stove, thankfully, and so sipping the pan into the oven, he stands with his back to Elwing and closes his eyes in brief prayer, "Please, Father of all, please let them not fall to that darkness which claimed me." 

Slowly, then, he turns and joins Elwing for a sip of  cordial and to wait for the bread to bake and her tale to continue.

> Next    

April 20, 2011

Olwë Seeks Out Elwing

< Previous Olwë     < Previous Elwing    

Cinnamon Raymaker and AelKennyr Rhiano

Olwe watches the swan fly off with his message to his beloved daughter, his eyes lingering on the distant dot that is the bird until it vanishes from sight.  The smell of salt air and spring blossoms riding the breeze recalls him from his reverie, and he takes up his bow and quiver from there they lay, discarded these many months, and shoulders both.  His thoughts turn to the quiet noises that indicate life in a palace...the soft whisper of slippers on the jewelled, floor, the clattering of pots and pans somewhere....he stops and pales at the thought it may be Estelin and Apakenwe in the kitchen, cooking.

Quiet noises that prove Alqualonde still has life within her, and with life comes hope.  He adjusts the bow and quiver on his back, thinking to lure the merchant Nole into a bit of archery practice or perhaps Estelin even.  A smile, mischievous and boyish, despite the turning of all the centuries which he has seen, captures secret mirth at the thought of the Valar of Dreams fingering a bow like the Children and taking a turn at the target. The very thought of the Vala brought a sense of the presence of the Lord of Visions.  Newly restored in mind and body, the joy at such communion is also mixed with a bitterness at what he has endured these many months.  A conflict of emotions disturbs his thoughts, as he leaves the palace and wanders the peaceful Swanhaven, looking for Elwing the White.  He finds her, seated upon a bench, looking out upon the sea.  Quietly he slips onto a cushion on the bench and waits for her to rouse from her thoughts and see him.

Olwë Sits Near Elwing
 Lost in her thoughts, Elwing suddenly senses the presence of someone close by and turns, forcing a smile to blossom in place when she realises it is her uncle. "Greetings, dear uncle. It pleases me greatly to see you looking rested and well. Alqualonde is indeed the richer for the return of her Lord."

Olwe blushes and a gentle smile rises easily to his lips.  He bows his head, and answers her, noting that moment before the smile came to her face. " Greetings, Elwing the White," he said.  "I cannot think when last you were in Alqualonde?"

"It has been a while indeed. Last time I was here was by acident. T'was an event which led me on a quest to try and find you, my Lord, though what forced me to land here in the first instance was surely something dark and menacing. It literally forced me from the skies when I was trying to fly to seek out my beloved Earendil." Ewling shudders again at the thought of that first encounter with evil. "T'was when I washed up on a beach close to here that the Lord of Dreams sought to send me a message. I had a choice to make," she continues. "He bade me either to wait here or to search you out in Sylvhara at the Court of your Cousin, Queen Comet."

Her shudder underscores the tone in her voice.  Olwe feels a still sadness in response to the bare recital of her last appearance here.  "I had been poisoned, " he murmurs softly, remembering how it all started, with a goblet of wine.

 "Yes, that was the tale Lord Irmo recounted." Elwing looks into the eyes of her uncle and sees the sadness lying within. Then she turns to continue her tale. "After I rested a while, I set off in the day to fly for Sylvhara. It was approaching the time for Vingilot to appear...." Elwing looks down suddenly and stifles a sob. " I was so very tired and looking forward to a glimpse of my beloved. Suddenly I felt a shock of energy and plummeted to the ocean below.." Elwing stops again, and tears slide down her face.

"Since that day, the morning star has not been seen."
Elwing dabs her eyes and continues.  "T'was my good fortune to be rescued by Lord Manwe's ocean Wind, Linfea, who cushioned my fall and took me to land at a place called Vana." She stops and looks to the horizon, the many memories of Vana still lurking in the background.

The look she turned upon Olwe made his heart squeeze tight in his chest, such was the naked pain.  Her tears, like pearls, slowly rolled down her soft cheek. Vingilot...that sparks a memory.  "I was on board...heading for home with Nole and Elenwe.  The Voice. I remember it foretelling the disppearance of the morning star.  I went up on deck and watched it vanish." He bows his head, remembers the despair which drove him to his knees that night.  A hand reaches out and covers one of her delicate ones." Fair, niece, " he whispers, squeezing.  "How hard it must have been for you.  I cannot guess at the pain you felt."  He does not look at her, lest he, too, shares in her tears.  "This place, Vana," he said, urging them both to move beyond this painful memory for Elwing.  "It is a place in Middle Earth?"

Elwing's lip trembles as she bravely continues the conversation with her uncle, whom she knew the world had almost lost. For his sake she must show that strength of heart on which she was used to calling again and again over time. "'Tis in the mortal world my Lord. I was on my way to Sylvhara to find you at Queen Comet's Court when I fell from the skies. You must also know I met with a young Teleri fisherman who was going to try and help me escape the island and sail to your cousin's court. Your brother's daughter Echuir also arrived at the isle. We were all to sail together. It was the morning we were to leave when the young fisherman vanished from sight." Elwing's lip trembles again, remembering the discarded jacket containing its bundle of apples.

Olwe pats her hand gently as she speaks, to offer comfort and quiet support.  Looking at her in profile, he can see Elwe in her features, but also the Maia Melian. He nods as she recounts her journey and allows her to finish before asking the many questions that crowded his mind.  A lone seagull flew across the sky, high, before them, and his attention was caught up in watching its flight, imagining how it must have felt to the Princess of that which was once Doriath, to be bereft of husband, thrown out of the sky by an unseen assailant. His mind goes back, again and again, to that Voice which held him helpless.  Was it one and the same Evil which struck them both.  "Echuir?" he asks first, a slight frown on his face.  "I never knew  Elwe to have a child by that name." He looks at her, his eyes fixed upon her.

Elwing turns and looks to her uncle - "Nay, my Lord, not a child of Elwe!" She smiles lightly and wipes away the last of the tears, "Echuir is the daughter of Elmo. Fortunately she had the Sindar speech and was able to translate the words of the young Teleri fisherman, but then he himself thought of using the human speech used by navigators and tradesmen in Middle Earth, and so we communicated easily. He was quite a sensitive young elf: I think Lady Echuir scared him a little." She chuckles at the memory playing through her mind. Elwing's smile fades as she again recalls that these two new friends are unaccounted for at the present time. "I hope they are both well at this time," she adds.

Olwe's eyes widen at the mention of his other brother, Elmo. Memories flood back to him, that final time he saw the youngest of the three brothers.  Still in Middle Earth they were.  His face falls as out of the past his brother's words echo in his mind. "This time, I stay behind, Brother." Elmo had looked away.  "You  must continue, Olwe, and I fear we shall not behold the likeness of the other until we clasp hands again in the Halls of Mandos." 

Olwe gasps softly. But he shall never embrace his brothers.  For he will never enter the Halls of Mandos.  The consequence of his choice to follow his heart's most selfish desire tore at him now, his eyes stinging with tears he cannot shed and pain he cannot betray.  He shakes his head a little.  "Where is this child of my brother?  And tell me more of the Teleri fisher," he asks, his voice quiet, his eyes fastening upon the sea.

Elwing turns sharply at the sound of the gasp leaving her uncle's lips. Understanding from the desolate look on his face that he was experiencing pain, Elwing gently replies, "My Lord, I know not what has become of the young fisherman. One moment he was searching for apples, the next I felt the approach of that dark menacing force, as I have several times now, and when I returned to the place he had been gathering fruit, he was gone and a chill was in the air." Elwing pauses and tries to remember more, searching the memories to give her uncle more hope. "He was full of tales of his upbringing.  Indeed, he was just on his way to proving himself a man of the world; though to my mind, he is already noble of heart and pure of spirit, this showing in his willingness to stand as a protector while Lady Echuir and I were sleeping."

Elwing continues. "As for the Lady Echuir, the last time I saw her was the morning before the young elf and I went picking fruit for our voyage. I scribbled a note to say we would meet at her vessel "The White Sparrow" and leave on the morning tide. When I returned to our sleeping place to wake her and retrieve my clothing for the journey, she had disappeared. That is all I know, my Lord." Elwing concludes.

Elwing looks to her uncle. "One thing I feel in my heart, my Lord: somehow that Island is a link to some of the events that have happened to me in the past weeks. I feel some sort of presence there - yet I know not what to make of it."

Olwe nods slowly, allowing himself to regain the calmness of demeanor expected of a king. He gives her a small smile and squeezes her hand. "You have given my heart hope, Elwing.  For his very existence proves that my people are alive...somewhere," he pauses and draws in a heavy sigh. "But it sounds like the same darkness which drove you from the sky took this young Teleri." Slowly the sadness in his heart is ground into a sharp shard of anger, cutting deep into the peace in Olwe's mind, reminding him of the dark dreams which came to him, two turns of the year ago."  He looks into her eyes, a fierce anger lights the blue of his. "You say my niece, the daughter of Elmo, disappeared as well?"  Slowly his hand hands pulls away from hers and clenches into a fist.

Elwing looks into her uncle's eyes and evenly and calmly touches his hand. "Please, Uncle, I am not sure what befell the Lady Echuir. I was in fear of my life and bereft at losing the young elf when I scurried back to our refuge. I know not what befell her! The call of my benefactor, Lord Ulmo, rang through my ears and bade me hurry to the young elf's boat so he could ferry me here to Alqualonde to be with you at your time of greatest need.  It is possible that she boarded her ship and sailed safely away from Vana. I cannot say as I did not dare disobey Ulmo's will."

Slowly the heat of anger drains from Olwe's face, and he forces himself to relax.  "Of course, my niece, the will of the Valar be done and their voices heeded always," he answers.  Then he asks, "What sort of land is this Vana?"

Elwing smiles at her uncle as she thinks back on the beauty and danger that is Vana. "Perhaps we could talk more while we eat and drink, my Lord? I am feeling my appetite returning. You have helped me lessen my burdens by allowing me to share my thoughts with you," she answers.

Olwe nods and offers her a gentle smile. He peers closely at her face, his eyes intense and searching.  "I see my brother in thee, Elwing the White. I have heard  of thy bravery and thy steadfastness,  as would befit  a daugther of the house of Thingol."  He lapses back into  formality, and a small smile curves his lips.  "Please, Elwing, I want to get to know you better, child of my brother's line."

Elwing smiles back at her uncle, feeling her face flush in slight embarrassment at her uncle's words. "Thank you for your kind words, my Lord. I look forward to staying here for a while before deciding on my next course of action, or finding myself taking the path chosen for me," she replies.

Olwe stands and offers a hand to help her rise from the bench.  "I am your kin, Elwing. Uncle Olwe, " he pauses and then laughs. "I thought to chide you into a more familial relationship, but 'My Uncle Olwe' sounds more like the start of a tale of comedic twists and turns than an close endearment."

Elwing looks to her uncle and takes his proffered hand. Smiling she chuckles and adds, "Indeed, Uncle Olwe," a mischievious twinkle lighting up her eyes.

Olwe tosses back his head and laughs.  Taking her hand and tucking it into the crook of his arm, he looks down into the face of his niece, finding the glow in her eyes that was also once in Elwe's. "Let us go to the palace kitchens, my dear Elwing and see if this old Elf can remember how to break fast with a simple traveler's fare."

> Next  

April 18, 2011

A Message Arrives for Eärwen

< Previous    

Canelle Nightfire

Earwen hears the sound of wings flapping to a halt near the large arched opening to the balcony just outside her reception room. She quickly walks to the opening and spies an old friend from her father's palace preening his feathers and looking around inquisitively.  She approaches silently and strokes the swan's neck, smiling in anticipation as she sees a message tethered amongst the downy feathers.
"Thank you my friend," she whispers to the beautiful swan, which nestles down, awaiting the command to return to his home at Alqualonde.

Earwen excitedly rushes back into her reception room and through to her private chamber, closing the connecting door behind her. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she opens the scroll which has been sealed with her father's own personal marker. As she reads, the tears of joy flow from her eyes disregarded, spilling onto her gown. She breathes a huge sigh of relief in the knowledge that her dearest papa is safe and recovering from his ordeal. Thanks be to the Valar and those who took part in restoring her papa to his normal self!

With these thoughts in mind, Earwen heads for the rooms of her beloved husband to share her good news.

> Next    

Fireside Chat -- "Ok, I know who I am. What do I do now?" continued 2

< Previous    

Shawn Daysleeper 
AelKennyr Rhiano 
Lihan Taifun           
Leo (leonardo.rainfall)

Last week, we discussed reading the current roleplay notecards, to give yourself ideas for your character. Some cautions to go with that:
  • If you are spinning off from another player's current roleplay, it might be wise to talk to them and get their permission – especially if there is any chance you will change what they had planned, or if your involvement might look like horning into their scene.
  • 'Never "borrow" a storyline from another rp's group and bring it in to the 4th Age. If you want to interweave your rp in the 4th Age with the local rp of a group in the fellowship, approach a rp leader and let's inform the sim.'
  • Don't copy someone else's actions. (Not unless it is part of a larger plotline -- “everyone gets the plague”.)

Another way to get roleplay ideas: brainstorm with the people you will likely be playing with. Or, for a different perspective, brainstorm with someone not directly involved.

Another brainstorming technique: Write down the “5 W Questions” (remember those from school?): Who, What, When, Where, Why. Start with your character's backstory. Who is he? (in one sentence, or a string of adjectives.) What does he do? What makes his race/group different from others? Etc. You should end up with a list of distinctive characteristics that will (hopefully) spark your imagination toward How your character might act in the current situation. (If you get a brilliant idea before you finish all the questions, that is not a problem!)

Another technique: Make a list (or simple flowchart) of the current story arc that involves your character, starting from the most recent scene and working backwards. Look for gaps, loose ends, dropped threads, or neglected aspects of the situation.

AelKennyr Rhiano:  Soo...let's start ...... So far what have you gleamed from the discussions?
Lihan Taifun:            I wasn't here last week, only read Shawn's copy
AelKennyr Rhiano:  ok...well from what you heard or read :) Thoughts...questions...comments?
Shawn Daysleeper:  we discussed rp stories last time eh?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  yes we did
Shawn Daysleeper:  and working in Pinke and lawrence was one topic
Lihan Taifun:            last week was about reading the current storylines and figuring how your character might fit in
AelKennyr Rhiano:  yes, it was a good example of how another's rp can spark one you can engage in. So far...we have talked about obtaining sim or a yourself a kingdom or get cozy with someone who has one, and create the rp yourself
Lihan Taifun:            which really sounds like it only works in rather rare cases (or possibly, only for rare people)
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Three years ago, I knew LOTS of people who did that. Now, especially because of economics, I don't see it that often. BTW...those people....most of them had sims who did not even last a year in sl. Comet is truly an exception to the norm.
Lihan Taifun:            I was just going to ask, how many of those people did it successfully
AelKennyr Rhiano:  not many. I can honestly say, of all the ones I knew who did that, not one single individual knew the first thing about managing a sim. And they were not true rp they were disappointed that they had to actually WORK, and their rpers were disappointed in the lack of quality in the rp.
Lihan Taifun:            so, as "advice for beginning rpers", that isn't much help
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Well, let's say it should be a cautionary tale. IF you are willing to do the work AND you know what you want as far as RP, AND if you intend to be a good steward of your sim and considerate of your rpers, yes, it could work. But it IS work.
Shawn Daysleeper:  yes I am sure it is a lot of work
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Just these last two weeks, I have seen notices in three rp seeking groups for just as many new rp sims and for those who were shutting down.
Lihan Taifun:            I'm glad it isn't gloating -- "I can run a successful RP sim, where most people fail, nyah nyah"
AelKennyr Rhiano:  In only one case was there anything close to that. One of the sims that was going away...their neighbor and rp partner went on the departing sim's group notice with an announcement that the sim was closing and everyone was welcomed to come to the neighboring sim. So the poor simowner of the departing sim did not even get the chance to tell her people.
Lihan Taifun:            wow, seriously tactless
AelKennyr Rhiano:  No kidding. Useless drama.
Shawn Daysleeper:  nods
AelKennyr Rhiano:  it is an expensive way to be able to rp...and it's getting more expensive by the day!

We have talked also about reading the current, ongoing rps to see if any current storyline provides you with a spinoff rp for your self. WE talked about that last time.

What we didn't talk about was some "pitfalls" to watch out for.
AelKennyr Rhiano:  1. Don't create a rp that spins off from another rper's story unless you have told them, and possibly get their ok. That depends on how your rp will affects theirs. Shall we create an example, or did that make sense?
Shawn Daysleeper:  this makes sense to me
AelKennyr Rhiano:  :)
Lihan Taifun:            I think it makes sense, if either you might be changing their direction, or horning in on what they were about to do
AelKennyr Rhiano:  yes! Right now, we all talk to each other nearly daily, so we stay in constant contact, but at some point, the rp may be so large that we can no longer say that. So this is important.

2. Never "borrow" a storyline from another rp's group and bring it in to the 4th Age. If you want to interweave your rp in the 4th Age with the local rp of a group in the fellowship, approach a rp leader and let's inform the sim.
Shawn Daysleeper:  yes this is polite
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Don't copy the actions of another rper unless it is ok with them, or it is part of the larger rp. Shawn gets mumps in the rp...I am stuck for I get mumps too
AelKennyr Rhiano:  ermmmmm...
Shawn Daysleeper:  mumps?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  just an example? Chick pox? Elven measles?
Shawn Daysleeper:  oh ok hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:  :P
Lihan Taifun:            maybe Shawn is too young to remember those diseases :)
AelKennyr Rhiano blushes...I guess, luckily, he is
Shawn Daysleeper blushes. I had chicken pox once
Lihan Taifun:            they aren't routine any more
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Very very true AelKennyr Rhiano ← old elf
Shawn Daysleeper smiles

AelKennyr Rhiano:  So...what could be a third way to figure out "What do I do now?"
Lihan Taifun:            sometimes we sit around and brainstorm a character
AelKennyr Rhiano:  yes!
Shawn Daysleeper:  have discussions with the rpers you want to rp wit and figure out how to blend in your character?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  We can do that too.
Lihan Taifun:            yes, it probably works best with the people you are going to be playing with
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Let me share an easy brainstorming technique you can do on your own. It can help you decide what to do...and it can also help you when you sit down to talk with others..

Sometimes it helps a lot to sit down with people you rp a lot with; but other can gain perspective by talking with someone you hardly rp with at all. Because they can give you a new perspective on your character
Shawn Daysleeper:  yes sounds reasonable
AelKennyr Rhiano:  This technique may be one you have heard of back in school when you were taught to write is called the 5 "W's" and 1 "H"
Lihan Taifun:            lol
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles
Shawn Daysleeper:  what how when who.. those?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  on a piece of paper or on a notecard write down ...oops 4 "w"s. yes
Lihan Taifun:            5 W's
AelKennyr Rhiano:  oh. no, it is 5....whew
and Why
can't count tonight
Shawn Daysleeper:  hehe

{Leo arrives. Greetings.}
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Everyone this is Leo, who has applied to be our first Balrog. This is Lihan, our Tolkien expert, and Shawn. Both are rp leaders...excellent rpers. Lihan is also a founder of the fellowship, as am I
Leo:                             Hello all, It's nice to meet you. *smiles* I'm excited to be in the 4th Age

AelKennyr Rhiano: have your notecard....Who, what , where, when, why and then you add How. You take you character's back story...let's pick on...smiles...Shawn...can we?
Shawn Daysleeper blushes. sure
AelKennyr Rhiano:  And let's do Nole, please. So, Shawn, you have no idea what to do with Nole. So you are using this technique... Tell us in one sentence at most, or just n adjectives...who he is?
Shawn Daysleeper:  He's a loyal sailor that has strong feelings for his friends and king and wants to help them against the darkness.
AelKennyr Rhiano:  So...a sailor is also a traveller, right? he travels?
Shawn Daysleeper:  yes
AelKennyr Rhiano:  ok and he helpful, loyal and opposed to darkness...
AelKennyr Rhiano:  What is he? elf, orc...ent?
Shawn Daysleeper:  he's teleri elf
AelKennyr Rhiano:  good!
Leo:                             Dang I was hoping ent... :p
Lihan Taifun:            (ents are combustable)
AelKennyr Rhiano:  what makes teleri different than other elves? note all these questions begin with "what?"
Shawn Daysleeper:  they have great singing voices and are good sailors. lol at Lihan
AelKennyr Rhiano:  lol. Are they not also one of the three Eldar races? What are their characteristics? Short, tall, fair...darkness...afraid of strangers...welcome strangers...strong left at home to knit socks for the troops?
Shawn Daysleeper:  tall fair welcome strangers strong fighters,and they blush
Lihan Taifun:            are you strong fighters? does anyone know?
Shawn Daysleeper:  well they fought the Noldor
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Now you are starting to think about HOW you character will fit in...even though all these things are dealing with "what" the are trying to use all this to answer How.
Shawn Daysleeper:  don't forget the blushing hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:  They are indeed good fighters...but they are not fighters the way the Noldor were...They did not seek glory or vengeance
Shawn Daysleeper:  nods
AelKennyr Rhiano:  What Shawn would do is to continue to answer each of the W's first, and the order of the "w"s does not matter...but How always comes last,because all five W's lead you to the How

So, if Lihan, for another example, brainstormed this for her dwarf. She might decide that because her character is a dwarf, and dwarves are headstrong, willful and determined people, she would depart from the ordinary custom of a dwarf of her clan, leave her homeland because she is bored and with a boat sail to distant shore. AS far away from her dwarven mother-in-law as possible.
Lihan Taifun:            lol
AelKennyr Rhiano:  And that is her entrance into the 4th Age.
Lihan Taifun:            gee, I never considered a mother-in-law
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Oh, and she leaves next Tuesday. lol. All the "w"s helped her get to the "how" that gave her the rp idea.

Now this is thought provoking, and a little time consuming, but can you see the value...maybe?
Shawn Daysleeper:  oh yes makes a lot of sense
Lihan Taifun:            I'm not seeing how we got to the "how", though. Was that a leap of imagination, sparked by the previous list of characteristics?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Usually, yes. Oh! and you don't have to answer all 5 necessarily. It may be very helpful....but if the idea comes, and it is brilliant, and all you answered was "Who?"...congrats. It is a tool, nothing more

How she got into the rp was that she left her cushy dwarven home because Mummy Dearest was a pain in the dwarven...axe.
Shawn Daysleeper:  lol
Lihan Taifun:            Now I'm going to be haunted by the image of dwarven in-laws for weeks
Leo:                             xD\
AelKennyr Rhiano:  "With great huffing and puffing, she grabs onto the edge of the boat...more suited for elves and men than for the stature of one of her kin, and with a grunt, she heaves herself over the lip of the boat and dumps herself unceremoniously inside. "Mother-in-law, indeed! YOU could for her," she mutters, glaring at the shore. "I am off to have adventures."
Leo:                             lol
Shawn Daysleeper smiles
Lihan Taifun:            and, being totally unused to boats, promptly unbalances, and lands back in the water
AelKennyr Rhiano:  lol But isn't that a great rp? And different from the others we have seen?
Lihan Taifun giggles. Actually, it is
AelKennyr Rhiano:  and so totally one we can relate to on some level.
Shawn Daysleeper:  it's very different
AelKennyr Rhiano:  That is one very good benefit of the technique. There is another you can do, too. Going back to Shawn's character, Nole... He is teleri, on Alqualonde. Shawn is stumped on new rp. So he makes a flow chart...very BASIC of the story line so far that involves the Teleri. But he starts at the last rp done...the most recent and works backwards. his case, the last "teleri" was Olwe wrote to Earwen... What was the one before that?
Shawn Daysleeper:  Nole and Elenwe
Lihan Taifun:            Olwe and Ulmo?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Nole and Elenwe
Lihan Taifun:            yes
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Before that?
Lihan Taifun:            and Elwing
Shawn Daysleeper:  Umo summons 3 was before the Nole and Elenwe
AelKennyr Rhiano:  right
Lihan Taifun:            yes, Shawn is right
AelKennyr Rhiano:  But Elwing is not Teleri. That is why I left off Earwen, at the moment he only cares about Teleri
Lihan Taifun:            ok
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Before that was Nimros, And then Olwe and Tilion
Lihan Taifun:            Nimros is in a different storyline right now
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Irmo and Olwe..yes. I was hoping you would catch that. Shawn would not even bother to write that one down. And then the conclusion of the ritual hmmmmmmm
Shawn Daysleeper:  nods
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Why hasn't Olwe and Nole spoken?
Shawn Daysleeper:  good question
AelKennyr Rhiano:  You don't go back too far...but what you are doing is looking for gaps.
Lihan Taifun:            speaking to Elenwe, Nole said he had just been with Olwe
AelKennyr Rhiano:  going in reverse makes you think about the role and the timline
Lihan Taifun:            we just didn't see that scene
AelKennyr Rhiano:  yes , he did...exactly. Now...he may think and decide, "You know, I think I want to rp with Elwing the White and speak to her about what Olwe and I talked about."
Shawn Daysleeper:  I said he was not in his quarters
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Oh...yes, I stand corrected did... So...perhaps now you will seek him out
Shawn Daysleeper:  ya good plan
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Perhaps you will seek out Apakenwe or Estlein. When you go backwards across the time line, you can see where rps have been "dropped" or where there is a gap, and perhaps you can fill it. or get a new idea... Perhaps Nole was asked by Earwen to write her his own account of the ritual
Lihan Taifun:            is this where you see things like, it has been a long time since anyone has panicked about the Morning Star?
AelKennyr Rhiano:  YES!
Shawn Daysleeper:  ya I like the Earwen idea
Leo:                             ._.
AelKennyr Rhiano:  Omg...the sky is falling, the sky is falling...runs to Elwing and panics over the disappeance of the star.

{Shawn has to leave. The discussion moves to Leo's balrog character. But I'm not posting spoilers. :) }

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