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March 30, 2011

The Reunion of Tilion and Olwë

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AelKennyr Rhiano and Puma Kawanishi

As the mists along the small veranda rush up and roll back, Olwe finds himself on the great veranda of his own palace, the stars which have always shone upon Aman again overhead.

Tilon has watched and waited for this moment. He's been counseled by the good Lord, Irmo, to be patient.  He knows that Olwe has been turned from the Halls of Mandos - he'd prayed for that - and now he would behold the Elven King, the Love he'd waited for, and sung into the the Music of the Ages, the Ainulindale...  part of his own small contribution to the world.   He hadn't realized he'd been singing about this Spirit, this Elf... but he knew his love's face - he recognized his Soul, the moment they met.

Here, in their Dream, they can hold each other again.  Gently the Steerman of the Moon descends on a stream of dust borrowed from the Moon, to behold, and hold, his Love once again.  In the center of the veranda, moonbeams swirl and coalesce  into the form and figure he knows so well. Olwe can but stand there, transfixed, for the love which has sustained him has risen so that he cannot give his joy utterance.  He can but cross the distance, his eyes fixed upon the face of the One he loves more than life, more than hope.

His arms slide around the waist of the Steersman of the Moon, and he lays his cheek to Tilion's shoulder, breathes in the moonbeams, the warmth, the radiance, still unable to give voice to the depth of his emotions.  He slowly turns his head toward the nape of his Beloved's neck and pulls his face back until his lips brush the Maia's ear and whispers all his love into one word: "Tilion."

Olwe holds Tilion tight and places his cheek against the Maia's as he whispers, softly, into his ear, " Born of neither mother nor father, what did I know of love until I beheld your face, and in that face, I knew my soul's rest, and my heart's home.  In this past time of Darkness, bereft of all knowledge and feeling of those who have watched over my people and my own self, the most bitter thing was to be without your shining light deep within me.  For I did know it was close by, and could feel it not."

Here in their Dream, Olwe could be...... not king, nor lord..... but Olwe alone, and speak to the one he loved words such as not passed the lips of a king.  "It is said Men love quickly, elves deeply, like the roots of a tree spreads, deep into earth.  So is this love in me for you.  My heart is yours, as I am yours.  My spirit is yours, as I am yours.  Living, dying, never shall I be parted from my Beloved.  This I know, forever is Olwe Tilion's."

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