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May 7, 2011

Aztryd Meets Nolë in Alqualondë

 Shawn Daysleeper and Lihan Taifun

Early morning is chilly and foggy in the deserted seaport.  Aztryd pulls her cloak tighly around herself and Nizl, and builds up a tiny fire of twigs.  Through the fog, she can make out the masts of the Human ship, as it eagerly leaves the harbor on the morning tide.  For herself, she is glad to see the last of that ship!  From now on, only dry land for her!

Nole wakes up, shivering in the cool spring morning. He rises and goes to the window. The fog blankets the ground below his window, as his home is high up in the hills overlooking the empty city. The market and other houses were hidden from view, but he could clearly see the waters beyond the harbour. The sun was rising, burning away the dense white mists. He suddenly jolts. "A ship!" he says aloud. The ship was sailing away from the docks, and was not elven, he has seen ships like this one before. "Human" he says under his breath. He quickly exits his home and speeds down the hill towards the city, decending into the dense fog.

A number of plump white waterbirds have made their home in the harbor, and even venture into the streets, but so far they have evaded Aztryd's meager hunting skills.  Non-existant hunting skills, really.  So her breakfast consists of some dried meat soaked in boiling water, and hard crackers.  At least, on stable ground, she can keep food down!  She looks up at the sun, gleaming dully through the fog, and tries to guess which direction Gamilfûn was from here.

As Nole approaches the harbour and market, he walks slowly, straining to hear for voices of the visitors. He had remembered to bring his jeweled dagger he picked up long ago from the port coty where he found Elenwe. That time seemed so long ago to him now. he kept the dagger hidden, for violence is not his nature. However, he would defend himself and his friends, especially his king. As he reaches the market, he smells something cooking. He turns his attention from the docks to the marketplace, and guesses the direction of the smell

Breakfast, such as it was, over, Aztryd begins to pack.  She doesn't own much.  She keeps her knife out, on her belt, in case there are wild animals, or in case she finally succeeds in sneaking up on one of those birds.  Nizl goes into her little nest at the top of hte pack.  Aztryd then stomps out the fire, mostly out of habit, since it could hardly matter in this deserted place.

Nole peeks around a corner and sees a small humanoid stamping on something. He recognises the race as dwarven from one of his many voyages abroad. Looking around once more to make sure no one else was about, he decides to cautiously approach the newcomer.

Aztryd looks up, and sees a silent figure standing in the square!  She hastily grabs at her pack, fumbling to get it onto her back.

Nole watches the dward's frantic actions for a moment. More curious than cautious, Nole strides forward quickly, hoping not to look like a threat.

In alarm, she barks out, "Who are you?  What are you doing here?",  in the human language. 

Nole has picked up enough human on his voyages to understand. He stops and looks at her "I am Nole and I live here in this city. I saw a ship offshore and came to investigate"

"You live here?" she asks in confusion.  "I don't think you will catch that ship.  They were in a hurry to leave this accursed place.  Wherever this is."

Nole looks a little hurt at the other's remark "Accursed place? Yes I live here. This is Alqualonde, the City of the Teleri, ruled by Olwe Ciriaran. Did you arrive here on that ship? And where are you from?"

 "Alk-wa-lon-de..."  The name is unfamiliar.  "Is it far to Grey Havens? ... Yes, I came on that ship, and I hope I never have to ride another ship again!"

"Grey Havens?" Nole looks up questionly, envisioning his mental map of the surrounding lands. "The Grey Havens are a few days sail away. I am not sure why you would end up here if you were intending to visit the Grey Havens. If you want to leave Alqualonde, however, you would have to go on another ship."

"The ship didn't come here a-purpose!  The sailors said something about losing a star ..." She waves a hand vaguely.  "I don't understand those stars, but he thought it was a problem. But ... have to go on another ship? ...." Her face falls.

"Losing a star? you mean the Morning Star?" Nole is well learned of the stars and wandering lights of the sky. He explains "The Morning Star is a key to navigation of the seas, but to many of us, it has a much more significant meaning." His voice trails off for a bit but before he turns to her other remark, he asks "What is your name?"

She thinks about that a moment, not wanting leave a trail for her pursuers.  But any damage has already been done.  How many dwarves can there be out travelling the seas?  "Aztryd" she says sullenly.

"Aztryd" he smiles. "I am pleased to meet you." He pauses a moment before speaking more "Yes, if you desire to leave from here, you woud have to take a ship."

"Ships seem to be in short supply"

"I do have a ship in the harbour" he waves his hand toward the veiled harbour in the fog "and could take you to the mainland if you wish. But I must see my king before I depart. I do not leave his side willingly in these dark times... " He stops speaking suddenly. Quickly changing the subject. "Perhaps you are hungry, we have a kitchen where I could cook you some breakfast?"

Aztryd stares out toward the water for a minute before replying.  The thought of taking another ship is nearly too much to bear.  Meanwhile, if she truly cannot walk home from here ... why not have a real breakfast?  "Thank you ..." she strains to remember " ... No-le."  And maybe she can find a map here.

Nole smiles "let us go into the palace, and you will meet some of my friends over a hot breakfast."

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