< Previous Aztryd & Nolë < Previous Olwë < Previous Estelin < Previous Elenwë
Nole leads the hugry newcomer into the palace for a hearty breakfast. He is unsure how she would be received by those within, but thought it would be best to do this over a meal. Aztryd trots along following him. After nearly two weeks among Humans, a few Elves can't be much worse. And the prospect of a real breakfast beckons. They eventually reach the dining hall where there is a fireplace and table set for the morning meal. Estelin waits inside, curiously investigating utensils by the stove. Nole smiles to him and begins to cook breakfast.
Elsewhere, Elenwe's stomach begins rumbling and reminds her that she must leave the waterfall and find breakfast. She would rather sit by the waterfall the entire day listening to the watery music. She brushes her clothing and straightens her cloak as she paces toward the palace. The smell of cooking causes her to quicken her step.
In the palace kitchens, Aztryd gratefully inhales the aroma of food. She takes off her cloak, dropping it on the floor, and then her pack, keeping it close, balanced against her side.
"Estelin, this is Aztryd. She has just arrived in Alqualonde," Nole says as he turns his attention to cooking the meal.
Estelin looks up from the utensils he is holding. He looks curiously at the new person before him. The beard catches his attention most. Estelin bows a little. "Welcome to Alqualonde" he says as he continues to look over the newcomer.
Entering the dining hall, Elenwe is surprised to see several others already there. "Greetings, Nole, Estelin," she says as she looks at each.
Her eyes drop much farther down to the short being before her. Her glance takes in the hair, the beard, the clothing. "Greetings," she says, "and welcome to you."
Aztryd looks up at the elvish woman who has just arrived. She is well positioned to see these people's knees, but she has to crane her neck to see their faces. "Thank you" she says, hesitantly.
Elenwe looks inquiringly at Nole, one eyebrow lifted as if to say, "Where did this come from?" She is certain that the being arrived by sea, and also certain that Nole would be aware of what brought him, or her, to Alqualonde. Aztryd looks up, uncertainly, from elf to elf, and clutches the pack more tightly.
Nole turns and smiles a little. "I am sorry I have forgotten my manners. Please, sit, Aztryd. Breakfast will be ready in a moment. Perhaps you could tell Elenwe where you came from?"
Elenwe pulls out a chair. "Please, do sit, Aztryd," she says.
Aztryd lugs the pack over to lean against the chair, and clambers up onto it. Turning around to face the right way, her feet do not touch the ground. She wiggles her toes irritably. She can't scoot the chair back in, from this position!
Elenwe see Aztryd's struggle and politely helps push the chair closer to the table before taking a seat opposite her. Aztryd grimaces. Being pushed up to the table, like a small child! But what else can she do, with all this oversized furniture? "It is kind of you to invite me in," she mumbles
Smiling kindly at the obviously uncomfortable newcomer, Elenwe asks, "Please, Aztryd, can you tell us a bit of what brings you to our fair land, while Nole finishes preparing the meal?"
Estelin smiles. "Perhaps I will go see to our king. I think he would want to come meet our new arrival."
Aztryd thinks a moment, calculating how much to tell these people. "I am on my way to visit kinfolk in Gamilfûn, in the Blue Mountains. I thought it would be quicker to go on that Human ship. That was before I understood what travelling by ship is like. ... So I left the ship, and decided to walk the rest of the way. Though," she adds sadly, "your Nole says that it will not be possible to walk from here to the Grey Havens."
Elenwe casts in her memory for the name Gamilfun, but it is not familiar. "I spent much time in other lands, but cannot remember Grey Havens. And you have kinfolk there, you say?" Elenwe rises to aid Nole as she watches Aztryd.
"Grey Havens is the Elvish port. Very old. Up in the north. My kin live in the mountains, less than a day's walk from there."
Nole smiles and hands Elenwe some tea cups. "I hope tea would be a satisfactory drink for you at breakfast, Aztryd? Or would you rather have something... stronger?"
"Ale would be fine."
Estelin continues to stare at her beard. "I can't say I have ever met someone like you before."
Eyes closed, head titled slightly up, Olwe sits upon a cushion in the uppermost room of his tower, overlooking the sleepy Swanhaven as Arien's chariot mounts the sky and rosy fingers stretch up from the horizon. Slowly relaxing into a meditative trance, Olwe lets slip form his mind the worries about the trouble which may lie ahead and allows himself to bask in the nearness of the Valar. Their presence are once more a constant warmth he can perceive, and the love which emanates soothes the Teleri Lord's mind.
Gradually, as Olwe meditates, as he pulls in deep breath after deep breath, the aroma of bacon floated upon the breeze. His nostril flares as he inhales the aroma, and his stomach gives a rumble...then another, then another. Gradually, he gives up the war against his rebellious stomach, opens his eyes and sees smoke rising from the area of the palace kitchens. Sniffing appreciatively, Olwe starts to descend from his tower in the direction of that smell.
Coming to the door of the kitchen, Olwe breathes in the smells of of a breakfast and starts to enter, but then pauses. What if it were Estelin and Apakenwe attempting to cook again? He pales a little at the thought and cocks his head as the sound of voices reach him. He hears Elenwe's clear, gentle voice, and Faithful Nole...Nole! He can cook!!! Olwe breathes a sigh of relief. But there was a third voice, one with deeper tones than either of the elves. His brow furrows as he wonders at this new voice and with a smile Olwe pushes over the door and enters.
Nole is speaking. "Oh, yes, ale. I have a keg of strong ale around." He sets the teacups down and takes a goblet off the shelf. Nole places the goblet of ale before Aztryd. He then looks up at the door, calling out, "My King!" and smiles. "Please have a seat and meet our new arrival."
Estelin turns to his king, politely waiting to sit until his lord does so. The Teleri Lord enters, a gentle smile on his face, his sea blue eyes sweeping across all with in the room. Estelin is here, as is Elenwe, and Nole. And at the table is another figure, short in statue but solid as the earth, with hair and beard the color of Flame. "Good morrow, "Olwe says, his gaze resting briefing on the stranger. "I trust everyone is well this morn?"
Elenwe turns to greet their King, looking much more himself now. "Greetings, my King," she says to Olwe.
Once more the eyes that beheld the Two Trees dance with genuine delight. "My dear Elenwe, how are you, dear swordmaiden?" Olwe looks about.
Aztryd starts at the word "king". She attempts to stand, hampered by her immovable chair. Knocking over the goblet, she manages to squeeze up to a standing position on the chair, from which she bows to the new arrival.
Elenwe says "I am well, my Lord," she replies as she places a tea cup on the table for him. "And I trust you are well this morn."
Aztryd glances wide-eyed between the "king", and the one attempting to make small-talk to her. Then, realizing her ale is puddling across the table, she grabs for a napkin, and attempts to wipe up the mess.
The small figure seems to struggle in the chair in which he...she...sat at the table. At first Olwe gave a puzzled look, drawn by Estelin's words, and watches as the red-haired stranger knocks over a goblet. He moves forward, toward the table.
Elenwe moves to grab a cloth to take care of the spilled ale as she listens to the interaction between Olwe and the short-statured newcomer.
Estelin sees that Nole was preparing to serve the breakfast. He rises to help Nole plate the food and bring it to the table.
Flustered, Aztryd bows again. "Your Majesty! It is very kind of your people ... I had no idea you were .... I really didn't mean to ...."
Deftly moving the goblet upright while clearing the table, Elenwe repours ale for Aztryd. She gives him? or her? a reassuring smile.
Olwe stops in midreach for a napkin, unused upon the table, the clear blue eyes looking down, taking in the smaller yet stocky individual stammering. His left hand makes a stopping motion, palm up toward the stranger, "Please,"he says, gently, " No, be at ease, here. You are most welcome. Please sit again, friend, and be at comfort."
Estelin serves Aztryd her breakfast of warm bread, eggs, and meat. He then brings food to Olwe, Elenwe and sets some down for Nole and himself.
Aztryd takes a deep breath. Shifting her eyes around the room, she sees relaxed faces all around. Perhaps no dire offense has happened. She whispers a "thank you" to the woman who helped clean up, and squeezes back to sitting, and looks appreciatively at the plate of food.
Olwe looks about the room.. His stomach gives a loud rumble now, and his face blushes. Clearing his throat a little, he says, "What may I do to help, please? And Nole, would this fine repast be your handiwork?"
"My lord, please, be seated," Elenwe says hurriedly. Knowing Olwe's kind intentions, she is sure he will want to help with the serving. She is still most concerned about his state of health, and feels rather protective. With a smile, she pulls out a chair for Olwe.
Nole blushes a little. "I hope everyone finds their breakfast most invigourating."
Aztryd's pack whimpers quietly.
Olwe smiles sheepishly and briefly places a hand over one of hers. "I fear you spoil me, kind Elenwe. I thank you." Gracefully, he takes his seat, and turns his attention to the stranger seated with him. "How came you to our fair Swanhaven?"
Aztryd pats the pack in a reassuring gesture. She takes a swig of the ale. "Yes, Your Majesty, I was just saying. I am on my way to visit my kin. I thought it would be quicker to take that ship to Grey Havens. But, that didn't work out so well. And now Nole here," she gestures with the goblet of ale, "says it is not possible to walk from here to Grey Havens at all."
"Grey haven?" He asks, watching as the stranger take a drink of Ale, the free hand patting what looks to be a traveller's pack. He looks up and over at Nole at the mention of the merchant's name and back to the stranger. "You were en route to the Grey Havens by way of Alqualonde?"
"That accursed ship was supposed to just go up the coast, a very simple voyage, they said. Then there was a fearsome storm, and they lost their way -- something about losing a star -- and this place is what they found. And by that time I had more of ships than I ever want to see in my life."
Once more the Teleri Lord looks up to catch the gaze of the sea merchant. The north star. Its loss would make it hard for mariners to chart their course precisely. "A storm, you say?" He leans forward, and again returns his gaze to the smaller figure. "Glad we are that you are safely among us. Have you many kin in the Grey Havens, or those who are eagerly awaiting you? For it is, indeed, a simple matter to see that you reach your destination."
Nole catches Olwe's gaze. "I could see her safely to the Grey Havens, but I wished for you two to meet first. The missing star would lead to navigational errors by those unfamiliar with the seas, no doubt."
Olwe gives a nod of agreement. Aztryd has been working through the plate of food, eagerly making up for days of eating sparely. "Oh, yes, there are many of my kin, in the Blue Mountains; hardly a day's walk from the Grey Havens." The pack whimpers more loudly now, and Aztryd glances down at it furtively, biting her lip.
Estelin, who was not especially focused on his breakfast, looks at the pack curiously. Seeing his gaze, Aztryd places a hand protectively onto the pack. Olwe's eyebrows raise at the sound, and he leans forward, eying the stranger. His eyes study the figure before him intently , and his voice is quiet as he speaks. "Your stomach gives a most peculiar sound, friend."
Unfamiliar with bodily functions, Estelin shrugs at Olwe's comment and turns back to his breakfast. Panicked, Aztryd tries to rise in her chair again. Olwe's voice does not rise in tone, but nevertheless there is authority to the command he gives." Sit," he says, all gentleness gone from his voice. "And proclaim who you truly are, and why you are so ill at ease."
"Oh, no, you don't!" She forces herself up to standing, and leaps out of the chair, clutching the pack wild-eyed. "We didn't escape this far, just to fall into the hands of elves!"
Hearing the tone of her voice, the pack begins to wail. Olwe rises quickly as the small woman rises. It is most certainly a woman, and the cries from the pack....he looks at her, eyes wide, and blinks slowly. He raises both hands, palms up and addresses her gently. "Peace, mother, attend thy child. I was once a father. I know the wail of a hungry babe in a wet cloth."
Estelin looks up with interest and rises as well. His eyes were wide and he remained silent. Aztryd clutches the pack protectively. She eyes this king suspiciously, but his action shows no sign of hostility. Keeping one eye on her hosts, she cautiously unties the strap on her pack, and removes the top bundle, which is Nizl, heavily wrapped in fur.
Olwe glances briefly, first at Estelin, then at Nole. He does not move, but calmly calls out, "Friend Nole, might there be leftover bread and warm fresh milk to be had for this child." His eyes slowly lower to the bundle in Aztryd's arms.
Nole watches silently as Aztryd revealed the child. At his king's words, he replies "Yes, there is stil some bread left. Let me find some milk." He places some bread on a plate before the dwarf and goes to find some milk.
Aztryd leans against the side of the chair, and peels back Nizl's wrappings. Wet, no question about that. She fumbles deeper in the pack for a clean cloth.
Olwe watches as the small woman pulls back the wrappings to reveal the child. Indeed, the child favors the mother. "Most comely child," he says softly. "You are both safe here, little Mother." He closes his hand into a fist and pulls the fist tight against his chest over his heart. "I swear upon my love of Eru, you are safe here."
Returning with some milk, Nole gives it to the dwarf. He then stands silently wide-eyed, watching the baby.
Strong words indeed! Aztryd eyes the king, trying to calculate the character of this stranger. Yet so far, he has done no harm, even when he could have. She relaxes a little, letting herself be reassured by his words. For now. "Truly it is my mother and my grandmother we are going to visit. It was not safe -- for her -- in my husband's halls."
Olwe feels her words settle about him, the implication unsettling as he watches this mother care for her child. He looks at her face, the seeming youthfulness of the skin not hidden by the beard, but her manner of speaking, so weary sounding to his ears. "Why did you fear elves, little Mother? Did you not take passage aboard an elven ship?"
"A Human ship. Few ships of the Elves carry trade these days. In the old days, they say the Elves did. And in the old days, even in the days of my grandmother, the Dwarves traded with the Elves. But now, nearly all the Elves ships have left. Gone far away, they say."
Olwe exhales softly, a breath he had been holding, he now realizes that he had been waiting to hear an elven ship that carried her here. Elven kin still trading, who still can be found upon the seas. He drops his head and slowly nods, then looks back up. "This is still far for humans to sail, and without the guidance of the Morning Star, I should wonder how they still navigate with surety upon the waters of the world, unless it be Ulmo guiding them."
> Next
Nole leads the hugry newcomer into the palace for a hearty breakfast. He is unsure how she would be received by those within, but thought it would be best to do this over a meal. Aztryd trots along following him. After nearly two weeks among Humans, a few Elves can't be much worse. And the prospect of a real breakfast beckons. They eventually reach the dining hall where there is a fireplace and table set for the morning meal. Estelin waits inside, curiously investigating utensils by the stove. Nole smiles to him and begins to cook breakfast.
Elsewhere, Elenwe's stomach begins rumbling and reminds her that she must leave the waterfall and find breakfast. She would rather sit by the waterfall the entire day listening to the watery music. She brushes her clothing and straightens her cloak as she paces toward the palace. The smell of cooking causes her to quicken her step.
In the palace kitchens, Aztryd gratefully inhales the aroma of food. She takes off her cloak, dropping it on the floor, and then her pack, keeping it close, balanced against her side.
"Estelin, this is Aztryd. She has just arrived in Alqualonde," Nole says as he turns his attention to cooking the meal.
Estelin looks up from the utensils he is holding. He looks curiously at the new person before him. The beard catches his attention most. Estelin bows a little. "Welcome to Alqualonde" he says as he continues to look over the newcomer.
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Elenwë and Estelin |
Her eyes drop much farther down to the short being before her. Her glance takes in the hair, the beard, the clothing. "Greetings," she says, "and welcome to you."
Aztryd looks up at the elvish woman who has just arrived. She is well positioned to see these people's knees, but she has to crane her neck to see their faces. "Thank you" she says, hesitantly.
Elenwe looks inquiringly at Nole, one eyebrow lifted as if to say, "Where did this come from?" She is certain that the being arrived by sea, and also certain that Nole would be aware of what brought him, or her, to Alqualonde. Aztryd looks up, uncertainly, from elf to elf, and clutches the pack more tightly.
Nole turns and smiles a little. "I am sorry I have forgotten my manners. Please, sit, Aztryd. Breakfast will be ready in a moment. Perhaps you could tell Elenwe where you came from?"
Elenwe pulls out a chair. "Please, do sit, Aztryd," she says.
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Aztryd |
Elenwe see Aztryd's struggle and politely helps push the chair closer to the table before taking a seat opposite her. Aztryd grimaces. Being pushed up to the table, like a small child! But what else can she do, with all this oversized furniture? "It is kind of you to invite me in," she mumbles
Smiling kindly at the obviously uncomfortable newcomer, Elenwe asks, "Please, Aztryd, can you tell us a bit of what brings you to our fair land, while Nole finishes preparing the meal?"
Estelin smiles. "Perhaps I will go see to our king. I think he would want to come meet our new arrival."
Aztryd thinks a moment, calculating how much to tell these people. "I am on my way to visit kinfolk in Gamilfûn, in the Blue Mountains. I thought it would be quicker to go on that Human ship. That was before I understood what travelling by ship is like. ... So I left the ship, and decided to walk the rest of the way. Though," she adds sadly, "your Nole says that it will not be possible to walk from here to the Grey Havens."
Elenwe casts in her memory for the name Gamilfun, but it is not familiar. "I spent much time in other lands, but cannot remember Grey Havens. And you have kinfolk there, you say?" Elenwe rises to aid Nole as she watches Aztryd.
"Grey Havens is the Elvish port. Very old. Up in the north. My kin live in the mountains, less than a day's walk from there."
Nole smiles and hands Elenwe some tea cups. "I hope tea would be a satisfactory drink for you at breakfast, Aztryd? Or would you rather have something... stronger?"
"Ale would be fine."
Estelin continues to stare at her beard. "I can't say I have ever met someone like you before."
Eyes closed, head titled slightly up, Olwe sits upon a cushion in the uppermost room of his tower, overlooking the sleepy Swanhaven as Arien's chariot mounts the sky and rosy fingers stretch up from the horizon. Slowly relaxing into a meditative trance, Olwe lets slip form his mind the worries about the trouble which may lie ahead and allows himself to bask in the nearness of the Valar. Their presence are once more a constant warmth he can perceive, and the love which emanates soothes the Teleri Lord's mind.
Gradually, as Olwe meditates, as he pulls in deep breath after deep breath, the aroma of bacon floated upon the breeze. His nostril flares as he inhales the aroma, and his stomach gives a rumble...then another, then another. Gradually, he gives up the war against his rebellious stomach, opens his eyes and sees smoke rising from the area of the palace kitchens. Sniffing appreciatively, Olwe starts to descend from his tower in the direction of that smell.
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King Olwë |
Nole is speaking. "Oh, yes, ale. I have a keg of strong ale around." He sets the teacups down and takes a goblet off the shelf. Nole places the goblet of ale before Aztryd. He then looks up at the door, calling out, "My King!" and smiles. "Please have a seat and meet our new arrival."
Estelin turns to his king, politely waiting to sit until his lord does so. The Teleri Lord enters, a gentle smile on his face, his sea blue eyes sweeping across all with in the room. Estelin is here, as is Elenwe, and Nole. And at the table is another figure, short in statue but solid as the earth, with hair and beard the color of Flame. "Good morrow, "Olwe says, his gaze resting briefing on the stranger. "I trust everyone is well this morn?"
Elenwe turns to greet their King, looking much more himself now. "Greetings, my King," she says to Olwe.
Once more the eyes that beheld the Two Trees dance with genuine delight. "My dear Elenwe, how are you, dear swordmaiden?" Olwe looks about.
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Olwë, Elenwë, and Estelin |
Aztryd starts at the word "king". She attempts to stand, hampered by her immovable chair. Knocking over the goblet, she manages to squeeze up to a standing position on the chair, from which she bows to the new arrival.
Elenwe says "I am well, my Lord," she replies as she places a tea cup on the table for him. "And I trust you are well this morn."
Aztryd glances wide-eyed between the "king", and the one attempting to make small-talk to her. Then, realizing her ale is puddling across the table, she grabs for a napkin, and attempts to wipe up the mess.
The small figure seems to struggle in the chair in which he...she...sat at the table. At first Olwe gave a puzzled look, drawn by Estelin's words, and watches as the red-haired stranger knocks over a goblet. He moves forward, toward the table.
Elenwe moves to grab a cloth to take care of the spilled ale as she listens to the interaction between Olwe and the short-statured newcomer.
Estelin sees that Nole was preparing to serve the breakfast. He rises to help Nole plate the food and bring it to the table.
Flustered, Aztryd bows again. "Your Majesty! It is very kind of your people ... I had no idea you were .... I really didn't mean to ...."
Deftly moving the goblet upright while clearing the table, Elenwe repours ale for Aztryd. She gives him? or her? a reassuring smile.
Olwe stops in midreach for a napkin, unused upon the table, the clear blue eyes looking down, taking in the smaller yet stocky individual stammering. His left hand makes a stopping motion, palm up toward the stranger, "Please,"he says, gently, " No, be at ease, here. You are most welcome. Please sit again, friend, and be at comfort."
Estelin serves Aztryd her breakfast of warm bread, eggs, and meat. He then brings food to Olwe, Elenwe and sets some down for Nole and himself.
Aztryd takes a deep breath. Shifting her eyes around the room, she sees relaxed faces all around. Perhaps no dire offense has happened. She whispers a "thank you" to the woman who helped clean up, and squeezes back to sitting, and looks appreciatively at the plate of food.
Olwe looks about the room.. His stomach gives a loud rumble now, and his face blushes. Clearing his throat a little, he says, "What may I do to help, please? And Nole, would this fine repast be your handiwork?"
"My lord, please, be seated," Elenwe says hurriedly. Knowing Olwe's kind intentions, she is sure he will want to help with the serving. She is still most concerned about his state of health, and feels rather protective. With a smile, she pulls out a chair for Olwe.
Nole blushes a little. "I hope everyone finds their breakfast most invigourating."
Aztryd's pack whimpers quietly.
Olwe smiles sheepishly and briefly places a hand over one of hers. "I fear you spoil me, kind Elenwe. I thank you." Gracefully, he takes his seat, and turns his attention to the stranger seated with him. "How came you to our fair Swanhaven?"
Aztryd pats the pack in a reassuring gesture. She takes a swig of the ale. "Yes, Your Majesty, I was just saying. I am on my way to visit my kin. I thought it would be quicker to take that ship to Grey Havens. But, that didn't work out so well. And now Nole here," she gestures with the goblet of ale, "says it is not possible to walk from here to Grey Havens at all."
"Grey haven?" He asks, watching as the stranger take a drink of Ale, the free hand patting what looks to be a traveller's pack. He looks up and over at Nole at the mention of the merchant's name and back to the stranger. "You were en route to the Grey Havens by way of Alqualonde?"
"That accursed ship was supposed to just go up the coast, a very simple voyage, they said. Then there was a fearsome storm, and they lost their way -- something about losing a star -- and this place is what they found. And by that time I had more of ships than I ever want to see in my life."
Once more the Teleri Lord looks up to catch the gaze of the sea merchant. The north star. Its loss would make it hard for mariners to chart their course precisely. "A storm, you say?" He leans forward, and again returns his gaze to the smaller figure. "Glad we are that you are safely among us. Have you many kin in the Grey Havens, or those who are eagerly awaiting you? For it is, indeed, a simple matter to see that you reach your destination."
Nole catches Olwe's gaze. "I could see her safely to the Grey Havens, but I wished for you two to meet first. The missing star would lead to navigational errors by those unfamiliar with the seas, no doubt."
Olwe gives a nod of agreement. Aztryd has been working through the plate of food, eagerly making up for days of eating sparely. "Oh, yes, there are many of my kin, in the Blue Mountains; hardly a day's walk from the Grey Havens." The pack whimpers more loudly now, and Aztryd glances down at it furtively, biting her lip.
Estelin, who was not especially focused on his breakfast, looks at the pack curiously. Seeing his gaze, Aztryd places a hand protectively onto the pack. Olwe's eyebrows raise at the sound, and he leans forward, eying the stranger. His eyes study the figure before him intently , and his voice is quiet as he speaks. "Your stomach gives a most peculiar sound, friend."
Unfamiliar with bodily functions, Estelin shrugs at Olwe's comment and turns back to his breakfast. Panicked, Aztryd tries to rise in her chair again. Olwe's voice does not rise in tone, but nevertheless there is authority to the command he gives." Sit," he says, all gentleness gone from his voice. "And proclaim who you truly are, and why you are so ill at ease."
"Oh, no, you don't!" She forces herself up to standing, and leaps out of the chair, clutching the pack wild-eyed. "We didn't escape this far, just to fall into the hands of elves!"
Hearing the tone of her voice, the pack begins to wail. Olwe rises quickly as the small woman rises. It is most certainly a woman, and the cries from the pack....he looks at her, eyes wide, and blinks slowly. He raises both hands, palms up and addresses her gently. "Peace, mother, attend thy child. I was once a father. I know the wail of a hungry babe in a wet cloth."
Estelin looks up with interest and rises as well. His eyes were wide and he remained silent. Aztryd clutches the pack protectively. She eyes this king suspiciously, but his action shows no sign of hostility. Keeping one eye on her hosts, she cautiously unties the strap on her pack, and removes the top bundle, which is Nizl, heavily wrapped in fur.
Olwe glances briefly, first at Estelin, then at Nole. He does not move, but calmly calls out, "Friend Nole, might there be leftover bread and warm fresh milk to be had for this child." His eyes slowly lower to the bundle in Aztryd's arms.
Nole watches silently as Aztryd revealed the child. At his king's words, he replies "Yes, there is stil some bread left. Let me find some milk." He places some bread on a plate before the dwarf and goes to find some milk.
Aztryd leans against the side of the chair, and peels back Nizl's wrappings. Wet, no question about that. She fumbles deeper in the pack for a clean cloth.
Olwe watches as the small woman pulls back the wrappings to reveal the child. Indeed, the child favors the mother. "Most comely child," he says softly. "You are both safe here, little Mother." He closes his hand into a fist and pulls the fist tight against his chest over his heart. "I swear upon my love of Eru, you are safe here."
Returning with some milk, Nole gives it to the dwarf. He then stands silently wide-eyed, watching the baby.
Strong words indeed! Aztryd eyes the king, trying to calculate the character of this stranger. Yet so far, he has done no harm, even when he could have. She relaxes a little, letting herself be reassured by his words. For now. "Truly it is my mother and my grandmother we are going to visit. It was not safe -- for her -- in my husband's halls."
Olwe feels her words settle about him, the implication unsettling as he watches this mother care for her child. He looks at her face, the seeming youthfulness of the skin not hidden by the beard, but her manner of speaking, so weary sounding to his ears. "Why did you fear elves, little Mother? Did you not take passage aboard an elven ship?"
"A Human ship. Few ships of the Elves carry trade these days. In the old days, they say the Elves did. And in the old days, even in the days of my grandmother, the Dwarves traded with the Elves. But now, nearly all the Elves ships have left. Gone far away, they say."
Olwe exhales softly, a breath he had been holding, he now realizes that he had been waiting to hear an elven ship that carried her here. Elven kin still trading, who still can be found upon the seas. He drops his head and slowly nods, then looks back up. "This is still far for humans to sail, and without the guidance of the Morning Star, I should wonder how they still navigate with surety upon the waters of the world, unless it be Ulmo guiding them."
> Next