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May 7, 2011

The Creature

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Leonardo Rainfall

The rift opened into a dark, dank cave nestled deep into a mountainside. Creatures of the dark scurried away from the rift, the disturbance setting their instincts aflame with fear. One foot steps out, faint orange light sweeping through the darkness and illuminating the wet walls. Slowly it emerged from the breach in nature, its large, clawed hands reaching through to pull its mighty body forth. A low grumble resounded through the cave, bouncing off the walls and spilling out into the open outside of crack in the mountain. As it fully stepped out, the black passage closed behind it.

It stood arched within the tight cave; a growl of annoyance reverberating throughout the musky area. It took a step forward, one surprisingly silent given its massive size. Its hands reached out to the walls to help hold himself steady, his position awkward and wildly uncomfortable. Its eyes light pierced through the darkness, the surrounding red light simply a subtle glow in comparison. As it made it's way through the mountain's cavity, natural light became more abundant, then more concentrated. There were no other paths, no maze for it to make it's way through, just a simple straight shot out.

It approached the source of the light: a ragged and brutal tear in the stone, wide enough for a human to slide through. It snaked a hand into the split in the mountainside, orange smoke with a dark tint billowing off of it. It tugged lightly, testing the strength of the obstacle before it. It brought its hand back in, already knowing his course of action.

The creature backed itself away from the frail wall and planted its legs deep into the dirt, next digging its claws into the cave's ground as it tensed itself on all fours. It had two large horns on either side of its head, curved and sharp at the tip. Pulling on the cavern's floor with its clawed hands and propelling itself forward with strong legs, the curved horns crashed into the wall. The mountain wall gave way, crashing outwards and sending large chunks of heavy stone out into air. The creature, enveloped in a shadowy, fiery cloud, followed behind it. It began tumbling through the air with the fragmented rock, spinning and twirling without control because of its momentum. As it fell, it began to regain control, slowly but surely prepared for the next part of his simple plan.

As it tumbled with gravity, it fought, struggled, spinning every direction, the spins slowly easing and becoming predictable. Then, as his body was perpendicular to the earth below, it's powerful arms stretched out. The dark, fiery smoke blew out away from it in a sweeping cloud as massive, dark red wings spread from its back. Its decent halted immediately with a hard jerk, flying high above the ground as its wings lapped up and down.

Its body was massive and muscular, hard dark skin encasing ancient muscle. Though its body was shrouded in darkness and flames, it was clear that its strength was great; if not by its size, then by the confidence which with it carried itself . Its hands bore brutally sharp claws, its feet talons, each as sharp as the finest of swords.

The creature swooped down low, gliding parallel to the ground elegantly, weaving between trees and boulders, leaving no trail of fire despite its seemingly hectic appearance. This creature had lived with its body since before this age; before the time of the elf, and before the trees of the forest it treaded had leaves to claim as their own.

The demon of fire and shadow eased to the floor of a clearing, the light landing unexpected for a creature of such size. If one asked its name, the creature would respond: "I am Balrog."

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