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May 9, 2011

Fireside Chat -- Godmodding and Metagaming

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AelKennyr Rhiano   
Siwan Sandalwood  
Shawn Daysleeper   
Lihan Taifun             
Gwindolyn Spiritor 

Text-based combat is very similar to ordinary text-based roleplaying. However in combat it is critical to stick to one reaction per post, and to give everyone a chance to react to each action. It is also important to keep your reaction realistic for your character (considering your character's gender, age, race, occupation, skills, and natural abilities).

You can say what your action (for example, an attempted blow) “might” do “should it land”, or where it is “aimed”. But it is is up to the recipient to say what really did happen to him or her.

Your character's action should be believable. That is considerably different from “a wise course of action.” Sometimes your character's most plausible action will be something ignorant, or foolhardy, or (depending on your character) perhaps obnoxious. That happens with realistic characters with personalities.


Metagaming is stepping outside of your character's possibilities.”

Godmodding” includes using Out Of Character information In Character. The OOC information might include name tags, information from someone's profile, IM, mini-map or radar.
You (the typist) probably know things about other people, other races and other realms that your character has not met, and events that your character did not witness. Your character does not have this information! How would your character react to that “funny looking stranger”? Your character would not know the weaknesses of a character he or she has never met.

A ranger with good tracking skills might use the mini-map. In that case, it corresponds to a believable IC skill.

Keep track of what weapons your character is carrying and what spells your character knows, and stick to those. Having a written list is good, and some sims require such a list. Some sims have other limits, such as “only use weapons you have rezzed on your avatar”. Your weapons and spells should be ones you can justify your character having trained in.

If you want another player to come join you (if you are in a tight spot and want an ally!) give a plausible emote for attracting that person's attention. There are more options than shouting. Something that could be seen at a distance could be reasonable posted in group chat.

Another form of godmodding is dictating (or assuming) another players actions. Give players a chance to respond. That means limiting each post to one action, rather than posting a whole string of actions at once. (That doesn't necessarily mean one-line posts. You can describe in detail what your character is doing, and body language. But give people a chance to respond at appropriate points.)

 {Siwan's comments removed at her request 6/18/2011}
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes!
Lihan Taifun:              you are!
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    lol! it does :P
Lihan Taifun:              same people? *grins*
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              yes, but you haven't met Gwindolyn, our teacher
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Unfortunately you are stuck with Ael tonight!

AelKennyr Rhiano:    so...we have been talking about text based rp combat. We had a regular brawl in here last week :P
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    there was a brawl?
Lihan Taifun:              we were practicing
Shawn Daysleeper:    hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes, we did, rpwise, and it was actually fun.
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh I was travelling last week
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes!
Lihan Taifun:              was that after you left, Shawn? when we all ended up in a heap on the floor
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes! heh heh
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh no
Lihan Taifun:              except Cinnamon, who grabbed the knife
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Everyone lived, actually.
Shawn Daysleeper:    wow
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    ya I left monday and missed monday evening. wow

AelKennyr Rhiano:    Let's review some of the things we learned, for Shawn's and Siwan's benefit, and as a review for us as well?
Shawn Daysleeper:    yes please :)
Lihan Taifun:              great
AelKennyr Rhiano:    ok..Test based combat is really not that different from text based rp...when you break it down. But in combat, reaction <--->reaction becomes critical. And there is the urge sometimes, as we have seen, to rp more action than you can realistically do in an actual situation.
Shawn Daysleeper:    ok
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Some of the things you have to consider are your gender, your age, your race, your occupation, your skills, and your natural abilities. Things need to make sense. And with text based combat, you have to make sure you don't rp over others, that you give everyone a chance to respond or not respond. You try to keep your actions and your reactions to what your rp character could reasonably do in initiation of an action or in response.

Now, Gwindolyn and I have a difference in preference of "word choice." May I give examples?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    yes :)
AelKennyr Rhiano:    And let me preference by saying neither is "wrong." It is a difference of opinion. Let's say that we are in a tavern, and I am very drunken elf, and I have a long standing grudge with my neighbor Shawn here..."grrrrr...."
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh no
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun whispers back, "The examples are always fun."
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

AelKennyr Rhiano drains his tankard and glares blearily at that neighbor of his. He huffs and wipes the foam off his upper lip, which curls into a sneer. Red faced, sweating profusely, he stands, swaying a little, one hand going for a dagger sheathed on his belt. "You!" He screams, raising his other hand and pointing a finger at Shawn. "You stole Maisy my swan." Then, with a blur of his hand, he draws his dagger and a flick of the wrist sends it flying at Shawn. Should it hit him, it may lodge in the fleshy part of his upper arm.

Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              that is the Ael style?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I prefer to use words like"should it" or "may" instead of "would."
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    "Would" for some inexperienced roleplayers is often confused with "does." And therefore, some will accuse you of godmodding. Neither word choice is more right than the other. The point is to make it clear that the person has the chance to respond.
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh not sure my typing is going thru
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oh-oh
Shawn Daysleeper:    there. I used /99 hehe
Lihan Taifun:              rofl
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    you have been rping alot! rofl
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh I know... hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:    So...the dagger is flying at Shawn...what does poor Shawn do?
Lihan Taifun:              my estimate of Gwindolyn's style would be to say "it is aimed at ..."
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes...she does a lot of that. which is very helpful in direct combat.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    And yes, I left it very open...after all, the elf has had one too many. I doubt he is really aiming. I chose to leave it open because there were words like "blearily" and "swaying."

Shawn Daysleeper ducks when he saw Ael reach for his dagger. He then offers up some gin that he smuggled in from a dwarf merchant ship."Here, drink this, you will feel better."

AelKennyr Rhiano:    Good! Is that believable?
Lihan Taifun:              yes
Shawn Daysleeper:    if dwarves brew gin, then ya hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:    hahaha
Lihan Taifun:              if dwarves ran ships
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh oops, hehe, ya hope he got sick on gin. then I could help him get home and feel better
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    HaHaHa and give him a swan
Lihan Taifun:              "believable" is different from "a good plan"
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    That Shawn was able to duck the path of the blade is very credible. Ael is drunk, and yes...Lihan made the point before I did.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    It is one way a person could credible respond.
Shawn Daysleeper:    I can't imagine anyone throwing a dagger with accuracy when drunk
Lihan Taifun:              Shawn's response might suggest he has had more than a few himself
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    oh no
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oh, gods. hahahah
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    it could turn out to synthetic gin, too.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    or maybe 80 proof hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:    So...Shawn was quick on his elven toes, but what he rped may not be so smart, depending upon my reaction.
Shawn Daysleeper:    main thing is that you could respond to my rp
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

AelKennyr Rhiano:    Gwin is coming. hi
Shawn Daysleeper:    hello Gwindolyn
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun whispers, "Don't call her Gwin!"
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Gwindolyn, this is Siwan, Siwan, our most excellent combat teacher, Gwindolyn.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  "Hello Everyone." She smiles at the quick correction of her name. "hello Siwan."
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Siwan, as we are OOC, I will forgive your quick mistakes. However, calling me 'lady' in character can get you maimed or killed.
Shawn Daysleeper:    wow
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              fortunately for us, the odds of meeting her in character are low
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  However, that is a perfect jump into today's topic. Today's topic is metagaming and godmoding.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Which if you stop to think about it, goes hand-in-hand with believable rp combat. AelKennyr Rhiano gladly steps aside and lets Gwindolyn take over.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Metagaming is stepping outside of your character's possibilities - such as teleporting directly to an RP in progress without believable entrance.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Or stealng my Maisy the swan. AelKennyr Rhiano glares at Shawn
Gwindolyn Spiritor chuckles and shushes Ael with a blown kiss.
Shawn Daysleeper:    ulp
AelKennyr Rhiano hushs with a smile.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Godmoding is a term used to cover a few RP sins. The first one here is OOC information. Gwindolyn Spiritor points to the tag over her head. "Siwan said hello before anyone gave him my name. It is because I wear this....." However, in RL, we don't go around with tags over our head and few wear them on their shirts. Even then, most consider it impolite to use the names without permission in RL.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              are you saying it was impolite of Siwan to greet you? in a OOC class?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I'm saying this is OOC and this tag is OOC information.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So here, in an OOC class, it is quite polite - and Siwan, I didn't hear them say that - forgive me.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I did reference you before you got here.
Shawn Daysleeper:    right, Ael said "Gwin is coming"
AelKennyr Rhiano:    nod nod nod
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  However, let's say Siwan and I meet on sim in RP...... Would Siwan greet me with my name in character?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    lots of small furry creatures ran when I said it.
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor grins "Ael, you do flatter, my sweet."
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  GOOD!
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I think the proper response is, "Bye!"
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol@ Ael
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  It is like meeting anyone you have not met. Except now you take into account any stereotypes, prejudices your character may have. There has been much confusion about my name.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    You could also im the person and ask, right, Gwin?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  No, Ael. If you ask how to greet a person in IM, you are now using OOC information.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    No, I didn't say USE the information. I said deliberately just "ask."
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Why ask if you did not intend to use?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    For me? To learn. I ask you things all the time about drow that I don't reveal IC.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol. but then, Siwan, you would already know.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Siwan, you should not know ICly how to greet a drow you haven't met anymore than you should know how to greet someone you have to meet from another race in RL. If you are prepped by someone else ICly, that is ok as that happens RL.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  But otherwise, it should be that unknown factor. Gwindolyn Spiritor grins "Very good."
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              so you would do what your character would be likely to do, and she will respond to it the way her character would respond
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right Lihan. And Siwan, you often greet a dog you don't know as "Hello dog." Correct?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Only if your character knows what a drow is. IF you have never seen one of my kind and have never heard of my kind, you have no idea that I'm drow.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol. Then that is a valid response.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes. That would work well.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Unless your character is blind. lol.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So can anyone give me other examples of OOC information being incorrectly integrated?
Lihan Taifun:              if I know where you have been, and what you have been doing
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    "I see you are from Eternity? How does the good King there?"
Gwindolyn Spiritor points to the dragon her shoulder "That's Sparky." Good examples both of you.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  You can read them, but again, that's OOC information.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So if you don't know anything about drow weakness ICly and you use a spell of light on me at greeting, that would be godmoding. How would your character know to use a spell of light and not one of darkness?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  You would have to justify that carefully Siwan - and it would have to fit with context and character.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    You might possibly make an assumption that she looks tough and evil, and has this wicked dragon on her shoulder, and you may choose to cast a spell right off the bat, but again, that goes back to, "Is that really a good plan?"
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Character information in a profile is often about the next kind o Godmoding - unreal abilities. I am drow. I carry a LOT of hidden items on me. But if we are in combat and I start pulling out all these items, there is a "Really? you're kidding, right?" feeling going on. I keep a standard list of my spells too. This way, as I choose this spell or that, you know OOCly that I'm not making things up for convenience. I have ICly earned my spells.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Siwan, I'm a highpriestess ICly. I can cast some pretty wicked things. But you are just meeting me. How do you know I'm powerful enough to call a deamon out of no where to torture your backside?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Siwan, mini-map is a question of ability.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  For example, if Ael is a ranger, he can use the mini-map with the excuse of tracking and he has to emote being able to track. Otherwise, it becomes OOC information.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Correct, Siwan.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Many sims go with rules like "you can only use weapons you have rezzed on your avatar." Or rules like "if you need help from another player, you have to have a believable emote for that help. Such as screaming, or sending out a homing pigeon
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              "if you need help..."? I am not getting that
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  These are good rules of thumb anyways. Lihan, say I have you cornered in a tavern and we are alone. But you can see Ael is on sim.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    looking for Maisy
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  But he is too far for you to yell in character for his attention.
Lihan Taifun:              oh, ok
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  What sorts of things are you going to do to get him to you?
Lihan Taifun:              I could make a lot of noise ... but he still might not be able to hear it. I doubt I could make enough noise to carry 100 m. (trying to imagine 100 m .... maybe I could)
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right. So think of other ways to get attention?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Remember, I'm an elf. you have to consider the abilities of the race of the other rpers.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Siwan, is your character capable of telepathy?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              set the tavern on fire and create a lot of smoke?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    What if the wind was blowing in a direction that would help carry your voice instead of blowing in a direction that could carry it away?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Lihan, that would get attention. That is something that could be posted into group chat as well - many would see that from a distance.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Who is Geoffrey?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Wouldn't you say, describing the environment around you in your rp emotes also helps, Gwindolyn? Setting fire to a tavern build of stone is far more difficult that one build of wood. If there is a gale force wind blowing, screaming her head off won't help here, whether I am an elf or not.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    things like that.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good point Ael. If you read the story between Gwindolyn and Nimros, you see I was very careful to set up several key ideas.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    And that is an example, also, of where Gwin and I were talking in Im about information the drow, which I did not reveal IC
Lihan Taifun:              I don't need to burn down the whole building, just ... knock the cauldron of stew into the fire or something. Besides, if the room fills up with smoke, it might take her mind off me.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  The last form of Godmoding is making the other person do things - or deciding for them.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Yeah, we all know rpers who do that.

Gwindolyn Spiritor walks over to Shawn and slaps him three times and then grabs his face between her hands. She leans in and gives him a big wet kiss. He turns three shades of red. She smiles "Every male is better looking in red."

Shawn Daysleeper:    •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  ROFL
AelKennyr Rhiano:    hahahahah! AelKennyr Rhiano chokes on his water
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              "are drow even capable of blushing?" ? (that's two questions -- physically capable, and psychologically)
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Actually Shawn would turn five shades
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Start listing my RP sins in this emote - other than Shawn really not wanting that emote.
Shawn Daysleeper:    I doubt I would turn 5 shades lol
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    action <--> reaction
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good. Good. If I raise my hand to slap Shawn, likely, he will respond. Even I am fast enough to succeed in the action, he would respond to the action.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    unless he is passed out or dead,
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Even then... Shawn, you are passed out for this emote. Once I post it, please respond.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oh gods, "undead Shawn"
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    no no
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano puts aside the water...he can't choke three times.

Gwindolyn Spiritor walks to the unmoving body. She doesn't bother checking for a pulse as she watched him fall without any explanation. She assumes he must be unconscious - after all, he can't be dead. Her hand moves to slap him hard across the cheek with intention of waking him.

Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano waits patiently.
Shawn Daysleeper:    •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    think about it a moment, Shawn....if you are unconscious...not dead.
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok, then. May I post to the emote as if someone else came to me and I was the downed body?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    give him one more second, please?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    That is a very hard one.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I love doing RP's where I'm suppose to be sleeping or such. I can actually be very active in it.

Shawn Daysleeper rolls over and vomits on her shoes

Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    credit to Siwan lol
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Shawn Daysleeper:    sorry I never rp like that I don't think
Siwan Sandalwood •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  That is a decent response Shawn.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    You did great
Shawn Daysleeper:    thank you
Siwan Sandalwood whispers to Lihan, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

AelKennyr Rhiano:    What should we do next week, everyone? more on rp combat, or is there another topic?
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Next week, are the basic questions for an emote. Things one should think about when constructing an emote.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I would like to see a class of text based combat with weapons, actually.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So far.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes! we have rp fireside discussions every where, I mean. Can we talk about weapons, next time, Gwin?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  And each of our RPer's are getting so much stronger. Very well done. Ok Ael. Weapons it is then.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I have seen such development in the quality of the rp. We get lots of compliments.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    You do!
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              I had a question ... though it is getting late, or I could save the question for next week
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  You can ask it now. If I think it will take a lot to answer, I will save it for next week. PLease ask.
Lihan Taifun:              just wondering how much of the "aimed at ..." and "intended to..." stays in the final notecard, and how much gets edited out as stage directions
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  hmm. Most of my NC's to Ael from Gwindolyn have had very little altering at all. Her RP's with Nimros and Olwe very much almost as they were.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I try to edit for grammar, punctuation, content, continuity, plausibility, adherence to rp guidelines, TOS, and also to prevent godmodding and metagaming.
Lihan Taifun:              but you wouldn't want combat to look too ... I don't know ... you don't want to see the dice rolling, you want it to look natural
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I do
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    In all the time of the fellowship I have returned exactly two notecards because they violated one or all of those things so badly, I could not, in good conscience, post them. That is a very excellent record.
Lihan Taifun:              oh yes, you just never see the OOC comments where we back up and take a section over
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    That is why we do narrative rp notecards. It reads like a story, is not boring like raw chat logs, and it allows us to "fix" mistakes.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles. It really sprang from the fact none of us really liked reading chat logs.
Siwan Sandalwood:   •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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