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May 17, 2011

Nienna Reports to Manwë

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Lihan Taifun and Shawn Daysleeper

Her errand completed, Nienna returns, by way of the spirit plane, to the Blessed Lands, to Mount Taniquetil, home of Lord Manwe, the Elder King.  As she enters the palace, she is aware of the presence of Maiar spirits of the household, who inform her that the lord is expecting her, and may be found on his upper terrace.

The view from the terrace is sublime beyond mortal imagination.  From here one with the appropriate sight -- that is to say, Manwe -- can see across the Ocean, and to the ends of Middle Earth. "Lord of the West, I have returned, as you bade."  The warmth in her eyes belies the formality of her words.

"Lady Nienna, I am grateful for your return. I have heard from my winds that you were on your way. Please sit here and gaze over the lands with me." he gestures to a seat beside him on the terrace.

Nienna sits in the seat he indicates, and looks out into the distance.  Her perceptions are less vivid than his, but it is nonetheless a magnificent view.

The Lord of the West notices the warmth in her eyes. "I trust your task went well, but where is your brother?"

"It went well indeed.  Irmo remained to keep watch over the Teleri king.  Since he escaped from the Shadow once, we are concerned what form the next attack will take.  For surely the Shadow will not rest."

Manwe nods "the shadow will not rest. Irmo is wise to maintain vigilance in Alqualonde. The Teleri king, is he still safe?"

"Yes, when I left.  All is currently quiet in Alqualonde.  Elwing has come there, as well."

"Good, Elwing's return to her relative's land will help in his recovery. But what about his cousin, is Comet safe as well?"

Nienna 's face grows troubled.  "Queen  Comet claimed to be safe.  Though while we were talking, her own guard was busy securing the castle.  War is running throughout the land, and I doubt anyone in the land could be said to be truly 'safe.'"

Manwe frowns at Nienna's report "She is a strong ruler, as is her cousin. Were you able to deduce the cause of the war? Could this be another plot of our fallen brother?"

"If not directly one of his plots, then he is surely making use of it.  The Queen tells us that some among the dragons have been attacking what they call 'those of two legs'.  You knew that some dragons had rejected the Fallen One?"  She looks keenly at the Lord of the West, who always seems to know things none of the other Valar were aware of. "She thinks that the leader of these attacking dragons may be acting on his own -- or that he believes he is acting on his own.  But this entire war makes little sense, and it is easy to imagine the Fallen One behind it."

Manwe: sits in thought for a moment before replying "I have heard that there are some dragons that do not serve the Fallen One, but some of those dragons do not follow the light of Eru." He pauses before continuing "The leader of these fallen dragon could be corrupted by the Fallen One. They would be a difficult force to overcome by the 'two legged Children' and this war could escalate further. Did Comet request aid of her cousin or others?"

"She has in her realm a number of these dragons who do not serve the Darkeness, and I believe they have been a great help in protecting the land from the others.  So the 'two-legged Children' have not been entirely on their own.  She did not mention speaking to her cousin.  We ...," she hesitates.   "I hope we did right ... We asked if there was any help we could give ... without interfering, of course."  She looks up doubtfully at her lord.

Manwe closes his eyes for a moment "the Valar can intefere within the capabilities of the Children. Through their physical representations, we may act. But as the flow of time ebbs by, things change, and I will commune with Eru about the new situations. However, for now, I stand by what I said at the most recent council. Olwe, must be the one to unite the free Children against this new menace."

"She is a wise Queen.  She answered us that she would consult with her cousin Olwe.  Perhaps through him, we may help her, as well as advancing against the Darkness."

Manwe's eyes grow brighter as he hears Nienna "yes, I think it is time for Olwe and Comet to band together. Perhaps you and your brother could help that happen. Together in their wisdom, they could deal with this new conflict."

"That would be well.  We learned one other piece of information.  At least, it was news to me."  She looks sidelong again at Manwe.  "She named the leader of the Darkness 'Nargoroth'.  She described him as one who lived on the spirit plane, and sought entrance to the physical world."  She waves a hand dimissively.  "So much is hardly news.  But she spoke of flowers that were a portal to the realm of this Nargoroth, and those sound very dangerous."

"Spirit plane" Manwe's eyes widen a little "this Nargoroth seems to be connected to the Fallen One. These portals could be gateways into the realm of evil, we must be wary."

"'Nargaroth' may be one name the Children have for the Fallen One.  Or, if not him, one of his followers.  Likely he would wish to return to the World, if he could find a way.  But the idea of 'portals' is quite disturbing."

Manwe nods and his eyes display a slight twitch of concern "these portals as a gateway to a place of evil are indeed disturbing. They ought to be closely monitored."

Manwe stirs from his thoughts "Lady Nienna, thank you for your report. If you would, please return to Alqualonde and see to Olwe's safety. He is to champion the force of light in this crisis. Please send your brother my regards. May Eru bless us with his glory."

"I will do so.  Truly, his safety is of great importance to us."  She stands, and with a last look out over the Great Sea, she vanishes, on her journey back to the mortal lands.

Manwe returns to his thoughts while gazing out over the sea. 'Portals' he thinks. 'How can we preserve the Children with portals of evil in the world?' he thinks as the moan of the waves crash ashore far below.