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May 30, 2011

Fireside Chat -- Text-Based Combat – Breaking Down the Action

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Gwindolyn Spiritor  (teaching)
Beralai Levee            (teaching aid)
Rhûn Darkmoon      (zu.dragoone)
Lihan Taifun            
Shawn Daysleeper  
AelKennyr Rhiano  
Belenos the Bad       (belenosstormchaser.magic)

The general pattern is to acknowledge the previous character's move, and describe how it affects your character and how you react.

Consider how strong/weak your character is at the moment. Consider your limitations and strengths. Consider what is physically possible. Consider where everyone in the room is positioned.

The effects of adrenaline are more complex than we are going to get into at this stage. At the simplest level, everyone would be feeling equal effects of adrenaline, so no one would gain an advantage from it. A more nuanced evaluation is postponed to a later class.

Each emote should cover only as much action as can be done without another character reacting. Break up the action into small enough chunks to give other players time to react. For example, some groups have a rule that “freeing yourself from ropes” requires at least 3 emotes, since it is something that would take time, and your captors would likely notice and try to stop you.

Remember that if you are “tied up” you have probably been searched (with greater or lesser thoroughness, depending on the rp that actually happened). Any items that escaped the search may be out of your reach until after you have gotten untied.

An example of getting out of ropes by abrading the ropes against a rough stone:
   Emote #1: Looking around for a suitable stone.
   Emote #2: Moving to the stone. (If you are in an unguarded cell, this could possibly be combined with the previous emote, since no one is around to notice you looking around. On the other hand, if you are injured, weak, or firmly tied, just moving could be a difficult process requiring several emotes, and likely making noise and/or hurting yourself further.)
   Emotes #3 & 4: Rubbing the ropes against the stone. (This is a slow process, and would take at least two emotes.)
In a real RP, this would be enlivened with the comments and body-language appropriate to your character.

The basic pattern here is:
   setting up for a future action (looking for the stone)
   starting the long-term action (moving to the stone)
   the ability to godmode or avoid it (appropriate breaks to allow other characters to react – not assuming other characters' actions or lack of action)

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Welcome to everyone. Now, we wanted to revisit the discussion on damage in RP.... Welcome Beralai. When you rez, there are seats around, you are welcome to take one.
Beralai Levee sighs, not sure exactly how well he is dressed for such a quick change. I will stand with you.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ael, a quick reminder, where did we leave off last week?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   talking about how to determine damage in text based combat
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol. Any position more specific, Ael?
AelKennyr Rhiano:   actually, no?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok, then. Let us start with an emote and break it down for possible damage options.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Ummmm...that is what got everyone confused last week. Can we please start with basics?
Beralai Levee:            That is the basics....
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  That is hard to do as there are a myriad of options to play though. Let us talk first about the basics of a combat emote then.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   yes, please
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  How to think through what is happening.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   that would be a great help...thank you :)
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  When in a combat, someone makes a move. Let us say, running for a dropped knife. The next person has to acknowledge the move and how it affects them. So perhaps I'm closer, but too weak. I might try to reach for it and fail. When thinking of combat, you need to take into account, what is happening. How strong/weak you are. Your limitations and strengths. And what is possible.
Beralai Levee:            Your position in relation to everything else.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  If I have bled three quarts of blood, I would be dizzy and weak. So to race someone who has not bled across the room, I would not likely make it. Adrenaline can give you a boost from time to time, but both sides would have that same adrenaline going for them - making it a moot point.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But to say it is moot is an oversimplification of what happens with adrenaline.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  However, sometimes you can use it to make things more interesting. I once almost bled myself to death as adrenaline kept me from realizing how hurt I was until I slowed down and collapsed from blood loss.

This is true, Ael. However, with going over the basics, I don't want to delve too deeply into details yet. I think that is how we truly got lost last week.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   ok We did get lost last week...nod, nod, nod.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So let us leave adrenaline as a moot point for now. We can revisit it when we are more advanced in thought.

Also, with combat, you want to keep to only what you would be able to do without a response from another player.
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  If you are doing something, such as trying to free yourself of ropes binding your wrists, that is something that takes time. And has plenty of chance for the other person to catch you in reality.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   And it shouldn't necessarily be accomplished in one emote...correct?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So you would want that to go over multiple emotes. Correct, Ael.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   yes, what you said :P
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Gor has a good guide on that - a three emote minimum.
Lihan Taifun:             freeing yourself from ropes is a three-emote minimum?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Well Lihan, let us think this through. What would you use to free yourself?
Lihan Taifun:             I was just asking whether that minimum applied specifically to freeing from ropes, or whether that applied to some category?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  It is just a good guide. But learning how to think about it might help to answer that question.
Lihan Taifun:             ok
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So if you are tied up, likely, you have been searched. Do you carry any hidden items? Something less likely to be found?
Beralai Levee:            How thorough were they with the search?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Since we aren't emoting this, we will go with decently.
Beralai Levee:            So a knife hidden inside the boots may have made it through, or something tucked away inside the bra or on the inside of the thigh.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  They would have found the boot, that is obvious hiding place.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Does decently mean they were thorough, or that they did not strip search you?
Lihan Taifun:             and could you actually reach wherever your item is stashed. You probably aren't going to pull a knife out of your boot with your teeth
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right Lihan. Now you are thinking.
Beralai Levee:            Not if your feet smell hideous....
AelKennyr Rhiano:   they could still find it but just want to burn it and the boot later. and disinfect their hands
Beralai Levee chuckles," Point taken."
Gwindolyn Spiritor throws a look at Beralai and continues. "So for the sake of moving forward, let us say they found all but a knife on the inside of your thigh. After all, a dwarven thigh is too short for a blade in most people's minds."
AelKennyr Rhiano:   I wouldn't search a dwarf's thigh.
Beralai Levee:            I wouldn't capture a dwarf.
Lihan Taifun:             since this knife is apparently inside my pants, it wouldn't be simple to get out, even if I had my hands free
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  This is true. So what option do you have next?
Beralai Levee laughs," That depends on the fabric of your pants and if you want to keep them in tact."
Belenos the Bad (belenosstormchaser.magic): And how baggy your pants are, for if they were closefitting, surely a knife within would show?
Beralai Levee:            Depends on the type of blade. A simple razor secured with a thin leather strap wouldn't show except perhaps in latex.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Somehow, there is something so wrong about a dwarf in latex. I think it would not improve their disposition.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  O.o
Shawn Daysleeper:   lol
Lihan Taifun:             very wrong
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Eeew! Ok... Not getting side tracked.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Although, fair Lady Dwarf may be quite fetching in such attire...smiles at Lihan.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Lihan, you are a dwarf with a small blade inside your pants, on your inner thigh. Your hands are bound behind your back. You need to get free, what do you do?
Lihan Taifun tries several contortions, on the other side of the computer, trying to figure out what is possible
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  What is your environment? Are there any sharp objects around you?
Lihan Taifun:             good question. sharp objects -- rough metal edges, would be a big help
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  we live in a world where most things are made of wood or stone.
Lihan Taifun:             stone edges might be abrasive enough
AelKennyr Rhiano:   but time consuming.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good. Yes, but now you have an action you are working towards. It would take quite a few emotes to do this one, wouldn't it?
Lihan Taifun:             that would certainly be time consuming, yes
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  One would be seeing looking around for the right stone. Another would be moving to it. I mean, a decent captor would be watching you or would have you in a cage or cell.
Lihan Taifun:             likely, yes
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But the number of emotes would also depend on the overall action, yes?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes. Let's say Lihan is in a cell and no one is there. She can spy the stone and move to it in one emote. But could not go further in case someone was close enough to 'hear something.' She might even pause to listen to be sure no one heard anything. But if she went further without pausing, that would take any options away from another player, making it godmoding.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   right.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So let us say the other player heard nothing and emoted picking their teeth out of boredom.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   lol
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Then Lihan could begin to scratch her way out of the ropes. I would make that at least two emotes long. Allowing the other players a chance to 'hear something' and react.
Lihan Taifun:             yes, abrading a rope is a fairly slow process, and I am doing it behind my back, which won't be the most efficient
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  But the player she is against is really an underpaid draftee who could care less. Now he is messing with his hair, thinking of his date tonight. Then Lihan could choose to give honor to the tedious task she is at and give it a third emote or just move along the story and find her ropes fall apart during the second. Perhaps they were old ropes?

but in this scene, you can see the basics of setting up for a future action (looking for the stone).
The start of a long term action (moving to the stone)
the ability to godmode or avoid it (appropriate stops and starts)
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes, there can be so much more put into this scene. but for the sake of setting up thought, I kept it simple. Lihan, you have shown great humor and sense of character in our short spurts of emoting. Could you see how to put those things into removing your bindings?
Lihan Taifun:             how to write that scene, and include some character?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes. Can you see the possibilities?
Lihan Taifun:             do I get to mutter under my breath, or is that too much like "thinking"?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  That would be very much what a dwarf would do. And it might disguise other noises, like shuffling across the stones.
Lihan Taifun:             stomping very very quietly
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol. Thank you Lihan for letting me use you during this example. You make a great teaching aid.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Yay, Lihan! She has a great character
Lihan Taifun:             um, thank you, I guess
Shawn Daysleeper smiles
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  But now, I want you to think about one more aspect in this scene. Let us say you were not too brutalized in being tied. Perhaps they got you in a drunken stupor. So they just tied you up and took you away. But you are on the cold ground without food, water or bladder relief for how long? with your arms behind your back. how does that affect your ability to move, supposing dwarves don't have hangovers.
Lihan Taifun:             that would certainly have an effect
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right. This is where we get really thinking about 'damage'. The ropes would have cut into your wrists. You would be dry mouthed and thirsty. Your stomach would compete with your mouth for grumbling.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   and hung over
Gwindolyn Spiritor points Ael to the part where she supposed dwarves don't get hangovers.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  And your bladder would be making a fuss too.
Lihan Taifun:             muscles are cramping up from being in an awkward position
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   even if you didn't get the headache, it does take a toll on the body. the body still feels the effect.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes, Ael, it would. So Lihan hasn't even been beat upon and yet, she has damage to consider as she makes her moves.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   So, the muscles would be "hung over." Sorry I didn't make that a complete sentence a moment ago.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So let's say, that the lightheadedness from the drinking and the lack of food and drink coupled with the urgency to find a bathroom make Lihan less then careful as she moves to her desired target. What might happen?
Lihan Taifun:             (nobody else is talking?) I might make a lot of noise, or trip and hurt myself
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right.
Rhûn Darkmoon blushes, (("My apologies, my Lady but I find this enthralling'))
AelKennyr Rhiano blushes...or she could soil herself.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Rhun, let us give Lihan a break. Let us pick on you a bit. Given the same scene. You are hungover though. As you move along and fall. Tell me about the outcome of that.
Shawn Daysleeper:   which would make a stench
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ael, very good point. And very real.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   and be uncomfortable
Shawn Daysleeper:   and be noticed
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Not right away Shawn. If you have babies around in RL, you know it takes a bit of time for that to be smelly.
Lihan Taifun:             but the guard might then be more careful how he grabs me
AelKennyr Rhiano:   But if she had a lot to drink...depending on what she drank... It could prove aromatic?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  lol. Ok, now we are picking on details we would have to actually RP to get.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   lol
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  but yes, those are things that could be picked out.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Back to Rhun....
Rhûn Darkmoon thinks a moment
AelKennyr Rhiano:   back to Rhun...
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Rhun, let us give Lihan a break. Let us pick on you a bit. Given the same scene. You are hungover though. As you move along and fall. Tell me about the outcome of that.
Rhûn Darkmoon:      'If I were to stumble and fall, I would be hard put to not cry out, I would think for the floor would be hard and I would be unable to break my fall with my hands. I might also scrap skin, swear at that."
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  What about bruising? Soreness beyond the moment? Perhaps a limp?
Rhûn Darkmoon:      "these are all things that could reveal my actions to the jailors, so I'd have to pause in the emoting to allow them to respond.'
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Very good.
Rhûn Darkmoon:      "As the scene is in the 'now' rather than say half an hour, or an hour's time, then the bruising would not be immediately apparent, although the pain, as expressed by my cry, grunt, swearing or whatever I choose to do, would express that pain'
Rhûn Darkmoon looks up at you, 'Do you require any more?'
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Often in a remote, you can hint at later. Such as "falls and bangs her knee hard to the floor. She is hard pressed not to cry out loudly. She manages to keep it at some quietly expressed colorful phrases. Her knee throbs and she knows already she will have a bruise. She prays she can walk without a limp."
Rhûn Darkmoon:      'With respect, I prefer not to speculate or 'know' things that may or may not occur in the future, during a scene. But we all have our own role play style, no doubt. "
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  In real life, do you not ever know you will bruise?
Rhûn Darkmoon:      At the time I do not think it, in truth. If I hurt myself I am too busy swearing to think 'oh, that might bruise'.. *chuckles ruefully*

AelKennyr Rhiano:   Um...I just got an IM by the person doing the photoshoot of us tonight....if we could stop here for the class tonight...she would like to take pictures of you all for an article on the Fellowship's rp
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok. This is a good spot to stop for tonight.
AelKennyr Rhiano:   Thank you, Gwindolyn, for an excellent class!
Shawn Daysleeper:   thank you Gwindolyn