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May 16, 2011

Fireside Chat -- Text-Based Combat – Weapons

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Gwindolyn Spiritor  (teaching)
Shawn Daysleeper   
Siwan Sandalwood 
Lihan Taifun            
Rhûn Darkmoon (zu.dragoone)
Belenos the Bad (belenosstormchaser.magic)
AelKennyr Rhiano  

Think about which weapons are suited to your race. Also consider that your character will have their own personal preferences, training, and experience.

Ranged” weapons refers to weapons that act at a distance – such a projectile weapons – arrows, slingshot, thrown daggers.

Many sims have a rule that you can only fight using weapons you are wearing on your avatar. (This is one way to force people to pick which weapons they have with them, and stick with the choice. If you have concealed weapons, ask about the local sim policy.) So, for text-based combat, you would want unscripted (no lag!) versions of you weapons, to wear. If you are going to get your weapon out of a closet, or out of your pack, you will need to roleplay the time it takes to do that, giving other players a chance to try to stop you.

Make a notecard of what weapons (and spells) you use, and what magical or unusual items you carry. This helps you remember your character's assets, abilities, and limits, which helps you avoid godmodding. Also it impresses the group leaders, when you turn in a character application, if you already have that notecard ready.

Keep in mind that wielding a weapon, especially a large one, is tiring. No matter what you see in the movies, nobody can swing a two-handed broadsword for hours at a time, or run all day with a full pack. Also, you would realistically need to train with any weapon, before you would be competent at using it. Just because you find a weapon lying around on the battlefield, that does not mean you are skilled with it.

Know the source of your magic's power, and its limitations. Overuse of magic should always have some negative effect.

It is good practice to mention in your emotes any unusual items you are using, early in the roleplay, and when someone new joins the scene. (You don't want people saying, at a critical point, “Hey, where did that come from?”)

{Siwan's comments removed at her request 6/18/2011}
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Welcome if you desire. This is combat RP. Lihan, remind me which lesson we are on tonight, please?
Lihan Taifun:              weapons
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right, Lihan.

{Distractions. More arrivals.}

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Alright, this week's class is weapons. Each race has special adaptions to certain weapons. Of course there are exceptions and so on, but those are case by case.

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So does everyone here know what weapons are best suited to their race?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes
Belenos the Bad:        heh.. well yes, considering I'm dragon.. but I"m hear to learn about how it affects others
Daimonas:                   I prefer a single blade, shaped like a half moon, thrown like a disc...but yet to come across it yet *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:    something along the lines of a scimitar?
Daimonas:                   Similar, the blade at least...
AelKennyr Rhiano nods
Shawn Daysleeper:    I know a sister British Commonwealth country that has those hehe
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oh, really? That's interesting
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  What he describes is not quite a sword, Ael, more like a deadly frisbee.
Daimonas nods to Gwindolyn, "Aye"
AelKennyr Rhiano:    ook
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Look up old episodes of Xenia: Princess warrior. She had a duel set.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    no, no, I know what you mean now.
Daimonas:                   Nice memory. Xenia rocks lol
Gwindolyn Spiritor winks "I'm pretty good at that."
Lihan Taifun:              I would go with axe, or anything heavy
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes, axe and hammer are very common in dwarven armories.
Daimonas:                   For for now, the long sword suits me well..elven made of course *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:    So...then Lihan would have "an axe to grind."
Lihan Taifun grits her teeth
Shawn Daysleeper:    lol
Belenos the Bad (belenosstormchaser.magic) rolls her eyes
Daimonas snickers and tilts his head, "Shall we continue?"
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good, we are doing well. Drow tend to favor crossbows with poison darts. duel blades - two swords usually. Women are granted priestess powers from the goddess, they can have magic and often have whips. We carry daggers so often, we forget we wear them. And most times we have various things hidden about our person that range from interesting to deadly.
Siwan Sandalwood: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Belenos the Bad:        don't mer use tridents? or is that in other stories.. :)
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Belenos the Bad:        ah.. :)
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Define "ranged," please?
Daimonas:                   Makes sense, since it is a water element...would be difficult to shoot fire *gins*
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Lihan Taifun:              "ranged" weapons are distance weapons, like arrows or thrown knives
AelKennyr Rhiano:    thanks, Lihan.
Siwan Sandalwood: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Daimonas chuckles, "I prefer to stay warm, thank ye though"
AelKennyr Rhiano:    you throw sea urchins?
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
AelKennyr Rhiano:    poor things
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Ok, back to topic. Most sims will not let you even RP with something you have not rezzed on you. So if you do not wear your swords, you cannot RP using your swords. Unless you have a good excuse, like you are in your home and you have them in your closet. But even then, you have to take the time to RP getting to the closet and getting them out. And that would most likely be a two to three emote event as you have to give them due chance to stop you.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Rezzed on you meaning it is directly on your person at the time you arrive?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Wearing them on your back - for example. Or off your hips.
Lihan Taifun:              so does that mean I need to find an unscripted axe? All the ones I have are so heavily scripted
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  There are often unscripted weapons to be purchased. Partially for decorating purposes. And some for builder purposes. Gor is good for such props.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Why would Lihan need unscripted weapons? I think I missed the reason.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Now, I rarely wear my sword as Gwindolyn is rather inept at the blade by drow standards. {For this class, she is wearing the sword, across her back.}
Rhûn Darkmoon listens with interest
Lihan Taifun:              why would I need a scripted one, for text combat?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    ok...I thought there was another reason, and I had missed the explanation.
Daimonas expresses a confused look
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Lihan wanted an unscripted weapon as for combat RP, you don't need scripts and it saves lag.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    yes, and quite wise she is. I'm sorry. I really thought I had missed another purpose for it.
Daimonas nods in agreement, "That would make sense."
Belenos the Bad:        a consideration that is always appreciated by sim managers
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Absolutely!
Shawn Daysleeper:    yes
Daimonas:                   They have their ways of tracking those certain abusers down. *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:    That's because they can't run very fast with all those scripts causing all that lag.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  So once you know the standards of your race along with your unique quirks, make a notecard to standardize your weaponry. When you do a character interview for new sims, you can quickly hand over the NC for their review. It also helps keep godmoding down to a minimum.
Belenos the Bad:        Yes, and that is important

Daimonas:                   I like your weapon designs Gwin, i assume you made them?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  No. a friend of mine made this for me. Gwindolyn Spiritor grins with memories of this friend.
Daimonas:                   Ah nice.

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  When I first came to the 4th age, Ael was impressed that I had all my abilities, weaknesses and weapons outlined on NC's already to hand out. It made it easy for them to see I knew my character, her limits, her abilities and her weapons. It standardizes me too. Keeps me from overreaching myself.
Belenos the Bad:        Quite the good little cleric you are, Gwin.. *grins*
Gwindolyn Spiritor shoots a smirk at Belenos "good? I prefer devout. Serving a chaos Goddess and all..."
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I was impressed. And we do have 4th Age Combat character cards to give people to fill out before any large scale conflict to help with things.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I have not stepped outside of my outlined abilities either, except that I think I have gained in clerical abilities. The whole summoning a deamon thing. I think that is a level 7 ability and I gave you up to level 6? But that was over a year ago, so some character growth is expected. Just not instantly.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I don't call those. It is up to our gamesmaster, Sakura Easterwood, to make those calls.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  And I have NC's to show I was learning to summon a deamon before I even came to the 4th age.
Belenos the Bad:        The thing with weapons that I have found is that while some may know what ones they should use, and can even describe them in loving detail, few really appreciate the reality of wielding such a weapon, the drain on the strength and energy they take
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Yes! And they take blows that should cripple them and barely break a sweat.
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Belenos the Bad:        They seem to think they can wield a weapon all day with no ill effect
Lihan Taifun:              and take up a new weapon they have never used, and be instantly proficient
AelKennyr Rhiano:    nod nod nod
Belenos the Bad:        yes
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I will count in adrenaline and damage with how things go. These are considerations.
Daimonas looks to Belenos with a smirk, "You mean i cant wear a giant axe on my back while wielding a double edged spike and running like a wolf into the forest?"
Siwan Sandalwood:  •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Belenos the Bad:        alas, no Daimonas.. *grins*
Daimonas:                   hehe
Belenos the Bad:        not to mention the giant axe on your back will get caught up in the brambles.. :D
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oh, I like, "Legolas did it in the movie!"
Daimonas:                   Haha Ael
Belenos the Bad:        his was probably plastic.. lol
AelKennyr Rhiano:    So many things I could say to that....blushes

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  When you get your character, you do have to understand how skilled they would be for their background, race, and training. Such as drow are a warring race, constantly preparing to defend or attack their neighbors. So they are in training from the youngest of ages. So most drow are proficient in blades. My drow, however, was put into the temple very young - didn't get all that blade training. She isn't terribly good with a blade. She is good at throwing things though. lol. Hence all the daggers you see and don't see on her person.
Belenos the Bad:        so here again, how does one hide a multitude of sharp daggers without harming oneself.. especially when one sits, or accidentally stabbing someone in a hug
Daimonas:                   Special pockets :)
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I keep three throwing knives in my boots.
Daimonas:                   bag of pulled out a horse from mine ;)
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Technically....pockets on strictly authentic medieval sims would not be allowed. Pockets are the invention of the Renaissance.
Belenos the Bad:        but don't they chaff when you run? Hell, even a little stone in my shoes irks me
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  No. My extra dimensional pocket holds vials. That way, they don't get crushed.
Lihan Taifun:              :P
Daimonas nods at Ael's correction, "Ye be right there."
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  There are sheaths on the inside of my boots for them, Belenos. Saved my leg once too.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    So again, it would depend on what the rules of the rp allow and the theme, right?
Belenos the Bad:        ok..
{... History of pockets.... How Gwindolyn once almost got her foot cut off....}

Gwindolyn Spiritor:  are there any questions on weapons so far?
AelKennyr Rhiano:    But again, you would put all those hidden weapons on your character notecard?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  They are there. They are standardized. Because I deal with hidden weapons, I make sure to keep them the same and constant.
Daimonas:                   Do you go into detail on how many and location of each?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes.
Daimonas:                   ah k
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I even list the magical items I wear. such as the gem that covers my eyes so I can stand that horrid inferno in the sky.
Daimonas:                   That would be i imagine most sims dont allow alot of magic, because of lag?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I don't often wear gems as they are too small to see on an avatar anyways.
Daimonas:                   ah
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Or I will have them worked into a ring or such. So I work them into my emotes early on. And I will put them in again if someone new joins.
Daimonas:                   sweet, good for background :) Been meaning to learn SL macros for such, help with background and mood setting
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Right. So for instance, If I were entering this gathering for the first time.....
Gwindolyn Spiritor walks into the overly bright white marble structure. A fire offers both burning light and warming heat. She winces at the brightness and whispers a word of power to activate a gem on her collar. Instantly, a dark cloud creeps over her eyes, obscuring them and blocking the light until she can see with ease.
Daimonas:                   Oh you mean those arent bandannas over your eyes? *chuckles*
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  haha.
Belenos the Bad:        one would have to be careful with magic though, as well as weapons, that they do not prevent one from being vulnerable to the usual weaknesses of one's race. For reality in the role play there must be some limitations to what one can do.
Daimonas:                   I actually did wonder about i know
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes. A gem on my collar is something someone can steal. Or can dispel
Daimonas nods
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Or any number of things to counter it. Much like sunglasses for humans.
Belenos the Bad:        and does it's power ever run out or lessen?
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Good question. I haven't ever been in a situation where it has been on long enough to think on that. But presumably, if I were caught on the surface, in the light, for extended periods of time, It would have limitations. I just haven't had to go there. lol.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Someone once told me that it was very important to state and to understand the source of the magic's power...
Belenos the Bad:        Yes, I think that is wise, Ael
Daimonas:                   Yeah..True Ael, specially in realms where magic acts different...
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Or to have a bit of fun, it is a bought trinket with some things unknown. Gives an element of -uh-oh' to the RP
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Because if you yourself are providing the energy for the magic, then the limits of that magic and duration is much different than if the energy sprang from an external force, like a god or goddess
Shawn Daysleeper:    the source of the energy for the magic may need t be identified too. ya Ael hehe
Daimonas:                   And you use too much of your self in magic, your likely to go insane or kill yourself, which ever happens first *grins*
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Very true. However, often people bought trinkets then without full understanding of such issues. Or those things were simply glossed over by the merchant.
Belenos the Bad:        still, I would think a wise practitioner would hardly use an item with unknown qualities and abilities
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  I have left myself so weak as to almost not be able to stand up. I put a forcefield around me as I couldn't even walk. It is a level 1 spell and took the last of my energy.
Belenos the Bad:        otherwise it lays open the option of 'oh my, guess my little stone will let me escapes whatever you want to do to me. '.. and godmodding ensues
Gwindolyn Spiritor laughs "Drow have many things said about them. Wise is not really one of them."
Daimonas:                   hehe
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  This is true, but I prefer it to have other issues. I like having little problems to overcome, like the gem leaves her blind when overused or something of that sort.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    I think we have come to a good stopping point. I am glad we had so many new faces tonight. For their benefit, let me explain...
Belenos the Bad:        or perhaps the shadow it casts over her eyes lingers when she returns to her own realm after using it, so that her sight IS diminished there.
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Yes, I was about to wrap it up as well. I don't want to start the next segment this week.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    This is a fireside discussion...a lot more relaxed that a traditional lecture or class. Everyone is always welcome, and invited to speak up and participate :)
Belenos the Bad:        From what I understand of magic or weapons when one uses them for one's benefit there is always the negative outcome as well in some form
AelKennyr Rhiano:    oops, sorry, Belenos...forgive me.
Belenos the Bad:        its fine.. I'm a slow typer.. lol, please, carry on
AelKennyr Rhiano:    no, no, please
Daimonas:                   Depends of the source Belenos, I think...but IC actions do usually lead to IC consequences, if that what you mean.
Belenos the Bad:        well, my understanding of weapons and magic is this, if you use it, it tires you.. you are not an indefatigable being.
AelKennyr Rhiano:    There should be a personal cost of some kind, either direct or indirect.
Belenos the Bad:        yes
Daimonas nods
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  That will be more next week. Figuring out damage.
Belenos the Bad:        excellent
AelKennyr Rhiano:    Thank you, very much, Gwin
Daimonas:                   Cool
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  Damage done by what you use or what is used on you.
Shawn Daysleeper:    thank you Gwindolyn :)
Lihan Taifun:              thank you
Daimonas:                   Thanks Gwin and Ael...great sesson, enjoyed it
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  You all are doing quite well. I'm very pleased with the depth of questions.
AelKennyr Rhiano:      Hope we see you both back next week, Rhun and Daimonas
Gwindolyn Spiritor:  It shows understanding of the topic and eagerness to learn.
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