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March 9, 2011

A Daughter's Concern

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Canelle Nightfire

Earwen stands at the balcony of her father's great palace and sadly watches him leave on his journey to Queen Comet's realm - knowing not what would become of him. Her heart is heavy with concern over the predicament of her father, and also the burden of responsibility he has placed on her as regent of Alqualonde.

As she peers over the market square to the docks, Earwen sees the small procession boarding the seaworthy vessel under the capable captaincy of Nole, the stalwart navigator. He with the great treasure of charts and the knowledge of his forefathers to speed her father on his way to his destiny. She spies also the young swordmaiden sworn never to leave the service of her father. Elenwe, the common sense one. The one who knows just what to do under any contingency.

Earwen looks on with concern as her fathers hands his warm cloak to the musician Apakenwe but smiles when she notices that the musician gives back the cloak and wraps herself in a warm blanket.

Just then, Earwen is startled by the appearance of a bright light and the look of disbelief on the faces of the four on board the ship. She watches as Elenwe, ever mindful of her duty, stands in front of her father in order to protect him from further hurt. It is then Earwen notices the slashes appearing on her father's body yet again. She raises her hand to her mouth to stifle the scream wavering just below the surface. She sees her father holding his head, his hands covering his ears and can no longer hold still at the balcony. Racing back inside the palace, she quickly descends the stairs calling her husband's mariners to join her . They leave the palace and stride purposefully down the walkway to the market place.

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