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March 5, 2011

Phoenix Viewer's Built-In Animation Override

Reducing Personal Script Times Class   

How to Set Up Phoenix Viewer's Built-In Animation Override
information provided by Damien (kyba Fireguard)

This assumes you have a working Animation Override, of the ZHAO type.

"Edit" your AO
Go to the Content window
Drag all the Animations from your AO into the Phoenix folder in your Inventory
On the menu at the top of your Viewer screen, go to Phoenix >> AO
Drop the notecard with you AO information (it may be labled "Default") into the  “Drop a ZHAO II Notecard here” box.
Press the "Reload" button.

If you have more than one information notecard (for instance, if you have several avatars), you will need to drag the current notecard into the box each time you want to change notecards.