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March 29, 2011

"Let No Darkeness ..."

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AelKennyr Rhiano and Shawn Daysleeper

Olwe closes his eyes, and his breathing slows, falling into the regular and steady rhythm of sleep.  As he passes into the deep rest that brings renewal, he enters the dreamtime of Lord Irmo's realm. The skies above are a blue not seen before in the Undying Lands, nor in Middle Earth.  The sweet scent of blossoming trees fills  the gentle breeze which rustles the green leaves.   He crosses the throne room, HIS throne room, his feet making no sound to compete with the song of the birds, the beauty of their music causing the Teleri Lord to stop in his tracks for a moment. There is an sense of peace, a feeling of contentment, and a presence of tranquility, which his recently embattled soul, fëa, drinks down eagerly, swallows greedily, as would a traveller after a great journey across a desert. Slowly, he looks up and sees upon the smaller balcony a figure with dark hair, clothed in white, and hurries towards him, his heart and mind already knowing who he will find, for who else would it be? Olwe kneels.  "My Lord Irmo."

Irmo, Lord of Dreams, turns to the approaching Olwe. He takes his hands and helps him rise. Smiling, he says, "It brings me joy to see you, Teleri Lord. May your heart be free in this realm where darkness can not find you."

Olwe feels the Lord of Dream take his hands and looks up with a joy in his eyes and a smile on his face.  "I thank you, My Lord. Well I know the peace I have now, you and your sister, the Compassionate Nienna, have wrought on my behalf."

Irmo feels the warmth of Olwe's hands. They no longer felt cold as they did before. "I must thank you, Olwe of the Eldest, for you must be at the front of this new darkness. You must preserve the hope of all the Children. Through your sacrifice hope is kindled."

Olwe bows his head at these words, and feels a child run through him at the hearing of them.  He slowly looks up at the Lord of Dreams, the Vala of Visions.  Always he had believed Irmo aloof from the matters of  elves and men, held apart for the duties the Lord of Dreams shoulders.  Now he sees with fresh eyes the great concern this Vala has for the Children of Illuvatar.  The weight of the words are all the greater for the past months Olwe has endured. "My Lord," he speaks, trying to keep to the formality, for he feels "new," and strange, still, recently returned to his body. "I will gladly serve the Will of the Valar. I have always be glad to do so.  But it troubles me, this darkness.  And the Children of Illuvatar have much changed in their time spent in Middle Earth."

Irmo's smile fades slightly. "I... I, too, have changed. I never have personally involved myself in the affairs of the Children. Ever and on the world changes, as a drop of water flows in to the sea, as the mighty mountains wither into the plains. My brethren continue to remain outside the affairs of the world, but my sister and I chose to come here personally." He then looks up and helps Olwe steady himself. "Change is inevitable, but this darkness surely affected you. What, now, are your feelings, and your thoughts of this Voice of darkness? If you would speak of it while so near to your heart?"

Olwe's eyes widen to hear the Lord of Dreams speak so candidly to him, but the touch of Lord Irmo provides stability to his heart as well as the dream world body.  He grows still as he knits his brow, a look of concentration on his face, and his voice is soft, low. "I have never felt so lost, so surrounded by a a blackness so deep, even the darkest cave could not compare." He shudders involuntarily. "I was bereft of the presence of the Valar, which have always been mine to feel, to.."he pauses, looks into the eyes of the Lord of Spirits, and continues, " know, in my heart and in my mind. That I could be torn so from that." He looks away and swallows.

"Olwe of the Teleri," Irmo says gently. "I.. I should not have aroused these evil remembrances of you. Let not this night be clouded with darkness. For you are free. You have been benevolent to your people and I, serving as one of them for a time, felt it within me. Feelings I have never felt before in all these long years. I know you live for your kin and your cousins across the water. This night, however, this night of tranquility and peace is for you."

Olwe bows his head, his eyes moist.  "I would answer anything you put to me, My Lord, and to see my Alqualonde so." He looks up and around him, the smell of the blossoms rich upon the air, the feel of the breeze kissing his cheek. "It brings my heart such peace."

Irmo smiles. "I know you will answer, Lord Olwe, and I will remain near you as long as you will have me, as will my sister." He turns to the breeze as it ripples his long dark hair. "This night, Olwe, I have managed to bring to you one whom had been separated from you for far too long. Let no darkness ever separate you from him again. The moonlight glistens above us, do you not see it before you, my Lord?"

Olwe looks over at Lord Irmo, studying his face, a boyish smile curving his lips.  But as the Lord of  Dreams speaks, his meaning becomes clear, and the Lord of Alqualonde looks up at the moon, draws in a breath and whispers the one name most beloved to him. "Tilion."

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