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March 14, 2011

Estelin Returns

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Shawn Daysleeper and Lihan Taifun

Irmo, Lord of Spirits, now disguised as Estelin, hastily walks back up the hill from the docks towards the palace. His mind is focused on the message he has just received. Ducking around the empty buildings, he hopes his presence was not missed and that his sister Vala Nienna kept up his cover in his absence. He sought her now, looking in the small nooks in the palace before finding her.

Apakenwe hears footsteps, and looks up from the stack of laundry she is folding -- mostly clean linens and blankets and clothes for the king, who continues to bleed at times.  "Brother!" she cries excitedly.  "How did you fare?"

Estelin smiles as he sees his sister. "I fared quite well." He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a vial of crystal filled with a clear, slightly luminous liquid. "A gift from dear Este. She will be arriving personally soon to administer it to him." He holds the vial out to his sister.

Apakenwe reaches out and carefully takes the vial.  Holding it up, it shimmers like liquid light caught in a bottle, and she detects resonances of many soothing energies.  "Este gave you this?  From your gardens?"

Estelin nods. "Lord Olwe must drink some of this elixir before the ritual. While I do not completely understand it's properties, I think it is a powerful remedy to his affliction. How is he now?"

"If Este recommends it, I have the greatest confidence in her powers."  She returns the precious vial, which comes from no mortal realm.  "Alas, he is quite unwell.  He tried to take ship for -- somewhere -- and could hardly walk down to the harbor, even assisted. And then the strangest thing happened.  Just as he and his attendants -- Nole and Elenwe, those would be -- were about to board, Súlisil showed up!  One of your own Maiar, right on the dock in Alqualonde, and perfectly visible! He had a message for the king, from Tilion, telling him to stay here.  I really don't understand it at all.  Of course, it was good that the king wasn't travelling in his condition.  But, whatever is happening back home?"

Estelin takes the vial and returns it to his cloak pocket. "I wonder why he would want to leave his home while in his current condition, but I am relieved Súlisil delivered Tilion's message.  I did not tarry long at home, for I wanted to assure Olwe's gift is safe." He pats his cloak. "But I did stop at Ulmonan to counsel with Lord Ulmo."

 Apakenwe asks, "And what news from the Lord of Waters?"

"The Lord of the Seas bidded me tell him of all that had transpired in Alqualonde since I arrived. I spoke of the Voice, his blood, his verbal arguments with an unseen foe, his proud body being worn down. He said for me to continue on to Alqualonde, but I chose to arrive in disguise on a ship to maintain Estelin's integrity. This slowed my journey, and Unien caught up to me before I arrived here."

"Uinen?"  She frowns in puzzlement.  It is not so unusual for the Lady of the Waves to keep track of ships, but surely there is more going on here.

"Unien, the wife of Osse, delivered a message from Lord Ulmo. It seems that she had been watching these shores for a time and deems that Olwe does not have much time left. Additionally Ulmo said to hasten to Alqualonde with all speed, and I complied as well as I could in this form. But it seems darkness is overtaking other lands. In particular the land of Sylvahara. The lady of that realm, Comet, holds fragile power there. Lastly, Lord Ulmo bid us to secure Olwe, for his time is approaching and only he can sing the notes of the Song of Creation destined for him."

"I fear he is all too right, that Olwe's strength is failing.  And that it would be a greivous loss if he dies now.  It is not good, if danger is threatening other realms, as well.  Darkess is growing, gathering force. You said Este's elixer will bring only partial relief.  Manwe will permit the desperate plan to procede?  He will allow the king to live?"

Estelin bows his head before speaking. He picks up some of the cloth Apakenwe was folding and feels it, He then rubs his own rodes as they seemed to be the same material. He spoke slowly, deep in thought as he caressed the linens. "Lord Manwe, his will is not clear, but there is one other matter I need to discuss regarding Lord Manwe," he finishes looking up at his sister.

"His will is not clear?  But he among us all best understands the will of Eru.  If Manwe does not understand ...."  She trails off in confusion.

"I asked Lord Ulmo if Lord Manwe would question the Great Deceiver. This recent strain of darkness seems to irk of his will. But according to Unien, Lord Manwe has not yet approached Melkor. Why Tilion  has been kept from Olwe is unknown to us, and only known to Manwe himself and to Blessed Eru. But... it seems that Manwe himself gave a great sigh that was felt through out the West, and his eyes were filled with sorrow. I still do not completely understand what this means."

"Nor I.  But if Manwe foresees aught that fills him with sorrow, I have no doubts that the Children will feel it, when it arrives. And perhaps we already see the beginnings. But why -- no, I certainly do not understand Manwe's plans in this.  Surely any evil is the work of that Deceiver , directly or indirectly.  His lies have been abroad for so long that he hardly needs to stir, or spread new lies."

Estelin nods then takes his sister's hands. "I think the best thing we can do is to at the present time is to keep Lord Olwe safe. When Este arrives, we will administer this elixir to him, and with it we administer the hope of the Valar and the Children. After that, it will be time for the ritual, and with it, the ressurection of hope."

Apakenwe sighs, feeling the warmth of her brother's hand.  Such a gesture as the Children use, to comfort one another.  "Yes, you are right.  That is what we must do now.  What comes after, will come, and we -- and the Children -- will face it then."

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