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March 11, 2011

Leaving Vana

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Cinnamon Raymaker

Across the breadth of the entire of Middle Earth, the waters of the world swirled, churning, formed.  Waves rise and fall, the crashing, thunderous sundering sound  chilling the hearts of all the Children of Light who heard, and even the most hardened of  sailors quailed.  Those at sea, babble inchoherent requests for divine help and turn their crafts to what land they can find, seeking to flee coming of a storm that defied comprehension, the electric charge to the air raising the hair on the back of their arms and neck.  Around the coast of Vana, the air came alive with the racuous cawing of birds as they flung themselves into the air and sped inland. A wind whipped up off the waves and hurled itself at the land, dropping the temperature, chiling the heart.

Ulmo was moving through the waters of the world. He was coming to Vana.

Her heart still thunderously pounding through her breast, her breath coming in heaving gasps, Elwing stops short of making her way to the skylet on hearing an even greater cacophony of seabirds and the bellowing and roaring of a thunderous voice carrying across the treetops to the tree fort, calling to her.

As she turns to seek out the source, she sees a huge flock of the seabirds soaring above the beach below, circling around and around - the most animated flock she has ever witnessed in all her long years. Elwing hesitates no longer. She hastily grabs the bundle of garments which she had recently packed and left in the tree fort and scampers back down the ramps to the rope. Quickly scooting to the bottom, she does not spare a glance back as she dashes to the great cloud of birds.

Heading towards the disturbance, she notes Nimros' small skiff lying abandoned, as had the young elf's jacket, filled with apples, been abandoned. She suddenly sees in front of her the most daunting vision of her benevolent benefactor that she has ever witnessed. Magnificent in his green armour, frothy with sea foam, his stern countenance, so beloved yet, at the same time, so terrifying. Never has she seen the Lord of the Seas in this guise, nor in this mood. Elwing senses something is greatly amiss and that the balance of good and evil has again been affected. Fearing that her Uncle may be in grave danger, she bows respectfully to Lord Ulmo and carries out his bidding.

As they roar away from the Island of Vana, Elwing bids a silent farewell to Princess Fur - knowing in her heart she will one day return to Vana to face her innermost fears.