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March 5, 2011

Fireside Chat -- Reducing Personal Script Times

< Class Notes    
class by Belanos Stormchaser

Belenos Stormchaser
Shawn Daysleeper
AelKennyr Rhiano
Damien (kyba Fireguard)
Lihan Taifun
Cinnamon Raymaker
Casandra Shilova
Shawn Daysleeper:       just to warn you, I am totally new at this
Belenos Stormchaser:  I have made up a notecard for folks, so you can pass it on to those who miss this who may be going to be at the ritual role play
Shawn Daysleeper:       I have not worked with the building too much
Belenos Stormchaser:  and that Shawn is exactly why I'm doing this. New or old, there's many things folks don't know that can contribute to their script time. I've tried to keep the explanations as uncomplex as possible, but please feel free to interrupt me and ask questions
Shawn Daysleeper:       ok, thank you

Belenos Stormchaser:  we're it.. so let's start shall we. feel free to ask questions if there is something you do not understand...
We all like to look good and be able to do fun stuff on Second Life.

Unfortunately we are often crippled by lag.
Lag is caused by several things:

* huge textures - textures should be 512x512 to keep loading time to a minimum
* active scripts - both on both on your avatar and on the sim you are on
* individual internet connection speed
* quality of your videocard, processor speed and RAM - this means you can be lagged by avatars or sims with lots of glow, particle effects, water reflections and shadow and lighting.
* view distance setting (the higher the laggier it might be)
* Second Life having a bad day, week, month, year!

NOTE: I have not included ARC, or Avatar Rendering Cost in this list. This is because ARC is no longer valid with modern Second Life technology and modern video cards. It may have been relevant six years or so ago when SL first began, but not today

Today I will deal with what YOU can do to reduce your lag and lag on the sim you are on and therefore for those around you. I will also give a brief summary of what sim owners can do to help reduce lag on their sim.
ok.. any questions so far?

AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes. Many rps still require people to keep low ARC for combat situations....Why is Arc no longer relevant?
Belenos Stormchaser:  because of the changes in technology in Second Life (what they do to make it run these days) and because of the changes in technology in video cards. Unfortunately a lot of the old ways of thinking still prevail and people still cite ARC as relevent.
Lihan Taifun:                 ARC was a good concept, but the formula it uses is no longer a good reflection of the actual contribution to lag
Belenos Stormchaser:  Second life, when it began was very different in its capabilities than it is now... computers back then were very different too
AelKennyr Rhiano:       What is the difference between ARC and Personal script time, please?
Belenos Stormchaser:  ARC is more to do with the visuals of an avatar.. the textures on it and the number of prims on it with textures... so it's more to do with the load those textures put on your viewer and your pc to load....

Script time affects the sim as a whole. Script time is to do with the scripts in the items you are wearing, including huds and radars....
AelKennyr Rhiano:       thank you :)
Belenos Stormchaser:  so as my summary says, there are several causes for lag.. some is visual, some is script time and some is just Second Life having a bad day.. *grins*
any more questions so far?
Lihan Taifun:                 do you want to say a little more about viewer lag vs sim lag?
Belenos Stormchaser:  Viewer lag is more to do with your personal computer and its capablities... sim lag is affected by the items and avatars on it... viewer lag only affects YOUR viewer.. not everyone else's.... sim lag affects everyone on it
Shawn Daysleeper nods
AelKennyr Rhiano:       And you can refer to the lag meter to see which is affecting you :)
Belenos Stormchaser:  Viewer lag can happen because your internet connection is slow, your processor is not fast enough, your video card is not up to 'gaming' standard (which most standard onboard video cards are not, even new ones)... and of course, how much RAM you have

Sim lag I'll cover later... as in what a sim owner can do to reduce lag on a sim. But first I'd like to deal with avatars, as that is something each of us as individuals can do something about.

ok.. all good so far? Anyone confused yet?

AelKennyr Rhiano smiles...I am good :)
Shawn Daysleeper:       yes
Damien:                          i'm good
Shawn Daysleeper:       not confused lol
Belenos Stormchaser:  zyrono? Damien? girls?
Cinnamon Raymaker:  fine thanks
Casandra Shilova:         I think I'm okay
Lihan Taifun:                 great
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok... you can always ask later ..:) now, the next bit

Your avatar - how can it cause lag?

1. Sims are only allocated a certain amount of script time. Homestead sims get 8.500 ms. Full sims get 25.000 ms. This script time has to handle every scripted item on the sim, from animated beds, waterfalls, doors that open and close, scripted vendors in markets, fun things like danceballs, rides, animals that move, etc etc. It must also handle the scripts on your avatar. Once the total script time of everything on the sim, including your avatar (and others) goes over the allocation for the sim, things start getting queued. Pose balls will hesitate before they work. Avatar scripts will hesitate before they work. When things get too bad and your script request is queued for too long, the server can forget it totally. This is when you experience lag to the effect that nothing works.
Belenos Stormchaser:  For example, if you are on a homestead sim, with a script allowance of 8.500 ms and the sim has scripted items on it that take up 4.500ms then it only has 4.000ms free for visiting avatars. If your script time is 1.500, you only leave it 3.500ms spare. You are ONE avatar. But what if there is an event, and say, ten people are there with the same script time as you? 10 x 1.500ms = 15.000ms - nearly double the total allowance for the entire sim! Therefore, it's important that we all learn how to reduce our personal script time. Mine currently is 0.035ms. If there were ten of me on a sim, it would be 10x 0.035ms = 0.350ms. As you can see, this would greatly help the sim, AND your experience there.

If you are a dragon, be aware how much glow you have on as it can lag those around you who have weaker pcs. Also, be aware of what particle special effects you use, as this too can challenge some machines. It may not lag you, but it might lag others. So be balanced in our choices.
now i'll give you time to read that
I have all this information on a notecard which I will give out at the end of today.

Damien:                          cheater..
Belenos Stormchaser:  lol.. cheater?
Lihan Taifun:                 Does the script time also include the time for processing physics, or is that a separate alotment?
Belenos Stormchaser:  physics is separate.
Cinnamon Raymaker:  and how does flexi prims affect everything?
Belenos Stormchaser:  that's to do with rendering rather than script time. In truth today it's not very relevent to lag. again, it's from the old days
Cinnamon Raymaker:  haha then all my computers are redundant
Shawn Daysleeper:       how do I know how many ms I take up?
Lihan Taifun:                 glow is also rendering. particles are rendering
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes... i mentioned it because this first section is general about how your avatar can cause lag... not specifically about scripts.... that's coming up in the next bit i post
Lihan Taifun:                 oh, ok
Belenos Stormchaser:  i mentioned glow in particular because some dragons have their glow set soooo high that even MY pc chugs when i have my cam on them. So i hate to think what they do to older ones
Lihan Taifun:                 I turn off the glow rendering :P
Belenos Stormchaser:  but... the part I'd like you to pay attention to in particular was about the script time allocation for sims
AelKennyr Rhiano:       nod nod nod
Belenos Stormchaser:  they DO only have a limited script time and it's the excessive use of scripted items on an avatar that can lag a sim and cause everyone to experience lag. an average avatar sits at about 0.500ms script time
AelKennyr Rhiano:       and recognize that most sim owners are no better informed than you before you took this class.
Belenos Stormchaser:  oh yes.... very true... sim owners need to be educated.. but so do individuals... while we can't change everyone... we can do our bit.. and as sim owners, so can ael and I

and understand too that script time can vary, depending on whether scripts are actively doing something at the time the reading is taken.. or just running in the back ground...

for example.. Ael's script time was just 0.530... now it's 0.440... so it averages somewhere in the middle..

AelKennyr Rhiano blushes and waves
Belenos Stormchaser:  i can read personal script time because I have estate manager rights here.... the average user cannot read their script time.. but they CAN do a lot to reduce their script time without even seeing it
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Prim miser...script monster lol
Belenos Stormchaser:  hehe
Cinnamon Raymaker:  is there a way of seeing it Belenos? I know estate managers can
AelKennyr Rhiano:       You can read your script count, though. and that can help
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes, you can see your script count... but being aware of what is likely to be scripted when you buy it or first wear it, and what you can do to reduce this can be very useful...
Shawn Daysleeper:       how does script count convert to script time?
Cinnamon Raymaker:  i know some gowns have resize scripts that can bring a sim to a standstill
Lihan Taifun:                 and I have some elf ears that still show as 230 scripts each, even after all the scripts are deactivated
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. if you have one script running that has a script time of 0.010.... that is all the time it takes from the sim script time allocation

but if you have 100 scripts running at 0.010, then your total script time is 1.000, and that is what you are using on the sim. so the number can be very relevant, especially if you are wearing jewelery that has over 200 prims with two or three scripts per prim

which brings us to the next point..

1. Hair - resize scripts, colour change scripts.
2. Jewelery - resize, texture, colour change, glow, shine scripts
3. Clothing - resize scripts
4. Shoes - especially shoes with feet - skin tone change, nail texture, colour change, even shoe colour change
5. Scripted weapons.
6. Radars, Sim scanners, HUDS (dance, romance etc), Emdash, Mysti-tool and Secret Agent HUDS can be VERY high script time.
7. Poorly scripted furry or dragon avatars (Seawolf dragons run at between 0.375ms and 0.547ms and this is with our animation HUD on. Kinzart usually run at between 1.100 and 1.400ms. Others can be much higher.)

I have not listed Animation Over-riders as these are usually very light on script time (that's the only thing causing my script time at the moment.) Nor have I listed Titlers or Spellfire HUDS (for role play) as these again are very light on script time.
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Um....Belenos...actually sf is very laggy?
Belenos Stormchaser:  really? I'll look into that about Spellfire again later, but fox was adamant it was not.. we'll double check now though...
AelKennyr Rhiano:       People usualy wear the hud, the titler and sf it has a cumlative effect.
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes.. that's the problem.. and usually folks wearing those also wear radars, and sim scanners and sometimes magic huds too

AelKennyr Rhiano:       When you look at your script count, it can serve you to ask yourself what exactly are you wearing that is producing those scripts and what is their burden on the sim?
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes... but the good news is, you don't have to not wear them to not be a burden...
I've specifically chosen this outfit today to demonstrate... if you look, you will see I'm very dressy, with LOTS of jewelery and nice hair...
Belenos Stormchaser:  but my personal script time is 0.035ms...

{Arrivals. Greetings. Rearranging seating.}

Belenos Stormchaser:  and you are quite right that sometimes even if you 'deactivate' scripts via the item popup menu they will still be 'active' ... I've noticed that with items I've bought also

so... any questions so far? Have I lost you yet?
Lihan Taifun:                 just the frustration that we ordinary people can't actually access our script times. and knowing the script count is less help than you might think
AelKennyr Rhiano:       I agree. It more like that it is better than nothing.
Casandra Shilova:         how can we be aware of how script heavy we are?
Belenos Stormchaser:  by looking at what you are wearing, or what you've just bought... when I buy a new outfit I take the time to fit it, as we all do.. then I take the time to see if the resizer scripts have a delete option once I'm happy with how it looks... if not, is it mod, so I can set the scripts to not running.......if not, there is something else you can do which I am coming to.. :)
What you can do:

1. Be aware that any new item you have purchased may be scripted. Click on it and select 'edit' and check the 'contents' tab of the edit window. This will usually show you the scripts in the item. The number of scripts does not always equal the level of script time it uses. ONE poorly written script can be much worse than several well written scripts.

2. If your item is copy then make a copy and keep it in reserve if you can. Then, set the item how you want it to be with colour, size etc. When you are SURE you are happy with the item, if it has the option to delete the scripts in it (this usually shows on the popup menu) then delete them. If it does not have this option, but the item is modify, then click on it, and then click on the tools tab on your viewer toolbar , and select 'set scripts to not running in selection'. This will save it as it is currently set but reduce the script time on it to zero. If you ever wish to change the item, you simply have to reverse this step by clicking on it again and selecting 'edit' and then going to the tools tab again and selecting 'set scripts to running in selection'.

The step of setting scripts to not running is much easier than trying to delete each script from each prim on the item.
AelKennyr Rhiano:       How do you know if one is poorly written? Can you tell?
Belenos Stormchaser:  the average person usually can't tell, unfortunately. as a sim owner, I can.. for example, there was a very basic looking dragon on my sim recently... it could not have had many scripts in it. but it's script time was 5.200ms....:O
Lihan Taifun:                 when I try to "set scripts to not running" on a no-mod item, I don't have that option
Shawn Daysleeper:       so each thing I wear has scripts in it?
Belenos Stormchaser:  not everything... but many things do shawn... hair might, and usually does... jewelery often does

section 1. in that last bit i posted shows you how to check. for example, do you think you are wearing anything scripted at the moment?

Cinnamon Raymaker:  hm invisibility script in shoe part of boot
Shawn Daysleeper:       I am not sure
Casandra Shilova:         I know my wings are
Belenos Stormchaser:  Shawn is currently running a script time of 0.330.. so I'd say it's either the hair or possibly resize scripts in the clothing or ears, or a hud or radar

yes, on no mod you cannot set scripts to not running.......and that usually sux.. unless you have a friendly sim owner.. *grins* and that is the next bit we are coming to..
Shawn Daysleeper:       hmmm my hair has 152 [2432K] i think
Belenos Stormchaser:  then it's quite likely your hair that is scripted..:)

btw.. for the record, after this info session is finished I am always happy to help individuals find scripted items on their avatar and help them deactivate these.. so if you are a little lost or overwhelmed now, I am happy to talk to you one on one later.. :)
AelKennyr Rhiano:       wait, please
Belenos Stormchaser:  Ael?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       [19:50] Belenos Stormchaser (belenosstormchaser.magic): yes, on no mod you cannot set scripts to not running.......and that usually sux.. unless you have a friendly sim owner.. *grins*...... please explain?
Belenos Stormchaser:  ahhh, that is the next bit I am about to post... before taking this step though, you must always be sure you are happy with your item and do not want to change its look again. It's good if it's a copy item as you can always keep a back up.. but if it's no copy and no mod, be very sure before taking this step...for example, my jewelery today had the option to change gems in it.. I decided to go with diamonds which go with anything.... if you are happy to then disable the scripts on a no mod/no copy item, this is what you do..
3. If your item is no mod and does not have the option to delete the scripts on the popup menu: The best thing to do in this circumstance is to approach a sim owner for help. Make SURE you are happy with your item setting - for example, if it is shoes with feet, be sure the skin tone is right and the nail colour is right etc. Once the scripts have been disabled in this manner, it will be PERMANENT. Once you are SURE you are happy with it, simply ask a sim owner (I am happy to do this for you at any time) to disable the scripts in your item. To do this, rez your item. They will then need to go to their Region/Estate tools found under the 'world' tab of their viewer. They then to go 'Get Top Scripts' and find your item. They click on the name of your item in the list, and then click 'disable selected'. MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT CLICK 'DISABLE ALL' as this will PERMANANTLY disable everything on the sim!

Most good product makers now include a 'delete scripts' option on their menus. There are some older products on the market that do not, hence the need to either set the scripts to not running yourself, or ask a sim owner to disable them.
AelKennyr Rhiano hangs his head.
BelenosStormchaser Magic giggles at Ael.
Belenos Stormchaser:  a lot to take in, I know... *smile*
AelKennyr Rhiano:       no kidding.
Shawn Daysleeper:       nods
Belenos Stormchaser:  but I've been doing this for months with my scripted items with no ill effects...i've not wrecked anything... and my personal script time is always very low

the good news is, it's not often one has to use step three with new items.... i've noticed a growing trend with content creators to put the option to delete the size/colour etc scripts after you are happy with the item... this is a very good step to see

AelKennyr Rhiano:       So...can you give us an example with one of us as the victim...I mean, Volunteer?
Belenos Stormchaser:  hahaha.. sure... are you volunteering Ael?
Sakura Easterwood: lol
Shawn Daysleeper:       lol
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Sure
Sakura Easterwood: that one backfired :p
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. your current script time is 0.434ms... what are you wearing that is scripted?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       The Mysti-Tool
Belenos Stormchaser:  why are you wearing it?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       I use it for the security and the land tools
Belenos Stormchaser:  what does it do for security and land tools? see, I always like to make sure if something is absolutely necessary or not before choosing to wear it or not
AelKennyr Rhiano looks around..."How much time do we have?"
Belenos Stormchaser:  a summary perhaps?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       ok, for me......I use it for the tp history....where I have preset key locations in Alqualonde and Arador, I could get to in a heartbeat were there a griefer...lazy, but also has land commands that allow me to eject and ban with one touch....I have a choice of defensive and offensive tools in event of a griefing..
BelenosStormchaser Magic nods
AelKennyr Rhiano:       It also allows me to run a scan of the sim, should I need and keeps an on screen radar that I find useful
Belenos Stormchaser:  i see we are all using the phoenix viewer
Cinnamon Raymaker:  which has lots of features :)
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Although Phoenix does now duplicate some of these features.
Belenos Stormchaser:  did you know that you can do all of that with the phoenix viewer? and doubleclick teleport is a beautiful thing.. *grins* the radar on the viewer also has an eject option on it
AelKennyr Rhiano:       you did ask for a "Summary"... yes, My choice of its use is entirely one of familarity and comfort. And I try to remember to detach before I go to other sims.
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes I know... but the point I'm trying to make is that these days many of the features we use extra huds for is now incorporated into phoenix... but.... all that aside, would you like to now detach it, so we can see how much it lowers your script time?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       done
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. that reduced your script time by 0.100... now.. what else do you have on that is scripted
AelKennyr Rhiano:       my hair, my ring
Belenos Stormchaser:  do you need to change either of those?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       no, not my hair....
Belenos Stormchaser:  does it have the option in the popup menu to delete the scripts?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       no, it does not
Belenos Stormchaser:  is it mod?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes!
Belenos Stormchaser:  woot! then you click on it, go to tools, and select 'set scripts to not running in selection'.. :D
AelKennyr Rhiano:       done
Casandra Shilova giggles "sorry, clicked the wrong item"
Belenos Stormchaser:  well done.. now.. what else .. the ring? do you want to be able to change that?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       It has bling....blushes
Belenos Stormchaser:  ohhh.. bling!! the neat thing about bling is that it will keep on blinging even if you delete the script for it, as bling is actually a particle effect.. :D
AelKennyr Rhiano:,I don't want it to bling
Belenos Stormchaser:  ahhh, then you use the 'stop the bling ' script I have.. one moment
AelKennyr Rhiano: already fixed this , yay....that you for the script though.
Belenos Stormchaser:  that way you can delete the bling script and stop the bling... ok then... what else is scripted?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       idk? oh! my hugger. AelKennyr Rhiano hugs his hugger...Nuuuuuu....not the hugger!!
Belenos Stormchaser:  hmmm, ok.. would you mind taking it off for a moment at least so we can see what script time it runs?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Of course :P
Belenos Stormchaser:  ohhhh.. and your EARS... they are scripted.. *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:       EEEEEKKKK!!! AelKennyr Rhiano ear!
Belenos Stormchaser:  plural.. ears.. both.. :P
AelKennyr Rhiano chokes back sobs
Shawn Daysleeper:       awww
Belenos Stormchaser:  and that takes you down to 0.094, sooo.. those ears were the big offenders
Lihan Taifun:                 the ears were worse than the MultiTool? That's amazing.
Belenos Stormchaser:  so, are your ears copy/mod?
AelKennyr Rhiano still sobs for his lost ears
Cinnamon Raymaker chuckles
AelKennyr Rhiano:       no, no mod
Cinnamon Raymaker:  oh dear
Belenos Stormchaser:  now with no ears, the elf is running six scripts... I'd say they are most likely in his AO. ok... do you want to change your ears at all?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes, I bought them for that option
Belenos Stormchaser:  are they copy?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       let me look, moment
Belenos Stormchaser:  sure
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes...they are copy.
Belenos Stormchaser:  woot! then that means you can keep a back up pair to modify if you wish.....but the ones you wear daily, on a regular basis, you can disable if you want to... of course, 0.340 script time is pretty good for an avatar anyway if you just wanted to keep them as they are... but it's interesting to see what we wear that does carry high script times that we dont' realise
Belenos Stormchaser:  what would you like to do Ael?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       good elven ears are hard to find. I'd like to keep them because the store is no longer in business, and I have never found any near as good.
Belenos Stormchaser:  that's reasonable.. after all, if we had 10 of you on the sim, your combined script time would only be about 3.400ms, which is not unreasonable..
AelKennyr Rhiano:       :)
Belenos Stormchaser:  our mythical sim i mentioned at the start would still cope with you
and I'd like to applaud Dmaien and Shawn.. both of their script times are around 0.350ms...
Casandara is 0.058..
Shawn Daysleeper:       yay :) Shawn Daysleeper:       blushes
Belenos Stormchaser:  lihan is 0.030.. just an AO I suspect
Damien:                          how do we check it? i want to see what my huds do later
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Do let me add to all, that a good sim steward or security could do their job without Mysti-Tool or any other hud...and when I taught that when I taught security....
Belenos Stormchaser:  and Cinnamon is 0.024
Lihan Taifun:                 just an AO, yes -- I love Phoenix viewer
Belenos Stormchaser:  I am currently 0.019 and zyron is 0.018
Cinnamon Raymaker:  beleonos does it change when i turn the ao on?
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes it will. mine is currently off which is why it's so low. but it doesn't go up much.. only to about 0.035 when on..
Damien:                          mine too
Cinnamon Raymaker:  can you tell me what it reads now please?
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. one moment
Lihan Taifun:                 does anyone know how to work the built-in AO on Phoenix viewer?
Damien:                          i do
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes
Belenos Stormchaser:  now you are 0.044 cinnamon, which is literally negligible .. :)
Cinnamon Raymaker:  thanks
Damien:                          and me now?
Belenos Stormchaser:  so ok.. other than the obvious,
4. Refrain from wearing Radars or HUDS that are really unnecessary. Don't just load them on your avatar as a matter of habit. It's ironic that it's often the folks with the highest script times that complain the most about lag!
Shawn Daysleeper:       ok, I turned my ao on, did mine go up?
Casandra Shilova:         I"m afraid to ask, I just turned on mine
Belenos Stormchaser:  we will now move on to look at briefly what sim owners can do to help YOU...
Belenos Stormchaser:  one moment I'll check them
Damien:                          i think we all turn ours on
AelKennyr Rhiano puts his ears back on and sits
Shawn Daysleeper:       I did not know mine was off until just now
Cinnamon Raymaker stifles a giggles
Shawn Daysleeper:       hehe, yay Ael is back to an elf
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yay!
Belenos Stormchaser:  hehe.. he looked decidedly odd without his ears.. :D
just giving them a moment to become fully active. when something is first turned on all the scripts run to 'set up'.. which can give an unfair reading...
Damien:                          wonders what his teleport hud does to lag.
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Those are by repurtation lag producers.
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. casandra is now 0.171... and Damien is 0.519
Cinnamon Raymaker is glad she has a list of tps in her folder
Damien:                          i put it together myself
Casandra Shilova:         yike ! I use Huddles
Shawn Daysleeper:       oh I have a hugger on
Cinnamon Raymaker:  awwwwww hehehe
Damien:                          oh wow i forgot i had a hugger and a pouncer on
Cinnamon Raymaker:  LOL
Belenos Stormchaser:  your overall script time is 0.376 at the moment shawn... not really something to worry about
Shawn Daysleeper:       ok
Belenos Stormchaser:  LOL Damien.. see, this is why I put BE AWARE in the notecard.. *chuckles*...
Shawn Daysleeper:       thank you
Damien:                          and a chimera and translator
Cinnamon Raymaker:  hahaha
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yikes!
Damien:                          lol wow i'm bad
BelenosStormchaser Magic looks at Ael.. there WAS a particular elf who used to run about 1. 300 most of the time.. but he seems to have reformed
Damien:                          and i was still low
AelKennyr Rhiano:       nod nod nod
Cinnamon Raymaker:  Ha ha ha ha - he he he!!! =D
AelKennyr Rhiano:       hahahah
BelenosStormchaser Magic grins
Shawn Daysleeper:       was that me?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       No idea who you are talking about....
Belenos Stormchaser:  no, not you at all Shawn.. *glances at Ael again*
Cinnamon Raymaker:  hehehe
Shawn Daysleeper:       ‚ú¶‚úßHaHaHa‚ú¶‚úß oh
AelKennyr Rhiano gives a wide eyed innocent look at Belenos.
Shawn Daysleeper:       awww
Damien:                          i wonder how low mine would be if i took off all that stuff i forgot i had on
Cinnamon Raymaker:  hehehe
Belenos Stormchaser:  now you are about 0.441 Damien
Damien:                          wooo my ao sucks :D going back to the phoenix ao
AelKennyr Rhiano:       The time she is referring to...I had on a builder's hud...Mysti-Tool, a diiferent AO, hair, a hugger and scripted boots. Man, did she bust me!
Belenos Stormchaser:  not to mention your avatar has scripts in it to make it 'move'... like your ears are twitching.. your jaw moves when you talk.. some just can't be removed... and your script time at below 0.400 is more than acceptable..
Shawn Daysleeper:       smiles
Belenos Stormchaser:  hahaha... and you were on MY sim I think too.. *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:       yes, you tped me to a dance at the fort, and Forgot to take stuff off.
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes.. *grins*
Damien:                          oh ya well watch this i can make it drop like a rock lol
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. let's see what you do Damien. what did you do?
Damien:                          took off the script hoggers i forgot i had on
Shawn Daysleeper:       is it possible to take script time to zero? down to zero?
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes... if i were to take off my ao, which is now the only scripted item I have on, it would be zero
Shawn Daysleeper:       ok ty
Belenos Stormchaser:  but then you walk like a penguin.. *grins*
AelKennyr Rhiano:       hahaha
Damien:                          hows mine now? :D
Belenos Stormchaser:  0.218... :D
Belenos Stormchaser:  the script time of an AO is very low impact..
Damien:                          oh really? i got phoenix to help me with that

Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. shall we pick on the sim owners now, and see how they affect our time here on Second Life?
AelKennyr Rhiano:       you already did!
Belenos Stormchaser:  oh yes... very useful that.. *grins at Shawn*
AelKennyr Rhiano:       lol
Cinnamon Raymaker:  hahaha
Belenos Stormchaser:  

Wise sim owners manage their sims carefully.

1. Limit the number of textures on it - eg. Arador only has two or three types of trees, so once the texture of one is loaded of that type, all load. Your viewer isn't trying to get two dozen tree types to load. This also applies to buildings. Try to limit how many different textures are on your sim. For example, while arador has just over 10000 prims on the sim, not all of those are on ground level. Some are in the market, and some are in sky islands. So when an avatar comes to the sim or market, they are not trying to load 10000 textures at once. They are only trying to load what their viewer can see. If a sim has all those 10000 prims on one level, then the viewer will be trying to load all 10000 textures at once. Keeping texture size to a maximum of 512 x 512 helps also. The bigger the texture the slower they are to load.
AelKennyr Rhiano:       LP
Shawn Daysleeper:       smiles
Belenos Stormchaser:  prims and texture size...
AelKennyr Rhiano:       explain texture size, please?
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. textures are made a certain size.. any image is really
when you browse the internet you will see small images and sometimes ones that take up nearly your whole screen. the bigger the texture size... the slower it is to load... for example... second life recommends textures be 512x512... that's it's size.. if you get a texture taht is double that, say 1024x1024, it is clearer, but slower to load
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Can you import textures that are bigger?
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes you can.. some texture retailers even sell textures that are bigger
Lihan Taifun:                 is there any way to tell how big a texture is, after it is already uploaded into SL?
Belenos Stormchaser:  some malls with advertising require poster textures to only be 512x512 to reduce texture load times
Belenos Stormchaser:  yes, you click on it in your inventory and open it.. it has the size on the bottom left hand corner.. the one I just clicked has Dimensions 512x512
if you buy a build, a house or castle for example it's impossible to know what size textures were used on it... but if you are building yourself, you can monitor your texture sizes..
if you like a texture and it is too big, you can actually download it to your computer and resize it to 512x512 in a graphics program is you are familiar with using them. it's something a conscientious builder takes into account...
AelKennyr Rhiano:       nod nod nod
Belenos Stormchaser:  and don't forget too the variety of textures... which is often associated with the number of prims within cam range. some sim owners clutter their sims with lots of prims that are very different textures... you might be ok when you first get there but after being there for a while you will feel more and more lagged as your viewer tries to load and keep loaded all the prims and textures
it is one of the sneaky tricks I use on arador.. I keep the landscape simple, with some big trees of the same texture filling it.. less prims, less textures makes it easier on my visitors
Lihan Taifun:                 "lots of different textures" - almost the definition of a mall
AelKennyr Rhiano:       or a forest, or a palace
Belenos Stormchaser:  oh yes.. which is one of the reasons malls are often quite laggy
AelKennyr Rhiano:       fantasy sims can be notoriously laggy because of this.
Belenos Stormchaser:  i will often go shopping, but after a while my pc starts to chug, even just camming around.. yes, you are right Ael.. This is not to say they should not have nice decor... but be careful how it's used.. clutter is basically a killer..
AelKennyr Rhiano:       nod nod nod
Belenos Stormchaser:  ok.. now.. the big demon.. sim script time.. *grins*
2. Be aware of the script time of items you put out on the sim. Poseballs should never run higher than 0.004, for example. What's the script time on your flower rezzer or butterfly rezzer? What about your scripted season change trees? Or your huntable animals? Or that cute gazebo with sits, fire, texture change, and danceball in it? What about that lovely grass that emits thistledown or butterflies and has lovely nature sounds. Do the scripts have to be in EVERY piece of it? OR will just one or two suffice?

Did you know that things that run particle effects, like fires, will still work once the scripts are removed? This is true too of snow makers and rain makers, or fog emitters. Did you know that texture animation scripts can be removed and the texture will stay animated?
again, the script time of objects will vary depending on the activity in the item ... at the moment Ael's U-Know table is about 0.072ms... and his bed is about 0.027ms.... constant.. not curently in use. the script time of his swans vary depending on what they are doing...

There have been some sims I've been to, empty, where there is already no free script time.. One i visited recently was like that and it was about to host a wedding!! it was no surprise that everyone lagged on the day...

so if you want your visitors to enjoy your sim, keep the script time of items you have out as low as possible. That keeps the most spare script time available for avatars that you can and makes it a nice place to visit
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Like Alqualonde :))
Belenos Stormchaser:  exactly... :)

Lihan Taifun:                 we never got an answer about whether physics comes out of the same reserve as script time
Belenos Stormchaser:  sorry.. I did answer and it got lost
Lihan Taifun:                 ooops
Belenos Stormchaser:  no, it's different.. script time is a thing all to itself
Lihan Taifun:                 ok
Belenos Stormchaser:  physics can cause lag sometimes, but it depends.. if you have an unreasonable amount of collisions happening on a sim it can lag it... it's why we always have our huntable animals on the ground, rather than in a sky area.. they collide too much with the floor of the sky area and create an unreasonable amount of collisions.. but usually it's not a problem on a sim
Cinnamon Raymaker:  Thank you Belenos
Belenos Stormchaser:  Now I think I've held you all prisoner long enough.. There's a couple more points at the end of that notecard about what sim owners can do to help us that you can read..
Zryonotralionxus:         Yes, thank you greatly for your time and efforts
Belenos Stormchaser:  for the record, my information was compiled from personal experience, and advice from two of the best scripters on Second Life - fox and stickman Ingmann
AelKennyr Rhiano:       Thank you for the class, Belenos :)
Belenos Stormchaser:  you are most welcome..
AelKennyr Rhiano smiles
Lihan Taifun:                 yes, thank you
Casandra Shilova:         thank you. It has been very informative „ã°
Belenos Stormchaser:  I know at the start it can seem overwhelming to learn.. and to do... but bit by bit you can make a difference to you avatar, and then it becomes second nature
AelKennyr Rhiano:       nod nod nod
Belenos Stormchaser:  if anyone needs any clarification on anything at any time, don't hesitate to contact me.. :)
Lihan Taifun:                 we will just be constantly be bugging you for reading our script times :)
Belenos Stormchaser:  oh that only takes a few seconds.. I don't mind at all.. *smiles*